"Highend" open cans with bass near/as good as/better than the Denon d2000?
Mar 26, 2009 at 3:18 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 60


Apr 16, 2008

Anyone have know of a pair of open cans that has bass near/as good as/better than the Denon d2000?

I tried some of the "top" end cans like dt880, k701, hd650.
DT 880 I used to think had pretty good bass, but it's not accurate enough and also doesn't go deep enough on some tracks. Plus the highs of the 880 are too damn sharp/harsh so it takes away from the overall enjoyment. The 650 probably has the best bass of the bunch, but the laid back Sennheiser sound really bothers me. The bass of the 650 is good, but again I still think even the 650 can't produce the big oomph of the deepest bass tracks. The 701/702 bass is pretty lean. The bass is detailed and punchy, but it's not heavy/deep enough for me.

The Denon d2000 bass works best for me, but i'm looking for a pair of open cans.

Any help would be appreciated.
Mar 26, 2009 at 7:28 AM Post #3 of 60

Originally Posted by Alpha 1 Omega /img/forum/go_quote.gif
bass and open headphones that is two words that you do not see to with each other...

true true but that doesn't mean you just "give up" and don't find the "best" out there for your ears. Just like soundstage and iem also doesn't go together but that certainly does not mean all iem's soundstage are equal.

if anyone know of a gd pair of open cans with very gd bass, pls share.
Mar 26, 2009 at 7:30 AM Post #4 of 60

Originally Posted by Alpha 1 Omega /img/forum/go_quote.gif
bass and open headphones that is two words that you do not see to with each other...

And that is an odd sentence. Seems like this thread is full of rarities.

ON TOPIC: I doubt you'll get anywhere close to d2000 bass in quantity with an open headphone. However, if you didn't like the 650 then maybe try the 600. It has less bass, but IMO is way less laid back.
Mar 26, 2009 at 7:38 AM Post #5 of 60
You can always try a high end closed headphone. Denon and ultrasone are calling for you, buddy.

Or, you can listen to a more anemic open headphone for a few months, then go to something with slightly more bass; Take advantage of the perceived burn in. Only bad part is you won't be able to listen to the D2ks at all. :\
Mar 26, 2009 at 7:48 AM Post #7 of 60
I normally couldn't wear closed cans as long as i could with open cans, hence the search. Thats why i was hoping to find something as close to the d2000 as possible which to me suits my taste well enough.

Surely there are open cans that sounds "gd" and has better bass then the few that i have tried (dt880, k701, hd650)?

is there?
Mar 26, 2009 at 7:48 AM Post #8 of 60
an open D2000?

and my 'stats are technically open (ok, read: they are not fully sealed, but have more foam than driver by volume, and this is factory stock, not modified) and have a good amount of quality bass (you won't approach the bloated level found in the D2000, but extension is "straight to the floor", and thump is there when the track actually has it (listen to K701's long enough, as an example, you'll realize most music doesn't have "bass" so much as "midbass" or "thump", and that most "mid-fi" stuff just accentuates that "thump" (the Denon's are one foot on either side of the line, they're a good balance imho))
Mar 26, 2009 at 7:50 AM Post #9 of 60

Originally Posted by Kees /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ultrasone PRO2500.

Thks for the info!
I will research on that and hopefully find a pair to audition.
Mar 26, 2009 at 7:58 AM Post #10 of 60

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif
an open D2000?

and my 'stats are technically open (ok, read: they are not fully sealed, but have more foam than driver by volume, and this is factory stock, not modified) and have a good amount of quality bass (you won't approach the bloated level found in the D2000, but extension is "straight to the floor", and thump is there when the track actually has it (listen to K701's long enough, as an example, you'll realize most music doesn't have "bass" so much as "midbass" or "thump", and that most "mid-fi" stuff just accentuates that "thump" (the Denon's are one foot on either side of the line, they're a good balance imho))

you mean electrostat headphones?
Mar 26, 2009 at 8:15 AM Post #12 of 60

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif

if this doesn't have to be portable, and you've got the money and time, you might look into it

hehehe, thks for sharing man, I see how much can i sell for my kidney first... i think i need a lot more funds if i choose to go that route.
Mar 26, 2009 at 8:18 AM Post #13 of 60

Originally Posted by obobskivich /img/forum/go_quote.gif

the quality is, imho, miles ahead of the D2000's, not as much "thump" or "slam", very "lean", but not rolled off

if this doesn't have to be portable, and you've got the money and time, you might look into it

Ahhh...going from D2000 to Stax reminded of my past. I bought my vintage Lambda combo for $300. A much better deal than the D2000 overall, IMO. No more harsh highs and sibilance, a much more defined bass, better mids, and very neutral. The only thing that the D2000 did better was dynamics and bass quantity. The price/performance ratio of these vintage Lambdas are unbeatable.
Mar 26, 2009 at 8:27 AM Post #15 of 60

Originally Posted by moonboy403 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ahhh...going from D2000 to Stax reminded of my past. I bought my vintage Lambda combo for $300. A much better deal than the D2000 overall, IMO. No more harsh highs and sibilance, a much more defined bass, better mids, and very neutral. The only thing that the D2000 did better was dynamics and bass quantity. The price/performance ratio of these vintage Lambdas are unbeatable.

I agree almost 100% with everything you're saying, the only thing the D2000's have over these (I happened to go the road less traveled, and buy Koss 'stats) is more "thump" (but even 4070's won't "thump", thats just 'stats for you), although in terms of absolute extension (i.e: those nether regions of music that are rarely heard from (roughly the neighborhood of 20hz)), the D2000's can't hold a candle (too much "thump" to extract the itsy-bitsy details, and the D2000's handle their thump with a lot of detail for dynamics, no question about it)

as far as "sell my kidney", 'stats don't have to be expensive, just new STAX systems
(look at vintage and new Koss, vintage STAX, and HE60's, none of them are exceptionally more expensive than a good pair of dynamics (some HE60's are reaching for the stars with resale prices though

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