Elysian Annihilator 2023
Apr 1, 2024 at 11:05 AM Post #616 of 960
Yes, they work well but a) they are pretty expensive for such small items, b) they are adapters and somehow that does not feel right, at least to me. They also make the cable sit higher up. I bought another Fusion 1 and will be using that with Annihilator. I may have the connectors on the Martini changed to 2-pin, otherwise it would be gathering dust.
Did you have to buy the Pentaconn connector separately with your Fusion 1 cable? It seems it only comes with 2-Pin and MMCX connectors out of the box.
Apr 1, 2024 at 11:12 AM Post #617 of 960
Did you have to buy the Pentaconn connector separately with your Fusion 1 cable? It seems it only comes with 2-Pin and MMCX connectors out of the box.
I haven’t been on the Effect Audio website in a while, but they offered a P-ear (Pentaconn) ConX adapter for an additional $15 or so USD last I remember.
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Apr 1, 2024 at 12:27 PM Post #618 of 960
Did you have to buy the Pentaconn connector separately with your Fusion 1 cable? It seems it only comes with 2-Pin and MMCX connectors out of the box.
I haven’t been on the Effect Audio website in a while, but they offered a P-ear (Pentaconn) ConX adapter for an additional $15 or so USD last I remember.
Yes, I bought it separately from EA.
Apr 1, 2024 at 12:49 PM Post #619 of 960
Yes, they work well but a) they are pretty expensive for such small items, b) they are adapters and somehow that does not feel right, at least to me. They also make the cable sit higher up. I bought another Fusion 1 and will be using that with Annihilator. I may have the connectors on the Martini changed to 2-pin, otherwise it would be gathering dust.
Agreed. The adapters are unsightly and cause the cable to extend far beyond the ear. That said, I much prefer Pentaconn to 2-Pin connectors and the Effect Audio’s ConX is the best solution.
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Apr 1, 2024 at 2:54 PM Post #620 of 960
It was confirmed by Elysian there is no difference in sound between faceplate material. I wonder why the Ti is more expensive when the color is almost the same with the steel one.

Edit: I think Ti is more expensive due to material price but... why? While the steel look almost the same. hmmm...
Goes to show there are a decent amount of people hearing things that aren't there. Based on price/materials
Apr 1, 2024 at 6:26 PM Post #621 of 960
Agreed. The adapters are unsightly and cause the cable to extend far beyond the ear. That said, I much prefer Pentaconn to 2-Pin connectors and the Effect Audio’s ConX is the best solution.
Good to know. I’m waiting for Eletech to come out with their P-ear Versa system that may be a month away. More elegant than EA’s solution on paper. Yet to see it.

Will explore EA cable range in the meantime :)
Apr 1, 2024 at 11:14 PM Post #622 of 960
Goes to show there are a decent amount of people hearing things that aren't there. Based on price/materials
No. It was explained that it was unit variation. There is slight difference in the treble and bass area. People did notice the difference. It was around 1db dif.
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Apr 2, 2024 at 5:19 PM Post #623 of 960
Apr 3, 2024 at 9:44 AM Post #624 of 960
Anyone got the chance to compare anni23 with Raven? Which one have the better overall SQ?
Apr 3, 2024 at 9:59 AM Post #626 of 960
The one that suits better your preferences and library.

Please excuse, I don't mean to be harsh, but your question is too generic.
And what is wrong with asking question? I am not asking what suit better for my library i am not lucky enough to demo the Raven so i am asking the question from people who have heard it.
Apr 3, 2024 at 10:04 AM Post #627 of 960
And what is wrong with asking question? I am not asking what suit better for my library i am not lucky enough to demo the Raven so i am asking the question from people who have heard it.
Please don't misunderstand, I am actually trying to help. In my opinion, there is no general answer to your question. Because depending on your preferences and library, Raven or Anni may be a better match. If you could tell us more about these aspects, you could certainly get an answer that would satisfy you.

Example: If you don't like treble or if you want a qualitatively and quantitatively great DD bass, Anni is already out. Conversely, Anni would certainly be your first choice if you are a treblehead, love a quite fun and energetic sound. And if you like more forward vocals or female vocals in general, Raven is out, etc. I hope you understand what I mean.
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Apr 3, 2024 at 10:13 AM Post #628 of 960
Please don't misunderstand, I am actually trying to help. In my opinion, there is no general answer to your question. Because depending on your preferences and library, Raven or Anni may be a better match. If you could tell us more about these aspects, you could certainly get an answer that would satisfy you.

Example: If you don't like treble or if you want a qualitatively and quantitatively great DD bass, Anni is already out. Conversely, Anni would certainly be your first choice if you are a treblehead, love a quite fun and energetic sound. And if you like forward vocals or female vocals in general, Raven is out. etc. I hope you understand what I mean.
Ok sorry for not understanding your intention from the comment. Well hmmmm. Maybe my library is mostly pop songs, some acoustics here and there, and some EDM'S. Mostly vocals. I tried Anni and i love it but i am also curous with other offerings within the price range. I was told i should consider Raven if i want a bit less forward vocals and better bass. So i wonder how the sound compare from people experiences. Currently looking for IEM's in Anni's price range. Raven is more expensive and if the difference isnt that much i guess Anni should be the better choice.
Apr 3, 2024 at 10:15 AM Post #629 of 960
Anyone got the chance to compare anni23 with Raven? Which one have the better overall SQ?

Compared recently.

Tremble control and detail is bit better or Anni 23, mids are more lush on Anni too. Its has more airyness without sounding cold.

Raven got comparable resolution, but perceived resolution might be better or Anni, due to how it deals with treble, Raven can get a bit spicy in that regard too.

Stage on Anni is wide with great layering but more conventional / conservative than, the fun more 3d spherical stage on Raven due to its bcd driver. Still Raven is miles away from 3d presentation of something like Mentor or the new Mason if thats what you are looking for
The bass on Raven reaches deeper and is better textured, might overwhelm though if its not what you are used too or are looking for. Bass on Anni is fine, but there is less of it than on Raven and it might feel bit lower res and not as textured as on Raven.

With my library I prefer Anni any day over Raven, but there will certainly some usecases - especially EDM and none analog instrument music where Raven will shine and might be a better pick than Anni. Overall I felt that considering the absolute totl pricepoint, there are more exciting IEMs than Raven outthere, Raven just didnt exceed in anything for me.
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Apr 3, 2024 at 10:18 AM Post #630 of 960
I heard the Raven briefly but I found the bass a bit overwhelming indeed, and while the upper mids are considerably reigned in compared to EVO and Odin, I found them still a bit harsh sounding with certain music, i.e. rock and metal.

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