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Oct 26, 2022 at 12:17 PM Post #10,081 of 18,894
Also, I find these original IMR cables much more comfortable and easy in handling. Any issues from any old timers with IMR especially in comparison with the newer cables?
tried it out of curiosity since i have it since the zenith 1, after 10 minutes of listening: do yourself a favor, dont use that cable.

it sounds off, and killed all the sizzle, i used it with zenith 2 and opus mia .
Oct 26, 2022 at 1:15 PM Post #10,082 of 18,894
tried it out of curiosity since i have it since the zenith 1, after 10 minutes of listening: do yourself a favor, dont use that cable.

it sounds off, and killed all the sizzle, i used it with zenith 2 and opus mia .
Oh. That's unfortunate.
Did not do any critical listening yet.
They are more straightforward in handling though and don't tend to tangle.
Oct 26, 2022 at 4:30 PM Post #10,084 of 18,894
tried it out of curiosity since i have it since the zenith 1, after 10 minutes of listening: do yourself a favor, dont use that cable.

it sounds off, and killed all the sizzle, i used it with zenith 2 and opus mia .
yep, you are absolutely right.
completely swings ACE off balance. Bass gone, stage closes.
Too bad.
I am wondering the reason for this. Material maybe?
Oct 26, 2022 at 4:57 PM Post #10,085 of 18,894
Down to puple lowers and Zen II still kick like a mule, silver completely ruin the low end though.

yep, you are absolutely right.
completely swings ACE off balance. Bass gone, stage closes.
Too bad.
I am wondering the reason for this. Material maybe?

And yet in the science forum they'll tell you cables can't affect the sound. I changed my Timeless cable and that seems to have tamed the highs :thinking:
Oct 26, 2022 at 8:03 PM Post #10,086 of 18,894
yep, you are absolutely right.
completely swings ACE off balance. Bass gone, stage closes.
Too bad.
I am wondering the reason for this. Material maybe?
i think so, im using a shozy cable (bundled with my wooden black hole mini ... that just sounds... wrong... still) its a really nice silver cable, have been using it for the last months, perfect balance with all imr, even with the darkest sounding (halcyon, pb1 etc) anyways. just my 2 cents
Oct 26, 2022 at 9:03 PM Post #10,088 of 18,894
Finally got my ACE back, looking forward to burning it in some more and trying some filter combos.
Since getting mine back Saturday I've done some active listening and (trying to not get carried away) they've sounded extraordinary.

While they were with IMR, I kept reading everyone somewhat talking down the Ace and I wasn't sure what I'd be getting back (I didn't listen to them very much before sending them in). Could be on to something incredible now ...
Oct 27, 2022 at 1:12 AM Post #10,089 of 18,894
My semper is back from RMA. The gorgeous bass and staging. I missed them so much.
Oct 27, 2022 at 8:34 AM Post #10,090 of 18,894
Down to puple lowers and Zen II still kick like a mule, silver completely ruin the low end though.

And yet in the science forum they'll tell you cables can't affect the sound. I changed my Timeless cable and that seems to have tamed the highs :thinking:
yes, I was thinking about the same thing.
The difference in sound performance is stunning with these two different cables at least.
ACE sounds like crap with the original cable but with the stock it sounds perfect for its purpose.
There must be an objective reason for that. Since they were shipped with previous IMR version they must sound ok at least with them. Or else it doesn't make much sense.
Oct 27, 2022 at 8:35 AM Post #10,091 of 18,894
And yet in the science forum they'll tell you cables can't affect the sound. I changed my Timeless cable and that seems to have tamed the highs :thinking:
ANY change in your audio chain will make a difference. Whether one has the hearing to appreciate it is another matter.
Never makes any sense to me - Someone NOT personally experiencing a change in sound with a different cable PROVING cables do not change and then telling everyone that.
The more vocal the person is usually the less experience or time spent correctly examining this kind of thing they have

People hear in different ways to be fair. An audiophile may well possess the capacity to delve deeply Into the sound hearing and appreciating the various characteristics, timbre etc of the various instruments where as others may 'only' hear the totality of the music.
You have to learn what to listen for as well. For example the timbre of the brass of a cymbal strike or the resonance of drum hits. Its actually rare for an IEM to perfectly replicate the brass crash. Even good IEMs can sound more 'silvery' than 'brassy'
Personally I get a real buzz hearing a perfectly replicated timbre of an instrument never mind when ALL the instruments and the vocals are naturally rendered :)
Oct 27, 2022 at 8:37 AM Post #10,092 of 18,894
yes, I was thinking about the same thing.
The difference in sound performance is stunning with these two different cables at least.
ACE sounds like crap with the original cable but with the stock it sounds perfect for its purpose.
There must be an objective reason for that. Since they were shipped with previous IMR version they must sound ok at least with them. Or else it doesn't make much sense.
The difference after 6-700 hours burn in AND running them through a desktop amp is pretty big
Someone earlier mentioned their ACE sounding 'velied' ? Right now my own set could not sound more clean and open ! :D
I think we don't fully appreciate how much difference cable-tips-source material-source-SYNERGY-time of day- mood etc etc makes to how the music is heard by the individual
Source is a big one - Running a planar from a phone for example is never going to give you their full potential as planars need power to give all they have
It might still sound good but ...
Another hugely underappreciated aspect is Synergy - get that right and you are golden
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Oct 27, 2022 at 8:44 AM Post #10,093 of 18,894
Initially I was very impressed with the EDP A, lots of detail, lovely mids, especially vocals, and clear sounding. They've probably got 300 hours on them, but after listening with other iem's, Timeless, Zen II and Szalayi they sound veiled in comparison.

I did say the ZEN II sounded wonky at one point though, now I love them so take everything I say with a pinch of salt.
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Oct 27, 2022 at 8:46 AM Post #10,094 of 18,894
Initially I was very impressed with the EDP A, lots of detail, lovely mids, especially vocals, and clear sounding. They've probably got 300 hours on them, but after listening with other iem's, Timeless, Zen II and Szalayi they sound veiled in comparison.
300 hours is well within the 'sounding like crap stage' of burn in :)
Mine only really finally settled down after 600 hours. They are now the opposite of veiled !
Oct 27, 2022 at 9:13 AM Post #10,095 of 18,894
The difference after 6-700 hours burn in AND running them through a desktop amp is pretty big
Someone earlier mentioned their ACE sounding 'velied' ? Right now my own set could not sound more clean and open ! :D
I think we don't fully appreciate how much difference cable-tips-source material-source-SYNERGY-time of day- mood etc etc makes to how the music is heard by the individual
Source is a big one - Running a planar from a phone for example is never going to give you their full potential as planars need power to give all they have
It might still sound good but ...
Another hugely underappreciated aspect is Synergy - get that right and you are golden
I asked IMR for this and they suggested using the cable with a non planar IEM.
We'll see.

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