Computer as source
Dec 29, 2002 at 11:51 PM Post #17 of 27

Originally posted by msjjr
I do get a true digital output. The Audigy Platinum has digital (SPDIF) coaxial as well as optical inputs and outputs. The external DAC is upsampling tp 24/192.

As an extra bonus from Creative you also get a cheap 44.1 => 48kHz upsampling that I imagine you don't want.
Dec 30, 2002 at 12:21 AM Post #18 of 27
I have the option of not engaging that upsampling so the output is only 44.1. The upsampling happens at the DAC.
Dec 30, 2002 at 12:26 AM Post #19 of 27

Originally posted by msjjr
I do get a true digital output. The Audigy Platinum has digital (SPDIF) coaxial as well as optical inputs and outputs. The external DAC is upsampling tp 24/192.

You have digital outputs, but the Audigy is resampling all data to 16bit/48khz. And it is doing so using its own not too high quality chip. You should look into something like the M Audiot DIO 2496
Dec 30, 2002 at 12:28 AM Post #20 of 27

Originally posted by msjjr
I have the option of not engaging that upsampling so the output is only 44.1. The upsampling happens at the DAC.

It may output at 44.1, but it still resamples all the data to 48 for all the internal work. It then just drops it back to 44.1 for the output.
Dec 30, 2002 at 12:42 AM Post #21 of 27
I didn't realize that was the case. What about the ?terratec 24/96?
Dec 30, 2002 at 12:54 AM Post #23 of 27
What about the M-Audio revolution? It's cheaper and upsamples to 24/192? Is it sonically as good as the 2496?

Dec 30, 2002 at 1:43 AM Post #24 of 27
I had a Terratec.

The EWX 24/96 only has optical i/o, no coax.
Dec 30, 2002 at 2:57 AM Post #25 of 27
The revolution is not yet available. January.
Dec 31, 2002 at 5:03 AM Post #26 of 27
How do the alternatives to Creatives offerings, like the TBSC, the GTXP, and the fortissimo/digifire 7.1, fare in digital out?
Jan 1, 2003 at 8:26 PM Post #27 of 27
Right now I have my computer hooked up to my reciever.

What you want is a good sound card. Doesnt need to be digital though. I have the M-Audio Delta 44 and the card is amazing. The audio is so clean and beautiful, I found a huge difference between it and my onboard card.

To clarify some things with 24/96 quality audio.
You dont need 24/96 audio. This is beyond CD quality, and it will only sound better if it comes from a source that hasnt already processed the sound at 16/44.

So, if you take a CD and play it, there will be no difference whatsoever if you play through 24/96 audio or 16/44.

Same goes with mp3, because all mp3s are lower than CD quality audio to start.

The only beneifit of 24/96, is if you can record a production source as a 24/96 quality wave file (like live instruments, or digital inputs like synthesizers or DVD audio).

Also most speakers will not let you be able to hear the difference, unless you have a good pair of studio monitors, or are playing it on a huge sound system like in a club.

So, my recommendation is buy an M-Audio sound card, and plug the outs directly into your reciever, and it will sound amazing.

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