Half successful Frankenstein Koss driver transplant!
Nov 12, 2002 at 5:58 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Jun 29, 2001
I was kinda bored and lookin around my room when I spotted some broken ksc50s (rubber ear clip parts broke off), some broken td61s (actually they worked fine but sounded like crap) and decided to try and make some closed kosses. I figured the good sounding ksc50 drivers (same as in portapros, sportapros, ksc35s, and ksc55s) combined with the comfortable td61s would make for some nice headphones, or atleast a few minutes of amusement. And they were both cheap to buy and unusable in their current states so what the hell, why not? Heres what I did incase anyone else wants to try this:

Popped the right side td61 earpad out of the frame, sized up the drivers and discovered that this crazy plan could actually work. The only problem I saw was that while the actual transducers appeared to be the exact same size, the ksc50s have that extra prickly plastic boarder to hold on the the earpads.

Cleaned off the foam piece that lives inbetween the earpiece and the frame giving the cups some about 1cm of movement. It had collected a bunch of dust from these headphones sitting around for 5 years (got em when I was in middle school).

Pried out the td61 drivers with a throwing knife (hey it was on my desk and looked like it would work). There were clips on each side to hold the driver in but they didnt want to move that much and I didnt want to break them off so I used the knife blade as a lever to lift up the part of the driver close to the smaller clip, and wiggling the blade around moved the clip enough free up the driver. There was some glue here and there but it was old schwagy glue so it didnt cause any trouble.

Popped the right side ksc50 driver off its frame, took my super sharp sizzors (these things cut through pennies like nothin) and cut a line through the metal grills and plastic piece holding the wire to allow me to free up the driver.

Now heres where I messed up. The ksc50s have a plastic protector piece covering the driver. The td61s also have a plastic protector piece but its built into the earcup and I didnt want two pieces of plastic blocking the sound so I tried to pry the one off of the ksc50 driver, the throwing knife slipped a couple of mm and ended up cutting the driver. I thought it was just wrinkled and didnt realize I had killed it until later.

Cut off the plastic prickly boarder with my sizzors.

Stuck the ksc50 driver in the td61 driver spot... perfect fit!

Positioned the cord, replaced the middle foam piece, popped the earpiece back in, and it looked as good as new.

Repeated with the left side but didnt mess up this time.

Plugged phones in to test out... What! No sound out of the right side. I checked it out and discovered I cut clean through the driver before. Damnit! I was hoping these things would work. Oh well, they half work.

Total project time: About 5 minutes. Not too bad, so if you want to try this out go for it! Its really easy, just be careful with sharp stuff around the drivers.
Nov 12, 2002 at 6:08 AM Post #2 of 3
Hey can someone move this for me? I have a bunch of windows open and I posted this in the for sale forum by mistake. I almost posted my amp question in the headphone forum too, im all mixed up tonight. Thanks.
Nov 12, 2002 at 9:41 PM Post #3 of 3
I found the Koss drivers will fit directly into the same driver mountings that Sennheiser uses in some of the phones. I replaced the blown drivers in a set of HD 545's Senn's with KSC35 drivers. They snapped right in without problems.

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