Needs help buying headphones for about 150$
Jul 7, 2009 at 9:01 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


New Head-Fier
Jun 21, 2009
Hi, i'm pretty new at this scene so go easy on me...
as the title suggest i'm searching for a new headphones, until yesterday i was pretty set on the ATH-AD700 mainly because of the great reviews in this forum.
but then i listened to them and though i liked the soundstage and the airy feeling on the ears they were just too laid back for me. i didn't feel the music was touching me...
so now i'm searching for some other headphones within my budget..

things you need to know first - is that i don't have an amp, i'm thinking of buying the Fiio E5 but i don't have the budget for something more serious.
the main places i'm going to use them are:
computer with on-board sound card (Realtek ALC850) yes i know it's lame thinking of upgrading to Xonar Essence STX sometime in the future but probably not right now..
and my iAUDIO U3.

i mainly listen to classic rock, quiet songs, classical, also some "new" rock (pop rock, alternative rock) and electronic.
it's really important for me to feel the music, meaning i want to be able to feel thrills in my spine while listening to quiet songs, and to feel "in the music" while listening to fast songs.

also i need my headphones to be comfy for long sessions...
i was thinking more in the direction of open headphones rather than closed as my ears heat up pretty fast, but closed that are airy and not too tight should be cool.

initially i thought of the SR80i or maybe i'll stretch my budget and get the SR225i (do you think it's worth it? are they more comfortable?)

then i saw some other headphones which got mixed review, so i was hoping you could help me decide which is better for my taste and for comfort:

MS-1 - not sure if they are better than the Grado's..

AH-D1001 or AH-D2000 - i thought of doing the Markl mod with them but it's pretty far fetched for my budget so do you think it's worth it? with no amp and i probably won't change the cables.

DT 770 Pro-80 Ohm - will i be able to drive them unamped?

HFI-450 or HFI-580 - does it worth the double price? i read some nice reviews about their S-Logic..

any good AKG's which are in my budget and that can be driven without an amp?

as you have noticed i've just listed the models that i've seen which seemed fitting and that meet my budget, but if you've got any other suggestion, or if you think one will not suit my needs for some reason, i'm all ears..

plz notice that although most of the models listed above are around 200$ i'm actually looking for the best "bang for buck" (i started my search with 100$ budget), and i will be happy to save some extra money! (yet still get quality of course)

so what do u think will fit my taste and will drive best without an amp?

i just don't have the time to go out and listen to headphones!
so i'm depending on your experience..
any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Jul 7, 2009 at 9:27 PM Post #2 of 18
Of those I would say the DT770 and D1001 are the best all around. The MS1 is a great headphone for rock and such, but it is lacking in classical, especially with larger groups (true of almost all grados, save the Joe models). I would say Ultrasones are also not good all around.
Jul 7, 2009 at 9:43 PM Post #3 of 18
You're practically asking for one set of headphones to do everything well and from a poor source and no amp.

I suggest prioritizing what you want, which will decrease your chances of being disappointed. Otherwise, Head-Fiers will choose your priorities for you and suggest headphones accordingly.

For example...
1. open headphones so my ears don't sweat
2. comfortable
3. great with classical
4. great with rock
5. etc.

Prioritize everything you're asking for or Head-Fiers will do it for you.
Jul 7, 2009 at 10:45 PM Post #5 of 18

Originally Posted by Kawai_man /img/forum/go_quote.gif
From those i recomend the Ultrasone HFI550/580 or the MS1 ive tried lots of headphones and those are the ones i decided to keep.

I tried
grado sr60i

OK. And so what sound card or other equipment are you plugging these headphones into? And, what types of music do you listen to?
Jul 7, 2009 at 11:18 PM Post #7 of 18

Originally Posted by revolink24 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Of those I would say the DT770 and D1001 are the best all around. The MS1 is a great headphone for rock and such, but it is lacking in classical, especially with larger groups (true of almost all grados, save the Joe models). I would say Ultrasones are also not good all around.

tnx for your opinion i'll research them more closely and get back to you.. how are they comfort wise?
btw have you heard the D2000 do you think they deserve the extra 100$ ?
what does the Ultrasones lack?

1Time tnx for your input i guess i was asking too much...
so to be clear i want headphones that would maximize my sources as listed, that would sound great to the untrained ear (not much of an audiophile yet) and that will not be "laid back" ..

1. can be driven well without an amp
2. great with rock
3. great with quiet songs
4. comfortable
5. open headphones so my ears don't sweat
(not a must, cuz closed and comfy should be fine)
6. great with classical (less important but would be a plus)


tnx for the recommendation, i was just looking at the others headphones from the HFI series their price range seems to be strange i mean the 780 is in between the 580 and 680. isn't that weired? do you know if there is big difference between 580 and the 780? (cost only 12$ more!! what's up with that?)

for some reason revolink24 advised against Ultrasone for all-rounders i guess i'll wait to hear what are their cons.. (will search some meanwhile)

i guess there is no point asking you as you haven't tried the SR80 but iv'e read somewhere they are better than the MS-1.. (which probably mean the SR225 are much better, no?)
how does the 580 fare with rock? and what is the difference between the 580 and 550?
MS-1 supposed to lack on quiet songs what do you think?
Jul 7, 2009 at 11:27 PM Post #8 of 18

Originally Posted by bodsD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
and that will not be "laid back" ..

1. can be driven well without an amp
2. great with rock

I would recommend some species of grado then. The ones you are looking at are very low-impedance and sound awesome with rock music. Haven't heard the ultrasones, so I can't comment on those, but whatever you buy I would recommend buying used in the FS forum. Then if you don't like them you can always sell for around the same price.
Jul 7, 2009 at 11:37 PM Post #9 of 18
+1 for MS-1. I just got them, and they blew my expectations. I was wary of the bass, but after a few hours burn in, it opened up nicely.

Great for rock, and surprisingly great for techno music too. I haven't tried classical, but it won't be bad at all I'm guessing. Unless you like the sound stage, this doesn't have very much, but its not that tiny.
Jul 7, 2009 at 11:51 PM Post #10 of 18
Acix tnx for your review but i'm mainly interested in HFI 580 which is more within my budget, maybe also the 780 still not sure.. have you compared them to other brands, any inputs?
does the S-Logic really helped your listening experience or is just a marketing hype? (same goes to their "Safer hearing" and S-Logic Plus)

tvrboy that was my initial thought but i have some doubts about them..
how do they fare with quiet songs? can i listen to classical with them (doesn't need to be awesome just not bad)?
what would you say the SR225 worth the extra money(double)? are they better comfort wise?
after i will find what i want i'll search the board..

Adreneline have you tried the SR80 or SR225?
have you tried any quiet songs? soundstage is nice but i guess i'll have to pass on that
are they comfortable for long?

sorry if i'll answer a bit late i'm having trouble with my connection...

my understanding is that Grado/Alessandro tampered with the sound to make rock sound better wouldn't that effect badly in classical music?
how does piano sounds at Grado/Alessandro?

also i do not consider myself much of a bass head i mean i like more classic rock than modern and i rarely listen to metal (never to death metal or some other excessive metal). and though bass is needed at electronic music, i rather pass excessive basses there if it means better sound with other genres..
that is why i'm afraid of the Grado/Alessandro i worry about excessive basses and distorted sounds (piano, violin, vocals and such).
Jul 8, 2009 at 12:23 AM Post #11 of 18
I have only heard the SR-125 and 225, so unfortunately I can't say anything about the SR-80. However, I own the 225i and I think it is just OK for classical listening. even amped it is just not as detailed and smooth as a string quartet or orchestra demands. It doesn't sound bad by any stretch of the imagination, just not good. Some people find Grados uncomfortable, so try to demo them if you can... All Prestige series models can be fitted with teh same ear pads, so they all feel the same.
Jul 8, 2009 at 12:45 AM Post #12 of 18

Originally Posted by tvrboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have only heard the SR-125 and 225, so unfortunately I can't say anything about the SR-80. However, I own the 225i and I think it is just OK for classical listening. even amped it is just not as detailed and smooth as a string quartet or orchestra demands. It doesn't sound bad by any stretch of the imagination, just not good. Some people find Grados uncomfortable, so try to demo them if you can... All Prestige series models can be fitted with teh same ear pads, so they all feel the same.

sorry i didn't notice your msg while i was editing (damn disconnections).
tnx for the input, how are they with songs that need less bass, and more gentle notes?
can you listen to classical for a while without getting pissed off? i'll probably lend them to my sister which likes classical but is not too audiophile...
i understand that the 125 is the weak link, did you noticed much of a difference between them and the 225?
have you heard the MS-1? any notes?
i really don't have the time..
are YOU able listen for long sessions with your 225i? (unmodded right?)
Jul 8, 2009 at 5:05 AM Post #13 of 18
OK after extensive reading i decided either to buy the D2000 for 220$, or to buy the SR60/80 still hasn't decided which one..
anyways i'm leaning toward the Grado's i'm just not sure how they fare with more quiet songs? (piano and vocal notes..)
any input?
do u think i will benefit from a Fiio E5?
Jul 8, 2009 at 5:18 AM Post #14 of 18
The MS1 sound excellent with piano to me. Also, I actually have an expensive digital piano, and I plugged these into it, they sounded really nice.

And no, it doesn't seem like these have excessive bass at all. They have less than my RX700's, which have quite a bit. But I much prefer this bass opposed to my RX700s, because it's much more controlled and less muddy/boomy. Grados/Alessandros aren't for bass heads, but they have EXCELLENT bass imo (at least ms1).

I haven't tried the SR80/225.

Yes I have tried quiet songs and they sound great - loud when supposed to be, quiet when suppose to be. Sound stage is still pretty good, my RX700 are full sized cans and have a decently spacious sound stage (nothing too great compared to the likes of K701). The MS1s have a slightly lesser soundstage than them it seems... I don't know... sometimes the soundstage in the MS1 seems even greater than the RX700, but other times it seems a little less (not a bad thing AT ALL). The sound stage for me is more than enough, and unless you really like/need huge soundstage, I don't think this should be a problem at all. It definitely has WAY better instrument separation than my RX700 did.

D2000? They are talked about being full of excessive bass. At least in the beginning. I don't think you'd want to go that route if you're worried about the bass being too excessive. I've heard quite a few people (myself, included) calling the D2000 an expensive version of the RX700. Now, they do sound better than the RX700, but the price difference wasn't worth it to me at all. Both the RX700 and D2000 have bass you are describing as excessive in some things.

Also, these cans (all Grado/Alessandro I presume) excel in Rock music quite a bit, they make guitars sound amazing.
Jul 8, 2009 at 6:11 AM Post #15 of 18

Originally Posted by bodsD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
1Time tnx for your input i guess i was asking too much...
so to be clear i want headphones that would maximize my sources as listed, that would sound great to the untrained ear (not much of an audiophile yet) and that will not be "laid back" ..

1. can be driven well without an amp
2. great with rock
3. great with quiet songs
4. comfortable
5. open headphones so my ears don't sweat
(not a must, cuz closed and comfy should be fine)
6. great with classical (less important but would be a plus)

You're welcome. FWIR and considering what you've posted throughout this thread, I think your best option would be the SR225i, which sells new for ~$200. Edit: And the MS1 would be your best bang for the buck option for ~$100.

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