Elysian Pilgrim
May 20, 2024 at 6:49 PM Post #256 of 843
The Noir was sent to me as a review unit and is not a commercial product. It came in a small bag and what you see in the picture is just what I got. There is no box, case, ear tips etc that you would ordinarily get when you order it. Essentially it is a marketing sample and so what the rep says about the Noirs not being ready for shipping may likely be correct.

I’m afraid not. They are both review units and remain the property of Effect Audio. I get to have a good play with them and do some fun listening, but then they will be posted on to someone else or shipped back to EA in Singapore.
Just to add to this: I paid for a portion of the retail price tag for my Pilgrim sample. Maybe if you have like tens of thousands of subscribers then maybe they can send you these pricy IEMs for “free” (technically, they are loaner units), otherwise there is no free stuff.
May 20, 2024 at 9:02 PM Post #257 of 843
The Noir was sent to me as a review unit and is not a commercial product. It came in a small bag and what you see in the picture is just what I got. There is no box, case, ear tips etc that you would ordinarily get when you order it. Essentially it is a marketing sample and so what the rep says about the Noirs not being ready for shipping may likely be correct.

I’m afraid not. They are both review units and remain the property of Effect Audio. I get to have a good play with them and do some fun listening, but then they will be posted on to someone else or shipped back to EA in Singapore.
Looking forward to your review and comparisons between the two :)
May 20, 2024 at 10:34 PM Post #259 of 843
Do we know what kind of tuning the Noir will be? I heard warm but I don't know if it's confirmed as of today
I heard more bass, and upper mids. My guess is less overall brightness as well. Shoudl be DARK. At least that is what hope. XD
May 21, 2024 at 12:50 AM Post #261 of 843
I heard more bass, and upper mids. My guess is less overall brightness as well. Shoudl be DARK. At least that is what hope. XD
I’m confused about what the Noir is. Some reported that it has less upper mid and more mid bass. Some said it’s more bassy and more upper-midrangy. One dude said it’s leaner and brighter 😂
May 21, 2024 at 1:12 AM Post #262 of 843
I’m confused about what the Noir is. Some reported that it has less upper mid and more mid bass. Some said it’s more bassy and more upper-midrangy. One dude said it’s leaner and brighter 😂
I’m hoping a little less trebble than Pilgrim. It’s a little bright. But I’ve been listening to Diva Blue and Aful Explorer.
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May 21, 2024 at 3:07 AM Post #264 of 843
Interesting. I'm asking because I'm this close 🤏 from buying a Symphonium Meteor
I have the Meteor and will have the Pilgrim soon. Happy to answer any questions.
May 21, 2024 at 6:41 AM Post #266 of 843
It’s a
I hope they sell a version without the cable and charge same price as Pilgrim
it’s a specific effect audio collab variant, so very doubtful.
May 21, 2024 at 6:44 AM Post #267 of 843
Nice! Looking forward to impressions. Are you able to measure it?
It will be some measurements really soon between them… @o0genesis0o can do it :p
Welp, and here is the Hifigo rep telling me the Noirs weren’t ready for shipping xDD

I guess i’m not an old enough Head-Fi user to deserve those ahah
Well, Noir is not officially released… So Hifigo is definitely waiting for the “ok-to-ship” from the brands.
Hey, I asked Effect about my preorder and they said they'd be shipping out in early June! So we got a little bit.
From the comments from CJ Singapore, Noir should be officially released by end of the month, so begin of June sounds about right for starting to send them out.
I’m confused about what the Noir is. Some reported that it has less upper mid and more mid bass. Some said it’s more bassy and more upper-midrangy. One dude said it’s leaner and brighter 😂
Hahahaha from some trustful ears, Noir will be slightly warmer with more lower mids
Interesting. I'm asking because I'm this close 🤏 from buying a Symphonium Meteor, but if the Noir ends up being a more bassy + less treble Pilgrim then it may be worthy to wait a bit
Yeah, from some comments from friends that tried it, it should be slightly warmer.
May 21, 2024 at 6:49 AM Post #268 of 843
I’m confused about what the Noir is. Some reported that it has less upper mid and more mid bass. Some said it’s more bassy and more upper-midrangy. One dude said it’s leaner and brighter 😂

Graph suggest more 1kHz for grounded vocals and midrange along with less upper midrange and treble. Bass and transition to low midrange appear unaltered going by the one graph I've seen. The changes further up are used to rebalance the tonality to something more embodied and less bright.
May 21, 2024 at 7:17 AM Post #270 of 843
Damn shame, $800 is crazy!

Yeah, I mean don't quote me as you never know - but I'd be shocked if it is released without the cable.

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