Pro-Ject Headbox SEII
Oct 13, 2008 at 12:22 PM Post #31 of 35

New member here and only recently getting into audio at all, let alone headphones. Sorry for the long-winded post, but it's my first one here. After the next paragraph, feel free to skip the rest, it's just background

I was wondering how the Head Box SE II might compare to the Headroom Micro Amp. They are priced within $50 of each other, and although I already have Project stuff, it's hard to find reviews and the price difference is only $50 or so, whereas I've read good things about the Micro Amp here and elsewhere.

I mostly listen to vinyl through HD600 headphones, but my current setup is in dire need of upgrading.

I have a Project Debut III turntable + Phono Box SE phono stage (original, not II) but my integrated Denon amp is frankly not up to the task. Just for kicks, I ran the music using a Rotel RC 1070 pre-amp as a headphone amp, and the difference was so great that I can't bear to use the Denon anymore.

Although the Micro Amp is more consistent with what I would like to spend, after looking through Headroom's site, I've been itching order a Ultra Desktop Amp so I could delay upgrade-itis and also use the DAC to get better sound from my computer.

I would like to make a decision soonish before analysis paralysis might set in. Any advice appreciated.

Dec 27, 2009 at 5:52 AM Post #32 of 35
Follow up:

I added an Ayre QB-9 DAC to my setup and I don't think I can recommend this Pro-Ject SEII headamp any more. The dCS and Ayre have dramatically different sounds through speakers, but with this headphone there is a bottleneck that makes them both effectively sound the same.

In addition, I find this amp too unrefined and harsh for long listening sessions. The detail and sparkle is there, but the presentation is cold and brittle.

For the price, it is a fine amp, but if you are into high-end audio you'll want something more refined. I am considering a Lehmann.
Jun 22, 2012 at 9:18 PM Post #34 of 35
Update: This amp is being replaced with the new Bryston BHA-1. I may sell this amp.
Jun 23, 2012 at 3:36 PM Post #35 of 35
Follow up:

I added an Ayre QB-9 DAC to my setup and I don't think I can recommend this Pro-Ject SEII headamp any more. The dCS and Ayre have dramatically different sounds through speakers, but with this headphone there is a bottleneck that makes them both effectively sound the same.

In addition, I find this amp too unrefined and harsh for long listening sessions. The detail and sparkle is there, but the presentation is cold and brittle.

For the price, it is a fine amp, but if you are into high-end audio you'll want something more refined. I am considering a Lehmann.

this was one of my first amps, and definitely noticed it was rather grainy in the midrange and highs. works well with hd 650s, but  might not be a good choice alltogether. its still a decent amp though, small, decent power, and detailed. 

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