Cmoy Bass Boost
Jul 16, 2009 at 10:42 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 16, 2009
Yokohama, Japan
i'm new to that forum!
Id like to build the tangent CMOY...but id like to add the bass boost feature (+ switch)
Can someone please help me in modify the schematic adding the bass boost filter with its switch?
Thank you
Jul 17, 2009 at 5:28 AM Post #4 of 27
Although these are not traditional schematics, you can see the layout and pin connections.

They layouts are designed for protoboard designs.

With the removal of the BUF634 components you can have a cmoy variant.

The designs are from sijosae's site
The site is in korean, but schematics are universal (thankfuly!)

Hope these are of some help.

Enhanced Pimeta

Bass boosted mint

Poorman's PPA
Jul 17, 2009 at 5:52 PM Post #5 of 27
thanks there someone who can explain where to put exactly the bass boost filter (capcaitor + resistance in parallel?)?
Should i put it in the loop between the out end the (-)of the amplifier (where r4 is) or just on the out line or in a another loop from out to (-) just for it?
Thank you all
Jul 17, 2009 at 6:52 PM Post #6 of 27
Why go with a switch when you could use a potentiometer and have a variable bass boost? Purists have a field day with bass boosts but given the differences in recording settings over the decades, it helps to be able to vary the bass up or down as needed.
Jul 17, 2009 at 9:21 PM Post #7 of 27
I know this is the DIY forum and all, but it still seems like it would be much faster/easier/neater to use a JDS PCB.
Jul 17, 2009 at 9:27 PM Post #8 of 27

Originally Posted by stasher1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I know this is the DIY forum and all, but it still seems like it would be much faster/easier/neater to use a JDS PCB.

Yeah, would be much faster, easier and neater to buy a MMM with bass boost from a professional builder. This is DIY, we are looking for trouble and learn from them.
Jul 27, 2009 at 1:29 PM Post #10 of 27
actually my problem is that i just made the cmoy ampli (from here DIY Simple Headphone Amp Tutorial: Cmoy Amplifier) with:

- an opa 2132pa
- tle2462clpr rail splitter as virtual ground (with a single 470nf capacitor in the power section and no r5 (47ohm) to lowering the noise)...

bass tones are really weak compared to when i listen to without that cmoy there any way to improve bass??
Aug 2, 2009 at 4:37 AM Post #12 of 27
Swap the 0.1uF capacitors (C2) for 0.22uF-1.0uF parts. They act as a high pass filter with a corner frequency at about 16Hz, meaning bass is subtly diminished at the threshold of hearing. Raising the capacitance reduces the corner frequency.
Aug 2, 2009 at 12:29 PM Post #13 of 27

Originally Posted by blackinches /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Swap the 0.1uF capacitors (C2) for 0.22uF-1.0uF parts. They act as a high pass filter with a corner frequency at about 16Hz, meaning bass is subtly diminished at the threshold of hearing. Raising the capacitance reduces the corner frequency.

so...the more the c2 cap are bigger in uF, the less i can hear bass...right?
Aug 3, 2009 at 2:00 PM Post #15 of 27

Originally Posted by thefallenangelx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
actually my problem is that i just made the cmoy ampli (from here DIY Simple Headphone Amp Tutorial: Cmoy Amplifier) with:

- an opa 2132pa
- tle2462clpr rail splitter as virtual ground (with a single 470nf capacitor in the power section and no r5 (47ohm) to lowering the noise)...

bass tones are really weak compared to when i listen to without that cmoy there any way to improve bass??

where did you buy tle2462??

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