High End Cables Thread (digital, analog, power)
Feb 6, 2024 at 6:27 PM Post #826 of 965
I think both are shielded. But they do it differently.

I have a Delta XC from my wall into Delta D6 Hydra power conditioner. The Delta power cord is definitely stiffer and harder. The Alpha is thicker but is easier to control.
Feb 6, 2024 at 7:51 PM Post #828 of 965
I was hoping the Alpha is more flexible. I'm leaning (no pun intended) that way. I had a Delta v1 and it was really stiff.
Yes, my understanding is that the previous generation 1 of Shunyata cables were really stiff. Even some of the older black mamba have a reputation for being too stiff.

Again the Delta v2 XC I use is stiff but not unmanageable. It's the same stiffness as the Venom NR V10 I just took out from my DAC. The Alpha is think like a hose but its not as stiff and easier to route thru the system.
Feb 7, 2024 at 6:46 AM Post #833 of 965
is there a guideline on what kind/type of PC to choose for digital components and for amps ? if i can buy one really totl PC where first should i install it ? dac or amp ?
It really depends but I usually would look towards my DAC first, then amp as the DAC is the one that can really "hear" the enhancements
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Feb 16, 2024 at 3:22 AM Post #835 of 965
"Tara Labs The 0.8 Onboard xlr Interconnect"

The sound density is extremely high, full and watery, and has a great sense of weight.
The lines of the instrument are significantly strengthened, and the high frequencies are refined and rounded.
Rich vocals, sincere emotions, very real
Although it is a copper wire, it is not dull at all and the background is extremely black.

It is not at the same level as the 1.TWL spirit II RCA and 2.Cardas clear reflection xlr that I have used before (of course the price is also very different)
The signal line characteristics of Taralabs are particularly well matched with Chord, which can complement the weight and thickness.
I highly recommend giving it a try

Feb 29, 2024 at 8:48 PM Post #836 of 965
i bought a few AudioQuest cables from @F208Frank recently. Diamond aes/ebu, Fire xlr and Dragon hdmi. haven't tried the aes or xlr, but did get round to inserting the Dragon hdmi between the wavelight server and dac.

The Dragon hdmi is very impressive.

I almost never use i2s nowadays, always preferring the aes/ebu connection. I only use i2s when dabbling with hqplayer, but ultimately always go back to redbook and aes for a more dynamic, musical, and fuller sound.

Dragon hdmi between wavelight server and dac is really nice. without upsampling, I already get a fuller stronger low end with a bit of bloom, audibly more low end extension/subbass, and slightly pronounced midrange. with the wavelight server upsampling pcm to the dac, I get all of the above plus seemingly better central imaging, a bit more spaciousness up top. with some music, elements that are slightly off center seem easier to pick out and hear, less gelled to the centre.

It's pretty easy to compare the connections as both cables can be hooked up simultaneously and the change can be done easily via the rockna app.

The hdmi + upsampling is giving the aes connection a run for it's money. I like the Dragon a lot and have already sold my Tubulus Concentus V2. downside is the AQ cable is quite stiff and rather hard to route, and of course the cost. never thought I'd go back to i2s, and am now considering paying for hqplayer5 to test out some of the newer filters.
Feb 29, 2024 at 9:23 PM Post #837 of 965
i bought a few AudioQuest cables from @F208Frank recently. Diamond aes/ebu, Fire xlr and Dragon hdmi. haven't tried the aes or xlr, but did get round to inserting the Dragon hdmi between the wavelight server and dac.

The Dragon hdmi is very impressive.

I almost never use i2s nowadays, always preferring the aes/ebu connection. I only use i2s when dabbling with hqplayer, but ultimately always go back to redbook and aes for a more dynamic, musical, and fuller sound.

Dragon hdmi between wavelight server and dac is really nice. without upsampling, I already get a fuller stronger low end with a bit of bloom, audibly more low end extension/subbass, and slightly pronounced midrange. with the wavelight server upsampling pcm to the dac, I get all of the above plus seemingly better central imaging, a bit more spaciousness up top. with some music, elements that are slightly off center seem easier to pick out and hear, less gelled to the centre.

It's pretty easy to compare the connections as both cables can be hooked up simultaneously and the change can be done easily via the rockna app.

The hdmi + upsampling is giving the aes connection a run for it's money. I like the Dragon a lot and have already sold my Tubulus Concentus V2. downside is the AQ cable is quite stiff and rather hard to route, and of course the cost. never thought I'd go back to i2s, and am now considering paying for hqplayer5 to test out some of the newer filters.
Good report! Lots of new cables for you. The Audioquest fire XLR sounds interesting too!
Feb 29, 2024 at 9:29 PM Post #838 of 965
i bought a few AudioQuest cables from @F208Frank recently. Diamond aes/ebu, Fire xlr and Dragon hdmi. haven't tried the aes or xlr, but did get round to inserting the Dragon hdmi between the wavelight server and dac.

The Dragon hdmi is very impressive.

I almost never use i2s nowadays, always preferring the aes/ebu connection. I only use i2s when dabbling with hqplayer, but ultimately always go back to redbook and aes for a more dynamic, musical, and fuller sound.

Dragon hdmi between wavelight server and dac is really nice. without upsampling, I already get a fuller stronger low end with a bit of bloom, audibly more low end extension/subbass, and slightly pronounced midrange. with the wavelight server upsampling pcm to the dac, I get all of the above plus seemingly better central imaging, a bit more spaciousness up top. with some music, elements that are slightly off center seem easier to pick out and hear, less gelled to the centre.

It's pretty easy to compare the connections as both cables can be hooked up simultaneously and the change can be done easily via the rockna app.

The hdmi + upsampling is giving the aes connection a run for it's money. I like the Dragon a lot and have already sold my Tubulus Concentus V2. downside is the AQ cable is quite stiff and rather hard to route, and of course the cost. never thought I'd go back to i2s, and am now considering paying for hqplayer5 to test out some of the newer filters.
Interesting thankyou. You can of course trial HQP5, 30 min session duration. I did this last month and upgraded as a result, found some nice sonic improvements over HQP4. Also ability to run more demanding/better sounding filters and modulators on the same hardware.
Feb 29, 2024 at 10:00 PM Post #839 of 965
Good report! Lots of new cables for you. The Audioquest fire XLR sounds interesting too!

Thanks man. I have the pegasus XLR and will try compare to the Fire and report back. the Fire seems to have been discontinued as I can't see it on the AQ website anymore. not sure if the pegasus is the replacement.

Interesting thankyou. You can of course trial HQP5, 30 min session duration. I did this last month and upgraded as a result, found some nice sonic improvements over HQP4. Also ability to run more demanding/better sounding filters and modulators on the same hardware.

Yep! have trialed hqp5 a few times and quite like pcm sinc MGa LNS15 as well as gauss xla. as mentioned above, always went back to aes, but I think this might change with the AQ hdmi. will give it a go and see if it's worth the coin for hqp5!
Mar 1, 2024 at 10:27 AM Post #840 of 965
i bought a few AudioQuest cables from @F208Frank recently. Diamond aes/ebu, Fire xlr and Dragon hdmi. haven't tried the aes or xlr, but did get round to inserting the Dragon hdmi between the wavelight server and dac.

The Dragon hdmi is very impressive.

I almost never use i2s nowadays, always preferring the aes/ebu connection. I only use i2s when dabbling with hqplayer, but ultimately always go back to redbook and aes for a more dynamic, musical, and fuller sound.

Dragon hdmi between wavelight server and dac is really nice. without upsampling, I already get a fuller stronger low end with a bit of bloom, audibly more low end extension/subbass, and slightly pronounced midrange. with the wavelight server upsampling pcm to the dac, I get all of the above plus seemingly better central imaging, a bit more spaciousness up top. with some music, elements that are slightly off center seem easier to pick out and hear, less gelled to the centre.

It's pretty easy to compare the connections as both cables can be hooked up simultaneously and the change can be done easily via the rockna app.

The hdmi + upsampling is giving the aes connection a run for it's money. I like the Dragon a lot and have already sold my Tubulus Concentus V2. downside is the AQ cable is quite stiff and rather hard to route, and of course the cost. never thought I'd go back to i2s, and am now considering paying for hqplayer5 to test out some of the newer filters.
Glad it went to a good home!

Very excited to hear further impressions...especially when compared to the JPS cables you got.

Anyone looking for the Fleetwood Deville SQ Speakers... I listed mine at a crazy good price easily found on google. (Paid 25K with receipt shown in listings under 1 year old, selling for $15300)
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