Pearl Jam - Ten reissue 'issues'...
Mar 25, 2009 at 2:11 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 20


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 8, 2009
Major release and not one thread yet?

Well I'll start: What's up with the sound quality? The remastered CD sounds good but not great. However, the remix CD... wow, loudness and weird layering of instruments. The layering wouldn't be so bad if only it didn't change mid song! For example, listen to Once or Black: listen to the transition from bridge to chorus and you'll hear a shift in focus of sounds. IMO, it sounds horrible and fake, like there's no real definition in instrument placement. Blergh.

Alright, I shouldn't be complaning because at least the remastered CD is already a slight step up from the "arena" original CD (and remix shmemix, I had no real expectations for that). But here comes the kicker: on Alive, around the 0:27 mark, the sound takes a sudden dip! It goes from sounding full to sounding low and compressed in a split second and stays like that for the rest of the song! What the hell!!!

This is the only thing that keeps this remaster from being "good". Now it's just ruined by an issue that shouldn't be present on a major release like this. Or is it just my copy? (one can hope...)

Anyways, discuss. Prove me right/wrong, share your experience...
Mar 25, 2009 at 2:37 AM Post #4 of 20

Originally Posted by Jeff Guidry /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh, please. That thread was created in 2008 and the last post in it is from February. The reissue was released TODAY.

That was an anticipation thread; this is an impression thread.
Mar 25, 2009 at 3:47 AM Post #5 of 20
I had a feeling that would happen with this release. I have no problem with the original album's sound (fits the time well), but a good retake is always welcome. I was waiting for impressions before I looked into it, and based on this thread, I guess I will stay with the original release.
Mar 25, 2009 at 4:11 AM Post #6 of 20
Well, to be honest, I wouldn't exactly call myself a "reference". If I were you, I wouldn't dismiss the whole thing because of my opinion alone.

I'm still learning to trust my "aural" instinct, so I'm just touching base with other members to see if they have had similar experience with the CDs... or if I'm just way off.

--- NEXT DAY EDIT (read: anti 2 posts in a row edit) ---

I gave the remaster some more listening time and you know what? I'm gonna go with my "aural" instinct: it's not good. I don't think it's a step up from the original anymore. While the more upfront and less "arena-ish" sound is a step forward, it's like it took two steps back by making it too loud and too bright! Plus, I'm listening with K701s, so you can see how that might sound on my setup.

The original might sound a little artificially distant and reverbed (the arena sound), but at least it never sounds too harsh or too bright: it's always nicely detailed. This new remaster sounds too loud and too harsh/bright, hurting the soundstage and the detailing IMO.

I'm really dissapointed because I expected this to be the definite version I would listen to. But obviously, they tried too hard and increased the loudness too much, so I guess I'll have to start loving the arena sound again.
Apr 1, 2009 at 4:50 AM Post #7 of 20
<sigh> The loudness wars strike again!#%@#!@!!!!!

I figured this would be the case. Thanks for confirming.


Originally Posted by Kevin.T /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, to be honest, I wouldn't exactly call myself a "reference". If I were you, I wouldn't dismiss the whole thing because of my opinion alone.

I'm still learning to trust my "aural" instinct, so I'm just touching base with other members to see if they have had similar experience with the CDs... or if I'm just way off.

--- NEXT DAY EDIT (read: anti 2 posts in a row edit) ---

I gave the remaster some more listening time and you know what? I'm gonna go with my "aural" instinct: it's not good. I don't think it's a step up from the original anymore. While the more upfront and less "arena-ish" sound is a step forward, it's like it took two steps back by making it too loud and too bright! Plus, I'm listening with K701s, so you can see how that might sound on my setup.

The original might sound a little artificially distant and reverbed (the arena sound), but at least it never sounds too harsh or too bright: it's always nicely detailed. This new remaster sounds too loud and too harsh/bright, hurting the soundstage and the detailing IMO.

I'm really dissapointed because I expected this to be the definite version I would listen to. But obviously, they tried too hard and increased the loudness too much, so I guess I'll have to start loving the arena sound again.

Apr 1, 2009 at 5:29 AM Post #8 of 20

Originally Posted by Jasper994 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
<sigh> The loudness wars strike again!#%@#!@!!!!!

I figured this would be the case. Thanks for confirming.

Are you really that surprised?
Apr 1, 2009 at 9:10 AM Post #10 of 20

Originally Posted by Jasper994 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Can't say that I am...

Then I do believe that we're in the same boat - as always.
Apr 2, 2009 at 2:33 AM Post #14 of 20
As sort of an update, I managed to find a good quality 24/96 needledrop on some kind of "demonic" website
, and I am pretty happy with the sound. It includes both versions, and while I have not had a lot of time with it yet, I do not view it as a step down in quality like the OP has with the CD release. I suppose if one has a turntable, the LP might prove to be rather good (at least compared to the CD release).
Apr 2, 2009 at 11:15 AM Post #15 of 20

Originally Posted by Bojamijams /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was expecting this. Its seems that audio engineering/mastering is a lost art these days

It's not lost - there is talent. It's just that the companies either force the engineers to do it their way or they don't hire the talent to begin with.


Originally Posted by jilgiljongiljing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am quite fine with the way the original cd sounds as well. I didn't see the point of remastering it at all except for making it louder and making more money.

I agree. The original CD is probably as good as it gets. You can always tweak it a little here and there as well.

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