PC/XBOX Gaming and Dolby Headphone
Feb 19, 2008 at 10:55 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
Feb 17, 2008
Hi Head-fi'ers,

I have been looking to get some good headphones for a long while now and I'm looking at the HD595s. I listen to movies, music and play a lot of games.

Try not to spit at me now when I tell you that I currently use the Razer 5.1 HP-1 cans on my PC with the source as a Razer AC-1 (yes yes I am a bit of razer fan :p). I know you lot hate the thought of multi-driver cans and I can appreciate that. The sound quality is okay for games but very poor for other mediums. It is actually very good positionally since the rear drivers are poorer quality than front for example which means I know it's behind me if it uses the tinnier driver!

That aside I also have some wireless sennheisers (very poor quality/interferance but handy none the same) and some really old, dirty and beaten up Technic RP-F880s which sound pretty good to me in comparison to the Razers. I can't find any real review of the technics so I don't know how they would compare to more well known cans.

I have recently got the Technics out and tested them with Dolby Headphone since my soundcard has that option and it actually is quite impressive.
1)So I'm wondering if the HD595s would be a good upgrade for gaming/movies/music using my soundcards DH output and would I need an amp for them?
2)I also very recently got an XBOX 360 so would like to use the 595s on that too and wonder if purchasing something like the JVC SU-DH1 or the A40 mixer (from astrogaming) would be a good bet.

If you have read this far then thanks

Feb 19, 2008 at 10:59 AM Post #2 of 12
Feb 19, 2008 at 11:10 AM Post #3 of 12
I own HD595 and A900 both are considered on this forum good for gaming.
Choosing between these two comes down to your need of sound isolation.
Both of these headphones are effencient so power need is low.
Xbox 360 analog output is suprisingly good so no need for an external dd decoding. Just buy a headphone amp and your good to go.

Welcome to head-fi, sorry for your wallet
Feb 19, 2008 at 11:18 AM Post #4 of 12
The best gaming headphones, imo, are the AKG K601s or the Beyer DT880s 2005-06 edition.

The ATH AD900 are better then the A900, due to it being open. Open headphones have a larger soundstage, of which is very important for gaming.

And a Dolby Headphone Receiver is needed for much improved 3D surround sound in headphones. Plus Digital sound is MUCH better then analog via the 360.
Feb 19, 2008 at 11:33 AM Post #5 of 12

Originally Posted by Foe-hammer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The ATH AD900 are better then the A900, due to it being open. Open headphones have a larger soundstage, of which is very important for gaming.

FINALLY!! Games don't rely on big boomy bass to tell where people are, or whats going on!
Feb 19, 2008 at 11:48 AM Post #6 of 12
Thanks for the input. Looking around for the various mentioned headphones and all I can say is wow prices here in the UK really do suck.

So much cheaper from abroad but then I might get slapped with a nasty import tax.
Feb 19, 2008 at 12:38 PM Post #7 of 12

Originally Posted by Foe-hammer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Plus Digital sound is MUCH better then analog via the 360.

It all depends do you have a good DAC after xbox 360. Open headphones do usually give you the edge in sound. But it will be all wasted if you have a noisy enviroment. The 360 is not exactly a noiseless console.
Feb 19, 2008 at 1:54 PM Post #8 of 12

Originally Posted by esuko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It all depends do you have a good DAC after xbox 360. Open headphones do usually give you the edge in sound. But it will be all wasted if you have a noisy enviroment. The 360 is not exactly a noiseless console.

Agreed, the 360 is fuggin loud as hell. But with my open AKG K601s, i cannot hear the 360 at all. It's not really an issue with good headphones.
Feb 19, 2008 at 7:50 PM Post #9 of 12

Originally Posted by esuko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It all depends do you have a good DAC after xbox 360. Open headphones do usually give you the edge in sound. But it will be all wasted if you have a noisy enviroment. The 360 is not exactly a noiseless console.

Foe is right.. The 360 sucks with analog/stereo. I used the 360 as a transport using my DAC1 as a source, & couldn't believe how awful CDs sounded on my 360 compared to my A20 HD DVD player.. The sound was tinny, 2D, & lacked dynamics & range I even did a A&B with the same vol7me, still a noticeable difference.. Not only that, on the 360 the songs sounded a bit slurred & different. I didn't think a transport could make such a noticeble difference, I was wrong.. Too bad MS didn't give 2 &&&& about analog/stereo when designing the 360..
Feb 19, 2008 at 7:50 PM Post #10 of 12

Originally Posted by Foe-hammer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Agreed, the 360 is fuggin loud as hell. But with my open AKG K601s, i cannot hear the 360 at all. It's not really an issue with good headphones.

So we are on the same line here. But isn't AKG KXX1 series semiopen that they block a little bit unwanted external noice? They have some filling behind of the driver? HD595 do not seem to block any. It could be even worse like mine Stax SRS-2020II basic setup that seems to even reinforce the background noice.
Feb 19, 2008 at 7:52 PM Post #11 of 12

Originally Posted by stooeh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi Head-fi'ers,

I have been looking to get some good headphones for a long while now and I'm looking at the HD595s. I listen to movies, music and play a lot of games.

Try not to spit at me now when I tell you that I currently use the Razer 5.1 HP-1 cans on my PC with the source as a Razer AC-1 (yes yes I am a bit of razer fan :p). I know you lot hate the thought of multi-driver cans and I can appreciate that. The sound quality is okay for games but very poor for other mediums. It is actually very good positionally since the rear drivers are poorer quality than front for example which means I know it's behind me if it uses the tinnier driver!

That aside I also have some wireless sennheisers (very poor quality/interferance but handy none the same) and some really old, dirty and beaten up Technic RP-F880s which sound pretty good to me in comparison to the Razers. I can't find any real review of the technics so I don't know how they would compare to more well known cans.

I have recently got the Technics out and tested them with Dolby Headphone since my soundcard has that option and it actually is quite impressive.
1)So I'm wondering if the HD595s would be a good upgrade for gaming/movies/music using my soundcards DH output and would I need an amp for them?
2)I also very recently got an XBOX 360 so would like to use the 595s on that too and wonder if purchasing something like the JVC SU-DH1 or the A40 mixer (from astrogaming) would be a good bet.

If you have read this far then thanks


Yes the 595's would be a good upgrade.. You can also get the 555 plus the JVC or A40 mixer is cost is a issue..
Feb 19, 2008 at 11:53 PM Post #12 of 12

Originally Posted by esuko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So we are on the same line here. But isn't AKG KXX1 series semiopen that they block a little bit unwanted external noice? They have some filling behind of the driver? HD595 do not seem to block any. It could be even worse like mine Stax SRS-2020II basic setup that seems to even reinforce the background noice.

No, they are completely open. Same as the senn 595s, of which i've also owned.

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