Impressions Meet @ Hans from Qables 16-03-08
Mar 17, 2008 at 12:50 AM Post #16 of 94
Hi guys and gals, we just made it home
,[size=xx-small]well okay it didn't take us that long, we just made a small sidestop in maastricht, got lost in the alleys, and couldn`t find our way out for an hour or two

It was a pleasure to meet you all .Although i was pretty tired even before i took the road and couldn't get myself as engaged as i would have liked and was a little uncommunicative

Hans you were a great host, thank you for your commitment and your thoughtful provision, with space, food, energy, and time.

[size=xx-small]some[/size] MORE PICS


GOOD NIGHT FOLKS, hear you tomorrow see you soon
Mar 17, 2008 at 1:00 AM Post #17 of 94
Ok Hans...... Now I'm VERY jealous. I would like to Host an event in the US. The only issue would be getting you here. NYC area???

Please, please!!!!

I would like to meet everyone here in New York. I guess it's not reality, but what the hey.

Any takers?

Good food (I'm a chef) and good wine will hopefully bait a few of you. Plus Contrastique and I can talk photography a bit while debating over the Larocco.
Mar 17, 2008 at 9:02 AM Post #18 of 94
A huge thanks to Hans for organising this meeting also from me. It was my first head-fi meet - and hopefully not my last - and I really enjoyed beeing there, meeting nice people which share this hobby and having the opportunity to test different gear.
Mar 17, 2008 at 9:24 AM Post #19 of 94

Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I will take good care of you Indra, you will not be alone for a the meeting at least...Good wine or Gentleman's Jack will be on me as well...

I guess you will have to get past at least 20 Dutch guard dogs first! We always take care of our Indra. But yesterday we on purpose left her alone. She was a little indisposed from the night before is what the rumour said

Mar 17, 2008 at 3:12 PM Post #20 of 94
[size=small]First of all: thank you Hans. The meet was perfectly organized. And congratulations on the very impressive store you have. Very nice stuff indeed.[/size]
[size=small]Here are some of my impressions. With the emphasis on MY, because I know many (or most) won’t agree with me.[/size]
  1. [size=small]I still don’t like Ultrasones. The new line are much nicer to look at (more like Edition 9) and they are a bit more comfortable than the old series, but to me they are still not comfortable enough for long listening sessions. They don’t sound bad at all (that’s an understatement, they rock), but I really can’t judge the sound very well because I can’t live with their discomfort for too long. On the new models, the cups are not wide enough to be circumaural, so they touch my ears (I blame my ears for this).[/size]
  2. [size=small]I really had one main goal and that was to compare my W1000’s with the W5000’s that Hans has store. First impression: very comfortable, though a bit loose on the head (I know now why some on this forum are bending the spring wires) and a very open sounding signature. You won’t believe this is a closed can, though they don’t isolate that much. W1000’s sound more intimate like most closed cans. Bass is about the same, though W5000’s go lower. Furthermore, they are very pretty and they come in a very nice case. Still, I won’t get rid of my W1000’s, because I preferred them for small, acoustic settings.[/size]
  3. [size=small]I compared my W1000’s to the pair that Hans had in store. There was a rather noticeable difference. Mine had more sparkle! Martijn agreed with me. Both models had several hundred of hours on them, so it can’t be blamed on burn-in. Very weird.[/size]
  4. [size=small]I liked the Jecklin Float PMB-500 Electrostat that Digitalmind brought to the meet very much. I love the mids they produce. They were even rather comfortable, much more so than the Ergo’s.[/size]
  5. [size=small]I thought I wasn’t into Grado’s, but the RS-1’s are very comfortable and sound very refined. Sadly, they are as open as the arms of a sailor after a six months journey.[/size]
[size=small]Nice to meet you guys and girls again. See you another time.[/size]
Mar 17, 2008 at 5:11 PM Post #21 of 94

Originally Posted by SACD-Man /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok Hans...... Now I'm VERY jealous. I would like to Host an event in the US. The only issue would be getting you here. NYC area???

Please, please!!!!

I would like to meet everyone here in New York. I guess it's not reality, but what the hey.

Any takers?

Good food (I'm a chef) and good wine will hopefully bait a few of you. Plus Contrastique and I can talk photography a bit while debating over the Larocco.

You do know there is a NY meet coming up, right? Link it HERE
and of course the international meet, known as CanJam'08 can be found HERE. Check 'em out!

As for the fine looking Netherlands meet, I wish I had been there! Nicely done, Hans. That looks like a fabulous meet.

Speaking of CanJam, any Dutch members making the journey? It will be fun times, and it would be even better with some reps from such a great Head-fi contingent. Think about it!

Mar 17, 2008 at 5:53 PM Post #22 of 94
Guys guys, hold your horses!
May the man with the best bottle of wine win haha I kid I kid


Originally Posted by hoosterw /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I guess you will have to get past at least 20 Dutch guard dogs first! We always take care of our Indra. But yesterday we on purpose left her alone. She was a little indisposed from the night before is what the rumour said

The rumour was correct. Unfortunately I became more communicative by the end of the meet so I'm looking forward to the next one.

I (AGAIN) didn't get to the setup from Enoyin which I find pretty annoying. I would have liked to listen to the Stello. Also wanted to listen to the K701 again but then on a good setup to find out what they are capable of when properly amped.
At the end I was getting too tired to listen carefully enough so I stopped.
Maybe better next time.

Ow yeah, and more impressions please !
Mar 17, 2008 at 7:46 PM Post #23 of 94
After another long workday i'll try to post some of my impressions aswell.
I want to send a disclaimer ahead though; I'm not that experienced and comparing audio equipment and especialy in decribing the differences.In addition i was pretty tired sunday...

The K701(MoonAudio recabled) really underwhelmed me,i heared it through Ralphs Transporter+Standard Desktop aswell as Sqeezebox+maxed Desktop and briefly trough my own setup and olivers Gilmore lite.
To my ears it sounded dull, not realy boxy or plasticy but it gave a strange enclosed feeling. I'll have to give them another chance though as i cant believe that is the phone so many people are raving about.
I'm not complaining about neutrality i think, it did sound slightly coloured to my ears and had that strange feeling.Thats all i could complain about but it distracted me a lot.

Ultrasone,in the beginning they didn't appeal to me much at all.The bass didn't sound right and i think it was a little uncontrolled and overemphasized on the pairs i tried which were Ralphs Pro750 and2500(Desktop Max) and the new HFI780.
In addition the looks turn me off, the new models are nicer and they are no big faults but imo they are still disproportioned.All new production phones are presented in a nicer black packing and theres a sturdy and well organised carrying box(do the HFIs come with it aswell?)
HFI 780
They are very detailed in a way to put the K340 to shame,and reproduce with precision,but the highs seemed to be slightly overdoing and the bass felt wrong.I checked them side by side with my K340s and was realy impressed by the detail and analytical character,mids were realistic and the highs open but a little sibiliant.If there wasn't that bass issue i would seriously consider them,would even have bought them right at the meet if they were nicer looking to me :p

I totaly missed to check out the Edition 9s although they were at my table at some point :S

I finaly had a chance to listen to Audio Technicas W1000 and W5000.
First off, they are even more beautiful in real life,amazing design.
I briefly checked thrillmetoos W1000 on Digitalminds setup,but it was not my own music.So well,they were nice and i couldn't point at any faults in those short moments but i think they were a little uninvolving.
Enoyin had Hans' W5000 at his table (Stello DA100+Woo6),this was the phone that attracted me to head-fi by it's sheer unresistible look when i was checking for upgrades to my monitoring.I was highly pleased to put it on my ears (realy comfortable).
It sounded like there was nothing hindering the music to flow and the reproduction was very detailed BUT , they were seriously lacking in body,the bass was there but it had no impact,it was more like perceiving whats happing in low regions but not hearing it to its full extend.My memory is not that firm concerning their soundstage so that gives me another reason to check them out once more..

The meet was the location for my first Grado encounter.
I listened to Olivers SR 225 from my setup trough his Gilmore Lite.
First thought, hm how can one describe grados a head-vices, didn`t feel much of them on my head..
They are realy aggressive with electric guitars sounding upfront but i think for my taste it was too much.No other complaints , i guess i was not very criticaly listening though.
Same for the GS1000 Hans had kindly provided,you have to turn them up loud to get the feel, but they groove and i think the highs were not as shrieking as on the SR225.Heard both phones trough the Headsix and Gilmore Lite.

Digitalminds SET-amp was my first serious encounter with tube amps,the sound was very lush and relaxed but for some music the tubes are adding to much for my gusto.
His PMB500 was impressing in combination with the 805 they had sweet midrange and a very pleasing/musical character.

I liked Enoyins setup a lot the sound the Stello and Woo6 were putting out was much to my taste,annoyingly i payd most attention to the cans though and couldnt concentrate enough to listen realy critical

The Larocco PRIIMKII sounded nice but as my vibez freaked out after a few minutes i didnt listen to it for a long time, it was able to drive the K340 to high enough volume without distortions though.
Thanks for sharing, and the gain switch realy is more than safe enouigh not to be switched accidentaly :p

More impressions later i guess.

Shame on me for not beeing on level physicaly aswell, i'll have to rest a little before the next meet i attend.I learned a lot though, i will definately counter check with phones i know and primarily use music i know everything else was not half as revealing for me..

It was a great meet with nice and interesting people and a great host.
Looking forward to see you again
Mar 17, 2008 at 9:46 PM Post #24 of 94
Interesting, HF780 put K340 to shame, hmm... Are yours fully modded? And which amp do you use, cos they need a lots of juce, but I sure you know that of course. Really liked my, while back, using with OTL tube amp, what a great match that was, yeah...

Damn, ED9, I am curiouse about them to, not crazy enough to pull the trigger, but still...

About the Grado. I really believe that TUBES are the way to go with them, especially GS1000 need it a lot of it. Heard them with a lot of different SS amps and still prefer tubes by large margine. They truly suck out if the amp isnt good enough, thats why people do not like them, imo.

Thanks for your impressions and hoping for more later


Originally Posted by utilisateur /img/forum/go_quote.gif
HFI 780
They are very detailed in a way to put the K340 to shame,and reproduce with precision,but the highs seemed to be slightly overdoing and the bass felt wrong.I checked them side by side with my K340s and was realy impressed by the detail and analytical character,mids were realistic and the highs open but a little sibiliant.If there wasn't that bass issue i would seriously consider them,would even have bought them right at the meet if they were nicer looking to me :p

I totaly missed to check out the Edition 9s although they were at my table at some point :S

The meet was the location for my first Grado encounter.
I listened to Olivers SR 225 from my setup trough his Gilmore Lite.
First thought, hm how can one describe grados a head-vices, didn`t feel much of them on my head..
They are realy aggressive with electric guitars sounding upfront but i think for my taste it was too much.No other complaints , i guess i was not very criticaly listening though.
Same for the GS1000 Hans had kindly provided,you have to turn them up loud to get the feel, but they groove and i think the highs were not as shrieking as on the SR225.Heard both phones trough the Headsix and Gilmore Lite.

More impressions later i guess.

Mar 17, 2008 at 9:59 PM Post #25 of 94

Originally Posted by utilisateur /img/forum/go_quote.gif
HFI 780
They are very detailed in a way to put the K340 to shame,and reproduce with precision,but the highs seemed to be slightly overdoing and the bass felt wrong.I checked them side by side with my K340s and was realy impressed by the detail and analytical character,mids were realistic and the highs open but a little sibiliant.If there wasn't that bass issue i would seriously consider them,would even have bought them right at the meet if they were nicer looking to me :p

I think this is mainly because the K340 needs insane amounts of power. Not many people know this, so they miss out on the best parts. With insane I really do mean insane amounts of power. From experience, the amplifier that's too powerful for a 600ohm DT770 is enough power for a K340. The rest just doesn't cut it. The only amplifier I have used with the K340 that created great results was the stupidly powerful Eddie Current EC-01.

Thanks for the detailed impressions -- fun read.
Mar 17, 2008 at 10:12 PM Post #26 of 94
I compared them using Frienes` Gilmore Lite
still waiting to get my parts and the time to built a beta22,but till then i`m amping them with my grannys old Technics Su7600.
I`m definately going to do another comparison with proper amping and modded 340s.
But with the Gilmore lite and apart the cotton unmodded 340s there was a very obvious difference in detail especialy in the higher regions. Thats were i perceive a big difference when properly amped though..
Hmm i guess i`ll have to get some Ultrasones to do another comparison with the technics and in a month or so the Beta22

BTW for its size and price i was realy impressed with the Gilmore Lite

Hm underamped K340s at home realy makes me want my amp or other phones

Any other comments on the HFI780?
Indra what you said seems like an exact mirror of my impression of the 780s , if the 750 or others are realy better here i`ll have to check them

If you say the K340 needs insane power you missed an attraction with the SE700s they would swallow two K340 amps and start to sound ok (mostly voltage though ..)
Mar 18, 2008 at 3:11 AM Post #27 of 94

Originally Posted by Voltron /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You do know there is a NY meet coming up, right? Link it HERE
and of course the international meet, known as CanJam'08 can be found HERE. Check 'em out!

As for the fine looking Netherlands meet, I wish I had been there! Nicely done, Hans. That looks like a fabulous meet.

Speaking of CanJam, any Dutch members making the journey? It will be fun times, and it would be even better with some reps from such a great Head-fi contingent. Think about it!


No way..I guess I was asleep at the wheel. Boy I will try and get there. I have a b-day party
which will allow me to dream about talk to all of you headphones addicts (like me) if I'm attending the party and not the show.

"Wife, ahhh well ummm there is a show on how men can listen better seminar a few hundred miles away and it looks like I can attend with those who have great ears..." LOL

I will let you know, but not looking good.
Mar 18, 2008 at 10:15 AM Post #28 of 94

Originally Posted by utilisateur /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Any other comments on the HFI780?
Indra what you said seems like an exact mirror of my impression of the 780s , if the 750 or others are realy better here i`ll have to check them

I think the 750's are much better because they are a lot more controlled. They handle busy music a lot more easily. They sounded very laid-back in comparism with the 780's and I never thought I would call them laid-back one day. Quite funny.
All in all, there's a pretty big price-differ between the 2, the 750's are € 299,- list price.

What did you mean by you Vibes freaking out with the Larocco? One disadvantage about the AD744 modded Larocco is that they have an audible hiss with IEM's (even with my Prolines at low volumes) so it could be that that's what you meant?
The gainswitch is indeed something that takes some fiddlin' to switch over haha!
Mar 18, 2008 at 2:59 PM Post #30 of 94
Hey, another DeepPurple fan, nice pics to


Originally Posted by Dexdexter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi Y'all!

Here are some photos, impressions to follow hopefully this evening:



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