Melbourne Meet Saturday 13/7/13
Jun 19, 2013 at 5:43 AM Post #213 of 391
You guys in Melbourne are so lucky. I just want to listen to some Audeze LCD-2 before making a decision on getting them but it's impossible here in Adelaide. You already have Addicted to Audio and now you get what looks to be a great meet! :)
Jun 19, 2013 at 6:37 AM Post #214 of 391
At the second meet, we could have the members from the first meet come in just for a listen in staggered hours and vice versa. WIN WIN for all.

Actually, the whole point of having a second meet is so that there are too many people for the first meet. I think that people in the first meet probably shouldn't go to the second one as it will get too crowded. 
Jun 19, 2013 at 6:40 AM Post #215 of 391
Sign me up for the second meet as well. But if possible, after July 21st please XD thats when i get back to melb haha

So what can you bring?
Fungus, are you still interested and what can you bring?
Jun 19, 2013 at 7:02 AM Post #217 of 391
Yeah I'm still interested. So when's the 2nd meet? I can bring my imod 5g, black gate lod, meier corda quickstep, energizer xp8000 battery and beyerdynamic t5p.  

Not set yet. I'll decide at a later date. 
Jun 19, 2013 at 7:05 PM Post #219 of 391
So what can you bring?
Fungus, are you still interested and what can you bring?

For me ill be bringing
LCD2 rev1 with Q-audio silk cable
Schiit Lyr (stock 6bz7 tubes, mullard e88cc)
Schiit Gungnir (if no one is interested i might not bring it because its big ass)
Shure SE535 Ltd (westone star tips and Christ_Himself SPC cable)
Cowon X7
and if it arrives on time, JH13Pro FP
Jun 20, 2013 at 2:02 AM Post #220 of 391
Im very interested!
Its an all audio-gd affair for me and I'm dying to hear other gear.
I can lug around the following cos my office is very close by:
DI-V3 + PSU (and a battery)
Jun 20, 2013 at 3:42 AM Post #222 of 391
Thanks for all your hard work lin :)
I talked to Rendra from A2A when he delivered my WA7 (Gold Pins) last night - Apparently A2A's top floor is free a lot of the time and they might discuss making it available if we do it right? 
I also like the idea of having some kind of system in place so people who move around a lot could try to work out options
I use for my weekly sports meets so maybe thats an option ^^
My Grado GS1ki is still at Woo I think and might not be back on time >.< but I don't think they'll be missed (lol)
Jun 20, 2013 at 6:51 AM Post #223 of 391
Thanks for all your hard work lin :)
I talked to Rendra from A2A when he delivered my WA7 (Gold Pins) last night - Apparently A2A's top floor is free a lot of the time and they might discuss making it available if we do it right? 
I also like the idea of having some kind of system in place so people who move around a lot could try to work out options
I use for my weekly sports meets so maybe thats an option ^^
My Grado GS1ki is still at Woo I think and might not be back on time >.< but I don't think they'll be missed (lol)

Thank you.
I think that it would be great if we stayed at the Noisy Motel if Billy is fine with it, but I'll keep that idea open as well. Can you shoot them an email asking whether they'd allow us? 

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