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Feb 1, 2023 at 6:44 AM Post #11,221 of 18,894
I also tried to use my DM with gold lower blue upper filters, and the bass on that setup is enormous, way above even New Aten levels. But overall sound becomes very muffled to me.
Of all the 8 nozzles in my filter sets the golden are the only ones with some filter screen in them ... looks like some plastic mesh. Like the black nozzles they don't have a vent hole (> max. bass) and on my sets their filter material blocks out a lot of the treble and air and drastically shrinks the soundstage. Makes me wonder why they show up right below the blue nozzles on the IMR - Bass/Lower Stage Filter chart.

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Feb 1, 2023 at 6:44 AM Post #11,222 of 18,894
Just spent a while A/ the Dark Matter vs Bass Cannon 2023. It's as if Bob took the DM and then slightly re-tuned it to perfection. The little hard edges that the DM could at times bring up have been kind of accurately sandpapered around the edges to skillfully perfect it. The BC 2023 is the Dark Matter perfected. Quite a feat considering the Dark Matter was already one of the most intense and impactfully enjoyable IEMs on the market. I :hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts: the 2023 BC. Music to my ears.
Feb 1, 2023 at 6:55 AM Post #11,224 of 18,894
Don't remember if this has been mentioned before but of all the 8 nozzles the golden are the only ones with some filter screen in them ... looks like some plastic mesh. Like the black nozzles they don't have a vent hole (> max. bass) and on my sets their filter material blocks out a lot of the treble and air and drastically shrinks the soundstage. Makes me wonder why they show up right below the blue nozzles on the IMR - Bass/Lower Stage Filter chart.

I always wondered about that too. The gold filters are cutting down everything except bass, making you crank up the volume by a lot, thus creating a deafening loud bass beast, but very muddled and congested.

That filter on your photo looks different from mine ones though. I have gold lower stage filters from R2 Aten, New Aten and Dark Matter. All of them only have white filters inside, not the blue ones. I assume the impact on sound can be different too in that case.
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Feb 1, 2023 at 7:03 AM Post #11,225 of 18,894
Is there a FAQ for the filters?
Feb 1, 2023 at 7:54 AM Post #11,226 of 18,894
High praise indeed, with the discount it isn't too pricy either. Living in Norway its just over the pond:relaxed:

Bob declares the price of iem 30£, if you don't have to show the invoice, there won't be mush taxes

Is there a FAQ for the filters?
There is a small guide inside the box
Like this one


  • IMR-Filter-Card.pdf
    2 MB · Views: 0
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Feb 1, 2023 at 8:34 AM Post #11,227 of 18,894
I don't think there's something wrong with them. The bass is pretty much there, and there's a lot of bass, but it's not that monstrous as it was on New Aten. Let's say DM have "entry basshead level" bass, and New Aten have "serious basshead level" bass. As for the upper mids - I always have been sensitive to that region. Right now DM remind me of TFZ No.3, they both have bright upper mids, but DM have more bass, bigger soundstage and more detailed sound. I also tried to use my DM with gold lower blue upper filters, and the bass on that setup is enormous, way above even New Aten levels. But overall sound becomes very muffled to me. I think I should also mention that when it's enough bass for almost everyone - that's almost never enough for me. All the chi-fi "basshead" IEMs I've tried weren't satisfy me, except one model - TFZ Live X, which often described as "too muddy" or "too boomy".
"Let's say DM have "entry basshead level" bass, and New Aten have "serious basshead level" bass"

Sorry but my DMs definitely have much more than entry level bass in both amount and quality. Your copy doesn't, but my DM is fantastic and has. I have the TFZ No3...they just can't be compared. DM is multiples better in every respect. I don't think you have a DM that produces what Bob intended.
Feb 1, 2023 at 8:47 AM Post #11,228 of 18,894
Aür Audio and IMR Acoustics! Slippery slope!

Both brands open up a new world....they are totally different but they stand out in their respective presentations.
Wait till you explore 634ears
Feb 1, 2023 at 9:57 AM Post #11,229 of 18,894
Not used to this, already shipped and delivered the same day by Bob, my hat are off to you sir.

Only depends on the post service how fast it arrives then.

How is the stock cable? Have a few good chi-fi cables to try also.
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Feb 1, 2023 at 10:07 AM Post #11,230 of 18,894
How is the stock cable? Have a few good chi-fi cables to try also.
Depends. The 2022 "pro" cable is polarizing. Ergonomically, at least, some love it and plenty hate it, because it's not very good around the ears.

2021 cables are more appreciated I think.

Performance is solid, but others talk about improvements they get with other cables.
Feb 1, 2023 at 10:24 AM Post #11,231 of 18,894
"Let's say DM have "entry basshead level" bass, and New Aten have "serious basshead level" bass"

Sorry but my DMs definitely have much more than entry level bass in both amount and quality. Your copy doesn't, but my DM is fantastic and has. I have the TFZ No3...they just can't be compared. DM is multiples better in every respect. I don't think you have a DM that produces what Bob intended.
I think, speaking of levels of bass, we imagine different levels that we can describe as "entry" or something else. I started my headphone journey from Sony MDR-XB950AP, which is known for absurd quantities of bass that can make your eyeballs shake. But I thought that it's not enough, because there still was some poor mastered songs with almost no bass in them, so I EQd my Sonys earthquake-like bass to the roof. I've listened them in such setup for 4 years, and I could continue doing that, but they were in a very poor condition after all this time. That's why nothing of what chi-fi brands could offer me satisfied my basshead needs. BLON BL03? Tonally they're still at the top 1 in my list, but bass is just meh... Audiosense AQ0, which was very often described as basshead IEM, was actually fun, kinda BLON-like, but darker and warmer. And again, that's not what I can call basshead territory, but they were somewhere below my minimal requirements, pretty close, yet still far away. TFZ Live X is what I can rate as one and only basshead chi-fi IEM. They have awesome drums, comfortable treble, but very poor, even claustrophobic soundstage when using narrow bore eartips. But enough of that. The conclusion is:
First: my basshead preferences is much above of the regular users, probably because of 4 years with those Sony scull crushers affected my hearing on low frequencies.
Second: I don't think that my DM is faulty in any way, because there's a lot of bass, it's just a bit lower in quantity than New Aten's bass, due to smaller driver size. But, and there's a big BUT: DM's bass is better qualitively. It's much harder, more focused, a lot more fast and aggressive, compared to New Aten's huge, thumpy, hip-hop-like bass. DM's one is also digs deeper.
Last: I agree that TFZ No.3 isn't comparable to DM, what I wanted to say that the sound signature (elevated bass, edgy upper mids, relaxed treble) is pretty similar to my ears.

Also, there were so much people that told me: "Hey, that IEM is a true bass cannon, it kicks so much that I couldn't stand it and sold it recently, you should definitely try it, you won't be dissapointed, promise". And then, I was dissapointed yet again.
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Feb 1, 2023 at 3:35 PM Post #11,232 of 18,894
As for DM with its tighter sexy speedier bass (better definition as well) is more of a modern/urban bass head IEM. Bee Gees Saturday Night Fever album (an album of the past but now is one of my favourite) always gives me those goosebumps on some of the tracks and probably the best vocal harmonies.
Great album. The number of times I've said I'll just listen to stayin alive & ended up listening to all of it is crazy.
Hello, just a simple question, is the ELAN+ the best or among the best IMR IEMs? Listening to Electronica = bass is crucial. It will be used with what you see in my signature.

For me yes. Its the best I've heard for electronic music but plays anything well. Although it sounds like you can't go wrong with any of these new models & the BC23 may have more bass. Not heard it tho.
Have to be careful not to rant but . . . I am utterly flawed by the sound of the 2023 Bass Cannon. Most of IMR IEM's I find are truly magical but the 2023 BC is transcendental...and this is Pre-burn in !

Usually when an IEM is very good Im constantly going from one song to the next as I cant wait to hear how it presents its qualities with each different song but with the 2023 BC I just find myself totally immersed in the music just effortlessly enjoying FULLY everything about what I'm not only hearing but also experiencing. 100% satisfied....something which I haven't really fully found with an IEM before o_0
So technically this means that the 2023 BC upscales very well indeed.
(and also it happens to have a perfect synergy with the sound of the Sony DAP)

This new 2023 wide band ADLC driver is extraordinary in its capabilities....almost EST driver type qualities. I still think the EST drivers are No.1 for realism of tonality but in all other aspects this new driver is right up there
They sound epic. I'm seriously tempted. A lot you say there could be said for the E+ so I think it is fair to say that Bob has nailed these new drivers. The E+ is a definite step up from what was already a high quality bar.
I listened to the eagles Hotel California and Elbow live with orchestra last night using the M1a and I was flabbergasted I was there in the a huge room with them every nuance and detail, some I've never noticed before were enveloping me filling me with emotion The BC is just ridiculous it's not a Bass Cannon it's a well rounded summitfi monster that just makes everything sound bigger, better with more atmosphere taking into the centre of the music.
Funny as I was listening to that Elbow album the other day I'm guessing it is the Abbey Road the Seldom seen kid one.
Some great vocals on that album. The version of Mirrorball on there is a test track for me for high vocals with a great soprano. & the male choir that comes in at the end is superb.
TSSK is one of my favourite albums. Was surprisingly hard to get a high def version of that album even on naughty places.

I like the Jodrell Bank live one too.
Feb 2, 2023 at 4:39 AM Post #11,234 of 18,894
The last email suggested movement on Titan/Seraph etc this week after the Royal Mail International shipping issue but that doesn't seem to be the case; seems to be other models landing?

I don't mind delays per se, but its getting very confusing i.e. how is it that the international shipping issues would block domestic deliveries etc...
Feb 2, 2023 at 7:37 AM Post #11,235 of 18,894
Dumb me, by mistake I've bought the SednaEarfit Crystal TWS, which means these are for wireless earphones :D
But I've decided to try them out anyway and by my surprise they work great!
Most likely because of the very short nozzle, my DMs sit nicely in my concha without sticking out even a bit. Furthermore the fit is great and after two hours of testing the seal seems to be a lot sturdier than with Spiral Dots and Spinfits, which I had to amend every 10-15 mins.
As for the sound, it opened quite a bit (more clarity and sparkly highs, although I had to go back to the gold filter instead of the red one) in comparison to the Spinfits, which are more on the dark side. The bass is a touch less, but still very strong.
Not sure yet if this will be my daily setup, but it's for sure very comfy.
I'm wondering if the normal Crystals sound similar :wink:

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