Love MS1, worth going MS2?
Apr 11, 2008 at 4:53 PM Post #16 of 28

Originally Posted by svines /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I will try the bowls and HD414 pads first. Then I'll make a decision about my next upgrade.... even though I'm very happy with my MS1 its impossible not wanting more.

I haven't heard the bowls but in my opinion the flats from are way better than the standard comfies or 414's. I thought the comfies and 414's sounded pretty much the same. The flats really opened up the sound, it got a lot more detail and the muffled sound dissapeared. They are quite expensive though.
Apr 11, 2008 at 5:07 PM Post #17 of 28

Originally Posted by svines /img/forum/go_quote.gif
even though I'm very happy with my MS1 its impossible not wanting more.

Then start putting money aside for something like DT880/HD650/K701/D2000/W1000. Much better complement to a MS1 than a higher tier Alessandro.
Apr 15, 2008 at 9:04 PM Post #19 of 28
For people like myself who own better phones but still crave that special Grado secret sauce then the MS1 is a good choice because it keeps us from spending too much money trying to figure out whether Grado makes just one phone or several subtly different ones that cost between $70 and $700.
Apr 15, 2008 at 9:16 PM Post #20 of 28

Originally Posted by Demix500 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Depends how much you value an improvement in sound.

law of diminishing returns =(

i believe the actual term is law of diminishing marginal utility :p.
on another topic, instead of new headphones, y dnt you get/build yourself an amp. cheaper (if you chose it to be) and worth more than the 300 pricetag.
Apr 16, 2008 at 3:14 AM Post #21 of 28
I've gotta agree with gautam here. I've owned a pair of SR60's for about eight years now, and continually listened to them even after buying a pair of MS2i and SR325i phones. That all changed when I got a used PPX3 SLAM tube amp here on the forum. I cant even listen to the SR60 now. They sound pretty thin both in frequency response and sound stage compared to higher end Grado's. MS2i are in a completely different league with a good amp. I wouldn't believe it myself had I not taken the plunge on the amp...
Apr 16, 2008 at 7:14 AM Post #22 of 28
IMO the MS2i is also the ideal tool to compare amps, especially in respect of soundscape.
Apr 16, 2008 at 8:28 AM Post #23 of 28
Just wondering if you like the sound of the ms1s without modding the stock comfy pads or do you think you would like a brighter more detailed sound. That would also determine whether your upgrade path is more towards the grado or alessandro line
Apr 25, 2008 at 3:05 PM Post #24 of 28

Originally Posted by nickchen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Loving the MS1, I bought a pair of MS2i last year. Sold them half a year later, but I guess I'll keep my MS1 till forever.

And the MS1, on the other hand, always meets the right tone. My buddy got the MS Pro some weeks ago -- surprise, surprise, turned out to be not much more than a MS1 twin with much better soundscape and a bit more smoothness.

The way you describe the MS Pro is exactly the way I'd describe the AT AD700 when I compare it to the MS1.

The AD700 sounds like an excellent way to save $600 and both the MS1 and AD700 are great budget phones for classical music.
Apr 25, 2008 at 3:25 PM Post #25 of 28

Originally Posted by nickchen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And the MS1, on the other hand, always meets the right tone. My buddy got the MS Pro some weeks ago -- surprise, surprise, turned out to be not much more than a MS1 twin with much better soundscape and a bit more smoothness.

So the MS-Pro is like a smooth grado with some soundstage. Sounds like my type of phone.
Apr 25, 2008 at 3:50 PM Post #26 of 28
Mine as well...if the price wasn't so steep. The "real worth" of a MS Pro only amounts ~300$ IMO (and the MS2 ~200$).
Apr 25, 2008 at 4:40 PM Post #27 of 28

Originally Posted by mstorie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
MS2i are in a completely different league with a good amp. I wouldn't believe it myself had I not taken the plunge on the amp...

I definitely agree. Some people may say that grados/alessandros sound fine without an amp (and they're not completely wrong), but even out of a portable amp like the Pico, my MS2i sounds much better than my SR60. And we're not just talking about "Oh, you spent 3x more on the MS2i so obviously it would sound better," but we're talking like "Yes, it was a worthwhile upgrade."

So in regards to the OP, if you're going to take advantage of the upgrade with a suitable amp, then by all means consider it.
Apr 25, 2008 at 4:47 PM Post #28 of 28

Originally Posted by mstorie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've gotta agree with gautam here. I've owned a pair of SR60's for about eight years now, and continually listened to them even after buying a pair of MS2i and SR325i phones. That all changed when I got a used PPX3 SLAM tube amp here on the forum. I cant even listen to the SR60 now. They sound pretty thin both in frequency response and sound stage compared to higher end Grado's. MS2i are in a completely different league with a good amp. I wouldn't believe it myself had I not taken the plunge on the amp...

The PPX3 SLAM is fantastic with the MS2i; especially with flat pads or senn 19545 pads. The only low impedence headphone under $500 that rivals my MS2 for ear time is my woodied MS1.

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