Help with recommendations for a desktop audio player (windows).
Jul 27, 2017 at 7:59 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
Oct 22, 2016
So after the messy business of importing and re-organizing all my music files onto a new system I'm on the lookout for a new music player to make the best out of them. After comparing all the features I could access on my spotify app on my smartphone (crossfade, volume equalisation, up next features etc) I'm in no rush to go back to Windows native windows media player/groove music software.

So what are peoples' recommendation for a high rez, high quality music player that's easy to use and able to handle all the important formats (FLAC, AAC, mp3, WAV etc)?

Ideally I'd like something that isn't too complex to set up and that doesn't look too much like an excel spreadsheet, and if possible can incorporate some sort of auto file import so I don't have to go through this whole process every time.

Many thanks head-fiers!
Jul 27, 2017 at 9:51 AM Post #2 of 12
Foobar2000 is best of the best and it's the go-to player for audiophiles. You can import skins if the bland UI is not to your liking. It also has endless features and you'd be hard pressed to find a better free player. Plays every format under the sun including DSD
Jul 27, 2017 at 10:35 AM Post #3 of 12
Winamp and Foobar2000 are both good options. I personally use winamp because I like the UI a lot (more than Foobar's) while doing all the technical stuff right as well.
Jul 27, 2017 at 12:57 PM Post #5 of 12
I couldnt get witht the Foobar2000 learning curve(im the type of guy who wants stuff to work the first time) so I went with Media Monkey.
It does everything I need it to do,except play ALAC files(I think there is a plug-in for them),but I didnt have that many to begin with so im good.
Jul 27, 2017 at 1:45 PM Post #7 of 12
I wouldn't recommend Media Monkey if you want simple. It's my preferred player as I think it handles large libraries the best, but moving around the settings and setting up ripping defaults and such aren't exactly user friendly.

Base foobar is easy to use, it's only when you want to mess around with it that it gets complicated. I've used the new Amarra program and if you're used to something like Groove music it works well, though it's UI gets bogged down by large music collections.
Jul 27, 2017 at 3:09 PM Post #9 of 12
Most digital audiophiles on Windows indeed seem to use foobar2000. I have much fancier players (such as HQPlayer, which does upsampling, noise shaping, etc., but is rendered a moot point now that I use Chord DACs) but none of them have the ease of use, features, and customization of foobar2000, so I just use it. You can download an endless array of custom skins to alter the interface to your liking. I just use the basic default interface. (I drag and drop on-the-fly playlists from my custom-organized file folders, so GUI is not important to me.)
Jul 27, 2017 at 4:47 PM Post #11 of 12
Foobar really isn't that much trouble to set up. Download it, drag and drop files into it, make playlists, done. I don't understand why some people here seem to think it's a hassle to set up. Even if you want to add extra components, it's just a matter of downloading the add-on, and dragging it into the components tab on settings menu. It's not rocket science haha.
Jul 28, 2017 at 12:25 AM Post #12 of 12
Foobar really isn't that much trouble to set up. Download it, drag and drop files into it, make playlists, done. I don't understand why some people here seem to think it's a hassle to set up. Even if you want to add extra components, it's just a matter of downloading the add-on, and dragging it into the components tab on settings menu. It's not rocket science haha.
Concur; once you learn the U.I. and its menus it is a breeze to set-up and you will see how extremely flexible it is. Advanced options can be a tad complicated but again once you interface with them over time you'll soon grasp them.

Google Play although online and very basic is a good option for many who want immediate player set-up and features.

Roon is also good but foobar2K is free and sounds just as good with probably a tad more advanced features, plugins, skins, etc. so...
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