Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]
Oct 13, 2023 at 7:21 PM Post #9,031 of 11,277
Anyone experience channel imbalance with their mojo2?

At first I thought it was my hearing, but having tried all the obvious tests, I think that the centre image, rather than being in the middle of my head, is located about an inch to the left.

I know that sounds extremely picky of me, but it has started to really irrate me.

I've tried all the obvious things, changed cables, inputs, outputs, jack's, wearing headphones back to front, reset unit etc etc.

Is there another way for me to test ? I don't want to return the unit if I'm imagining it. I have no one with me to give a second opinion.

If I do need to return, I have a 5 years guarantee with the shop. Would I need to contact them, or chord?
Try with iems. Headphones sometimes respond differently to earlobes and skull. Generally there can be some difference in bass perception because of earlobes and skull Interacting differently to headphones. With iems there is no such effect.
Oct 13, 2023 at 9:24 PM Post #9,033 of 11,277
Anyone experience channel imbalance with their mojo2?

At first I thought it was my hearing, but having tried all the obvious tests, I think that the centre image, rather than being in the middle of my head, is located about an inch to the left.

I know that sounds extremely picky of me, but it has started to really irrate me.

I've tried all the obvious things, changed cables, inputs, outputs, jack's, wearing headphones back to front, reset unit etc etc.

Is there another way for me to test ? I don't want to return the unit if I'm imagining it. I have no one with me to give a second opinion.

If I do need to return, I have a 5 years guarantee with the shop. Would I need to contact them, or chord?
Usual practice is you go through the store who go through the local distributor who go through the company (chord).

if the store or distributor are not helpful then notify chord. maybe cc the distributor and perhaps the store in that email too to help get it looked at through these appropriate channels, especially if you feel they were not helpful or wanting to help. You may avoid international shipping that way
Oct 13, 2023 at 9:30 PM Post #9,034 of 11,277
Thanks for advice.

I'm 50% sure it's all in my mind tbh.

Is there any software I can use to test it? Connect the dap to the mojo2 to the PC's microphone in jack & have the software show volume on left & right channel? I was thinking audacity perhaps?
Oct 14, 2023 at 3:09 AM Post #9,035 of 11,277
Thanks for advice.

I'm 50% sure it's all in my mind tbh.

Is there any software I can use to test it? Connect the dap to the mojo2 to the PC's microphone in jack & have the software show volume on left & right channel? I was thinking audacity perhaps?
Have you reset the Mojo to restore all settings, crossfeed & EQ?
Also, have you tried both headphone sockets for comparison?

Rather than software, you can try listening to mono track, e.g a few old songs that were mono recordings at release
Oct 14, 2023 at 3:52 AM Post #9,036 of 11,277
Yes & yes & tried mono

I'm going to try and hook it y to my pc later & have a play. Foobar has a left / right channel widget thing. If I play a test since wave, I should be able to see any imbalance.

Thanks for suggestions though. 👍
Oct 14, 2023 at 3:56 AM Post #9,037 of 11,277
Yes & yes & tried mono

I'm going to try and hook it y to my pc later & have a play. Foobar has a left / right channel widget thing. If I play a test since wave, I should be able to see any imbalance.

Thanks for suggestions though. 👍
Hi, I've also had a similar feeling but my brain has adjusted, or maybe earwax?

Many people have the same sensation
Oct 14, 2023 at 4:16 AM Post #9,038 of 11,277
Thanks for advice.

I'm 50% sure it's all in my mind tbh.

Is there any software I can use to test it? Connect the dap to the mojo2 to the PC's microphone in jack & have the software show volume on left & right channel? I was thinking audacity perhaps?

IMHO this kind of stuff is not in your mind. Getting used to it is another matter and choice.

Don't you have another DAC/amp to try with same tracks? You can also get a quality volume meter for under $30 and literally measure the dB coming out of each channel at a particular time in the track.

I say this because in my personal experience Chord products can have issues like this. I had hiss on my first Mojo2 and I had it exchanged, I had (severe but random) channel imbalance on my TT2 and they changed the entire board, etc. As I've owned five Chord products in total, that's a 40% issue rate for me.
Oct 14, 2023 at 4:18 AM Post #9,039 of 11,277
Yes & yes & tried mono

I'm going to try and hook it y to my pc later & have a play. Foobar has a left / right channel widget thing. If I play a test since wave, I should be able to see any imbalance.

Thanks for suggestions though. 👍
Hi, I've also had a similar feeling but my brain has adjusted, or maybe earwax?

Many people have the same sensation
This may be the dumbest suggestion, but taking the above into account, have you tried turning around the headphones so they are on the wrong ears to see if the imbalance shifts?
Oct 14, 2023 at 5:13 AM Post #9,040 of 11,277
Yes I have. Also switched headphone cables.
Oct 14, 2023 at 7:09 AM Post #9,041 of 11,277
Anyone experience channel imbalance with their mojo2?

At first I thought it was my hearing, but having tried all the obvious tests, I think that the centre image, rather than being in the middle of my head, is located about an inch to the left.

I know that sounds extremely picky of me, but it has started to really irrate me.

I've tried all the obvious things, changed cables, inputs, outputs, jack's, wearing headphones back to front, reset unit etc etc.

Is there another way for me to test ? I don't want to return the unit if I'm imagining it. I have no one with me to give a second opinion.

If I do need to return, I have a 5 years guarantee with the shop. Would I need to contact them, or chord?
Something is not making sense to me here.

If it was a simple channel imbalance in the Mojo, then if you try 'wearing headphones back to front', the centre image should shift slightly to be an inch to the right, but you say there is no change.
That initially suggested to me that the 'issue' is after the Mojo, and instead somewhere in the chain ears>nerves>brain.
But later you post that trying other gear and sources removes the 'issue' - if the 'issue' was somewhere in the chain ears>nerves>brain, then the centre image would still remain shifted.

Good luck finding someone who can explain this and find the root cause.
Chord may consider it easier to just replace your Mojo.
Oct 14, 2023 at 7:31 AM Post #9,042 of 11,277
Something is not making sense to me here.

If it was a simple channel imbalance in the Mojo, then if you try 'wearing headphones back to front', the centre image should shift slightly to be an inch to the right, but you say there is no change.
That initially suggested to me that the 'issue' is after the Mojo, and instead somewhere in the chain ears>nerves>brain.
But later you post that trying other gear and sources removes the 'issue' - if the 'issue' was somewhere in the chain ears>nerves>brain, then the centre image would still remain shifted.

Good luck finding someone who can explain this and find the root cause.
Chord may consider it easier to just replace your Mojo.
Thanks. I think the problem is in the brain. I ran a series of tests running signals through the mojo2 into a pc and analysed with audacity & everything looks perfectly balanced.

Oct 14, 2023 at 7:38 AM Post #9,044 of 11,277
" I think it's when my sinuses are blocked bizarrely"

I'm sure I've noticed this before (hay fever). Using a steroid nasal spray or Netti Pot tends to sort it out for me.

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