JMoney Audio - Headbands and Cables for kids! Please visit last page!
Jun 3, 2009 at 2:58 AM Post #107 of 542
Wow great stuff! Any chance we can get a comparison pic of the V2 and V3 mounted on a grado headphone?

If my HF-2 pads ever crap out, (though from the looks of it, I like the MS-2 leather pad more) you're the guy im going to
Jun 3, 2009 at 7:12 PM Post #108 of 542

Originally Posted by Bostonears /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What's the ETA on the Denon pads?

hopefully soon
Jun 4, 2009 at 2:25 PM Post #110 of 542

Originally Posted by fatman711 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hopefully soon

just wondering... will your denon pads be similar to the original pads, or would you be making them thicker, kinda akin to what markl does?
Jun 4, 2009 at 2:53 PM Post #111 of 542
my pads are THICK! 3.5cm on the thick side and 2.5cm on the thin side.

Which is 1cm thicker all around from the stock pads, use a firmer padding, use the same kind of stitching design as stock.
Jun 4, 2009 at 3:29 PM Post #112 of 542

Originally Posted by fatman711 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
my pads are THICK! 3.5cm on the thick side and 2.5cm on the thin side.

Which is 1cm thicker all around from the stock pads, use a firmer padding, use the same kind of stitching design as stock.

that's great news. I'm joining the queue!
Jun 4, 2009 at 6:24 PM Post #113 of 542
thanks for your support. Please come back to this thread for news on its release. The purpose of these pads were to make the phones less fatiguing and also increase sound stage.

Sometimes the denons can be a little bit painful to listen to IMHO

Also, this is the first to introduce real leather pads to the Denon D-series headphones.
Jun 4, 2009 at 6:30 PM Post #114 of 542

Originally Posted by fatman711 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
thanks for your support. Please come back to this thread for news on its release. The purpose of these pads were to make the phones less fatiguing and also increase sound stage.

Sometimes the denons can be a little bit painful to listen to IMHO

Also, this is the first to introduce real leather pads to the Denon D-series headphones.

I'm in for a set of the Denon pads! Put me on the list.

I have the Beyer pads and they are really nice. Well made, comfy, and they improved the sound, imo.

I also have the V3 headband for the Grado GS1000i's, a huge improvement over the stock, methinks.


Good stuff, Jeremy.


Jun 4, 2009 at 6:59 PM Post #115 of 542

Originally Posted by guitarplayer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm in for a set of the Denon pads! Put me on the list.

I have the Beyer pads and they are really nice. Well made, comfy, and they improved the sound, imo.

I also have the V3 headband for the Grado GS1000i's, a huge improvement over the stock, methinks.


Good stuff, Jeremy.



You already have the V3, how'd you score one of those?

Jun 5, 2009 at 5:56 AM Post #117 of 542

Originally Posted by guitarplayer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Craig from Whiplash had a couple at CanJam that I assume Jeremy sent him. I, ummm, "borrowed" one and forgot to return it.



GREAT stuff Jeremy...Its time to talk my friend!!
Jun 8, 2009 at 4:18 PM Post #118 of 542

Originally Posted by fatman711 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Beyer pads will be $54.99. Considering that they are all handmade and take about 2 hours a set, I feel that my price is more than fair.

You can read Skylab's review for some insight into my pads:

For the denon pads, the price is unknown at this point as I need to factor in the increased difficulty in the more complex shape.

AKG pads for the K240 (sextetts) are also in the works.

As for DX1000 pads, that may be something to consider, however, I would need a large interest as I invest in molds to help cut the leather and make my life easier, and also producing a better, cleaner made product. So, large interest would be required.

thanks guys for your comments

Curious about how much deeper they are/wider the opening is compared to the stock velours.
I have issues with the velours compressing and touching my ears so my ears get sore after a while due to the pressure. Curious if you could comment on how much deeper (or measurements or photography side-by-side).
Additionally, will it be possible to have these done in the future in an alternate colour (grey for example... willing to pay extra when the time comes [should be some months, though]).
Great looking product and I await it eagerly.
Thanks man

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