Looking for the best Schiit Amp and DAC to pair with Sennheiser HD800s. Jotunheim 2 with the ES DAC card? Lyr+ with Modius? Jotunheim 2 with Modius? Something else?
Apr 6, 2024 at 9:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


100+ Head-Fier
Jun 17, 2012
Hello everyone,

I am picking up some Sennheiser HD800s, but also need a DAC and amp for them, as I currently don't have an amp, and am borrowing a DAC.

Ideally, something at or below $900 for both the amp and DAC. I will try to buy used if I can.

Now, I don't have my heart set on schiit for any real reason other than because they look great. That said, schiit is the only company whose products I'm familiar with, so idk anything about different brands.

Right now, I've identified a few combinations:

Jotunheim 2 with an ES 9028 DAC Card. Balanced, all-in-one, $500

Jotunhein 2 with a Modius DAC - Balanced, stack, $629

Lyr+ with a Modius DAC, - Unbalanced, Tube and Solid State, Stack, $879

Modi and Magni - Unbalanced, Stack, potentially weaker, $239

The there's other options. Valhalla 2? Asgard?

Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!

P.s. Feel free to recommend better amps and dacs from other companies, but, as silly as it might sound, they HAVE to be as nice-looking, and as clean-looking as the Schiit.

More optional details below.

Jotunheim 2 with an ES 9028 DAC card. - Heard bad things about Schiit's Internal DAC cards, but they were always complaints about the multibit, or older-generation cards, not the ES line. About $500. Have read lots of concerns about pairing the Jotunheim with the HD800s specifically, due to it being too bright. Am planning on EQ-ing my setup anyway, though, so idk if that matters.

Jotunheim 2 with a Modius DAC - in theory, this would be to get away from the internal DAC card problem mentioned above. Costs $129 more, though, and splits the one unit into two.

Lyr+ with Modius - Solid state and tube capability, which is nice, but it's the most expensive, at roughly $900. I've also seen discussion about how the Lyr's tube mode isn't very tubey, and the solid state isn't as good as the dedicated solid state amps. Plus the tube is still powered even when running in solid state mode, so you're eating its life 24/7

Modi + Magni - The Cheapest combo by far, but no idea how they pair with the HD800s. No balanced output like the Jotunheim.

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Apr 6, 2024 at 9:22 AM Post #2 of 8
what details? i can't read blur
Apr 6, 2024 at 5:00 PM Post #4 of 8
Given your criteria I'd go Modi Multibit & Lyr w/ Premium tube - or cheaper Jot 2 w/ multibit DAC inside for a single box

My criteria I'd blow up the budget and get a Feliks Echo 2 amp ($995) and a cheapie DAC until you can afford a proper R2R DAC.
Apr 6, 2024 at 7:44 PM Post #5 of 8
Given your criteria I'd go Modi Multibit & Lyr w/ Premium tube - or cheaper Jot 2 w/ multibit DAC inside for a single box

My criteria I'd blow up the budget and get a Feliks Echo 2 amp ($995) and a cheapie DAC until you can afford a proper R2R DAC.

Seconded on the multibit options. You will really want that to max out the soundstaging depth potential.
Apr 14, 2024 at 11:22 PM Post #6 of 8
If you're ok with buying used you should be able to recoup money on the used market if you sell it. I would recomment trying some different things to determine what sounds best for you. I would absolutely try some of the recommended items from the other website you posted this question, and I would also absolutely try an OTL tube amp such as a the bottlehead crack, which is the antithesis of that other sites recommendations.

Which one do you like more? I've listened to the hd800 with and without sdr mod on several different solid state and tube amps over the years. I'll be perfectly honest and say that I was not impressed with its sound out of the drop thx amp or the atom stack, and found it excellent from the BH crack. But, again, this is a subjective option. But a subjective opinion based on many first hand experiences.
Apr 15, 2024 at 2:01 PM Post #8 of 8
There are several alternatives. One option is an amplifier and DAC from Audioquest, such as the DragonFly Red and JDS Labs Atom. They offer good sound quality and may be suitable for your Sennheiser HD800. It's also worth considering an amplifier and DAC combination from FiiO or Topping. These brands are known for their good value for money.

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