HP Amp help, SMSL SP200 too clinical
Jan 20, 2020 at 12:12 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


New Head-Fier
Nov 15, 2019
Lenexa, KS
I am currently using an S.M.S.L. Sp200 THX 888 Amplifier, I love it and it has no problems powering anything i've thrown at it. Sony MDR-7506, Sennheiser 598, Hifiman HE-4XX, Audeze LCD-2c Closed, Hifiman Sundara and few others. The one thing I have noticed I have been missing sometimes is color and warmth, sometimes it is just too clinical sounding. I love this most of the time but I'd like the otion of a more laid back forgiving listening experience occasionally. I have been attempting to correct this with headphones but now I realize it would probably be better to do this with a second amp.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a warmer sounding solid state amplifier that wont break the bank? I primarily listen to Planars so an OTL amp wouldn't make much sense. In the near future I plan on adding a Focal Elex and Hifiman Ananda to the mix, also thinking about the Sivga P-II/Sendy Aiva and Mrspeakers Aeon Flow as well, maybe ZMF Dynamics too

Does such a thing as a warm Solid State exist or a Hybrid tube that has a warm sound and can handle all the Planars? What about a tube amp as a Preamp/Buffer/Colorer to the SP200? (Thinking RCA splitter from source- one straight to SP200 other to the tube preamp/buffer and back into the XLR on the SP-200 and just switch back and forth there) Not sure how, or if that would work. If so, is a preamp better or should I just get a tube amp with rca outputs and use it as a preamp and have the capability of a dedicated OTL if I case I get some high Ohm dynamics in the future.

I've been looking at Darkvoice 336, Little Dot Mk2, FX Audio Tube-01, Massdrop Cavalli Tube hybrid, Schiit Vali 2 and many others...

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated!
Jan 20, 2020 at 1:26 AM Post #2 of 7
Hi @DrGonzo11,

Subjectively & personally, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the SP 200 for colour & warmth or laid back forgiving listening...
I use this head amp all the time & it is my favourite THX amp over the Drop THX which is drier & more clinical than the SP200 in my humble opinion though I like both but I do listen to the SP200 more out of the two.

Anyway, from a subjective POV, the headphones you use aren't known for having the best synergy for warm or colourful amps as they tend to lean more clinical & in some cases, a little cold so if you have any other headphones on hand, I would suggest trying those first to check the sound synergy...

Also. what is your source?
Depending on said source will also influence how the sound is overall as well as this also affects overall gear synergy.
Another thing to keep in mind is how well recorded is your source material & I don't mean format though I will say some formats, especially High Res, do unflattering things to song dynamics among other things...

For good alternatives in Solid State & Tube head amps, I suggest looking into the Presonus HP 4 & Loxjie P20.
Cavalli Tube Hybrid is also a good choice but for best performance, I suggest looking for a low noise, low microphonic tube as alternative to stock as that's more a guitar tube than an audio tube.

Honestly, I wouldn't recommend a RCA splitter or any sort of switcher as more often than not, especially with audio gear, feedback & bleed issues are very annoying possiblities to likelihoods.
Something better I would suggest is a monitor controller, eg Drawmer MC 2.1 which I actually use in my setup to control 2 pairs of powered pro monitors via balanced outputs with the remaining balanced output for balanced head amps.
One definite positive a monitor controller has over a switcher or splitter is all audio channels can be on simultaneously &/or as you need with any not in use off or mute as required.
I will also add the Presonus HP 4 is also a good auxillary audio controller.

If you need me to go in further detail, let me know

Feel free to ask more about anything else when you need as well.

Hope you have a great day !
Jan 20, 2020 at 2:09 AM Post #3 of 7
Hi @DrGonzo11,

Subjectively & personally, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the SP 200 for colour & warmth or laid back forgiving listening...
I use this head amp all the time & it is my favourite THX amp over the Drop THX which is drier & more clinical than the SP200 in my humble opinion though I like both but I do listen to the SP200 more out of the two.

Anyway, from a subjective POV, the headphones you use aren't known for having the best synergy for warm or colourful amps as they tend to lean more clinical & in some cases, a little cold so if you have any other headphones on hand, I would suggest trying those first to check the sound synergy...

Also. what is your source?
Depending on said source will also influence how the sound is overall as well as this also affects overall gear synergy.
Another thing to keep in mind is how well recorded is your source material & I don't mean format though I will say some formats, especially High Res, do unflattering things to song dynamics among other things...

For good alternatives in Solid State & Tube head amps, I suggest looking into the Presonus HP 4 & Loxjie P20.
Cavalli Tube Hybrid is also a good choice but for best performance, I suggest looking for a low noise, low microphonic tube as alternative to stock as that's more a guitar tube than an audio tube.

Honestly, I wouldn't recommend a RCA splitter or any sort of switcher as more often than not, especially with audio gear, feedback & bleed issues are very annoying possiblities to likelihoods.
Something better I would suggest is a monitor controller, eg Drawmer MC 2.1 which I actually use in my setup to control 2 pairs of powered pro monitors via balanced outputs with the remaining balanced output for balanced head amps.
One definite positive a monitor controller has over a switcher or splitter is all audio channels can be on simultaneously &/or as you need with any not in use off or mute as required.
I will also add the Presonus HP 4 is also a good auxillary audio controller.

If you need me to go in further detail, let me know

Feel free to ask more about anything else when you need as well.

Hope you have a great day !

Well I guess the obvious and easiest switch would be to find a warmer set of cans to compliment the more clinical stuff I already own rather than buying another amp and or more gear. Do you have any suggestions for headphones in that direction, Sub $1000 preferably?

As far as source goes, it is mostly vinyl on a Stanton 120C table with an ortofon red cart through a rek-o-kit ultra preamp (occasionally I use a couple custom cartridges for 78's) and videos and games through my Topping D30 DSD DAC... I also have a schiit Loki in the mix for EQ as needed.
Jan 20, 2020 at 2:56 AM Post #4 of 7
HI @DrGonzo11,

Before I get into some headphone recommendations, I have to say that is a decent turntable you have for source, though if I make a suggestion, perhaps at least an Ortofon 2M Blue would give you more warmth & colour to your music though it will also depend on track & genre too.

Also, I haven't heard any Topping gear so I have no idea how they sound so can't tell you how to improve that part...

I would suggest not using the Loki.

Now to headphones in no particular order :

Acoustic Research AR1
Neumann NDH 20
Sony MDR 1AM2
Sendy Aiva
Fostex TH 610
Audio Technica SR 9
Meze 99 Classics

Hope this is useful.

Hope you have a great day !
Jan 20, 2020 at 3:42 AM Post #5 of 7
HI @DrGonzo11,

Before I get into some headphone recommendations, I have to say that is a decent turntable you have for source, though if I make a suggestion, perhaps at least an Ortofon 2M Blue would give you more warmth & colour to your music though it will also depend on track & genre too.

Also, I haven't heard any Topping gear so I have no idea how they sound so can't tell you how to improve that part...

I would suggest not using the Loki.

Now to headphones in no particular order :

Acoustic Research AR1
Neumann NDH 20
Sony MDR 1AM2
Sendy Aiva
Fostex TH 610
Audio Technica SR 9
Meze 99 Classics

Hope this is useful.

Hope you have a great day !

I've been debating on a new cartridge for this table but have been holding off because the sumiko blue point special evo iii on my main rig needs a retip and I can't decide what I want to do with it... I'm not opposed to a blue, I was thinking about getting sumiko Pearl or something as a stand in on the living room rig until the blue point gets retipped then moving the temporary cart to the Stanton, I've got plenty of headshells.

What about the Loki don't you like? when it's in bypass it produces no distortion at all, it might be the cleanest thing in the loop, its crazy.

I've been wanting fiats 610's just can't swallow the price tag, I have been eyeballing the Aivas and the Blon B20's as well but I think I might pick up the sivga p-ii's instead. Been eyeballing the Meze Noir on massdrop all day, it's on sale for $160 I believe, not sue how it compares to the classic though.

Been spending most of my time trying to decide between a focal elear package with utopia pads or the massdrop elex... I can't decide to save my life...

Same issue with the Hifiman Ananda and Massdrop Edition XX...

I like what I've read on that Loxjie p20, since you suggested it I've been digging in on it. Seems like a good deal for $85.
Jan 20, 2020 at 9:45 AM Post #6 of 7

I've been debating on a new cartridge for this table but have been holding off because the sumiko blue point special evo iii on my main rig needs a retip and I can't decide what I want to do with it... I'm not opposed to a blue, I was thinking about getting sumiko Pearl or something as a stand in on the living room rig until the blue point gets retipped then moving the temporary cart to the Stanton, I've got plenty of headshells.

Depending on how much life your Sumiko Blue Point has, I suggest re tip as that may be more worthwhile for your budget...
As a side note, I know of a few people over the years who have kept turning tips on various cartridges till said tip is worn down to a nubbin instead of just re tipping.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough experience with Sumiko cartridges to advise further though from what I understand from those who know more on this, Ortofon is a better choice for tip longevity on top of sonics but mileage will definitely vary...

What about the Loki don't you like? when it's in bypass it produces no distortion at all, it might be the cleanest thing in the loop, its crazy.

Subjectively & personally, I am not a fan of Schitt products in general for various reasons, two top among these reasons as from a sonic & technical perspective, they don't do much for me & in most cases overall don't sound as good as pro audio gear they emulate, not to mention overall value on pro gear far outweighs audio gear by a significant margin.

I've been wanting fiats 610's just can't swallow the price tag.

For some reason, average price for a Fostex TH 610 is ridiculous anywhere around the world so you're not alone there.
It took me at least 3 years to decide on actually owning them despite by then having more affordable headphones which actually technically surpassed the 610. (Average price in USD at time of purchase almost 2 years ago now on sale, which is not my local currency by the way, was roughly $350-$400)

Been eyeballing the Meze Noir on massdrop all day, it's on sale for $160 I believe, not sue how it compares to the classic though.

As far as I am aware, not interested so can't say for sure but according to many others, Noir is similar if not the same sonically as Neo though personally, I would still prefer 99 Classics though I suggest a pad change if you get any of the three.

I have been eyeballing the Aivas and the Blon B20's as well but I think I might pick up the sivga p-ii's instead.

Aivas are definitely a good choice though this needs a good head amp with Current, not necessarily power or wattage...
As such, gear synergy is very important here otherwise as most have found out the hard way.

Have no idea about Blon 20's or Sivgas as personally not interested in either, not to mention the overall hype train both still ride on...

So Acoustic Research AR 1 is definitely a better choice overall...wait for it to be available on Drop for the best deal otherwise ordinarily, it is mostly overpriced in normal audio retail outlets.
Quite wide upper headroom it has when paired with a good head amp.

Been spending most of my time trying to decide between a focal elear package with utopia pads or the massdrop elex... I can't decide to save my life...

I believe I can help with this...

Honestly, Focal Elear is decent but subjectively & personally, Neumann NDH 20 is much better & more affordable though as in previous post, I suggest a demo to be sure, pro audio shops will definitely have one somewhere...
Don't know about the Elex or...care...sorry...

Same issue with the Hifiman Ananda and Massdrop Edition XX...

Ananda is very overrated, personally for me, almost boring but only due to all headphones I have performing technically better but this is my subjective opinion...have no idea about Drop Edition X as same story for me as my opinion on the Elex...

I like what I've read on that Loxjie p20, since you suggested it I've been digging in on it. Seems like a good deal for $85.

Loxjie P20 is a very unassuming sleeper hit most are still very much disbelief due to that price, I got it when it was still $100 USD so $85 is a no brainer.
As a side note, it is the only tube amp I have used for long periods with sensitive IEMs & I have really sensitive hearing...

Hope this helps.

Hope you have a great day !
Apr 21, 2020 at 8:23 AM Post #7 of 7
I am currently using an S.M.S.L. Sp200 THX 888 Amplifier, I love it and it has no problems powering anything i've thrown at it. Sony MDR-7506, Sennheiser 598, Hifiman HE-4XX, Audeze LCD-2c Closed, Hifiman Sundara and few others. The one thing I have noticed I have been missing sometimes is color and warmth, sometimes it is just too clinical sounding. I love this most of the time but I'd like the otion of a more laid back forgiving listening experience occasionally. I have been attempting to correct this with headphones but now I realize it would probably be better to do this with a second amp.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a warmer sounding solid state amplifier that wont break the bank? I primarily listen to Planars so an OTL amp wouldn't make much sense. In the near future I plan on adding a Focal Elex and Hifiman Ananda to the mix, also thinking about the Sivga P-II/Sendy Aiva and Mrspeakers Aeon Flow as well, maybe ZMF Dynamics too

Does such a thing as a warm Solid State exist or a Hybrid tube that has a warm sound and can handle all the Planars? What about a tube amp as a Preamp/Buffer/Colorer to the SP200? (Thinking RCA splitter from source- one straight to SP200 other to the tube preamp/buffer and back into the XLR on the SP-200 and just switch back and forth there) Not sure how, or if that would work. If so, is a preamp better or should I just get a tube amp with rca outputs and use it as a preamp and have the capability of a dedicated OTL if I case I get some high Ohm dynamics in the future.

I've been looking at Darkvoice 336, Little Dot Mk2, FX Audio Tube-01, Massdrop Cavalli Tube hybrid, Schiit Vali 2 and many others...

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated!
I if I connect my sp20 to the line out output of my dx220 the sound is too clinical, if instead I connect it directly to the headphone output of the dx220 the sound is perfect

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