Cayin HA-300MK2 (2022) TOTL Transformer coupled Direct Heated Triode Tube HeadAmp (Page 91)
Nov 10, 2023 at 12:53 PM Post #4,712 of 6,642
I just measured it: 90cm/35" for me.

Yep, this sounds exactly right. I feel like mine has gotten there too. Of course it's all coiled up and full of tension when it gets boxed up at the factory. I think once it's had a chance to relax and uncoil it is actually probably 90cm.
Nov 11, 2023 at 10:31 AM Post #4,713 of 6,642
I've had a quad of '53 6C8C for a few weeks now, so I wanted to pop in and say...these tubes are perfect. For me, in my system, to my ears, yada yada. But there is nothing I don't like about these tubes. I don't say perfect lightly!

The main thing I like is that somehow these tubes are more impactful, more snappy than any other tubes of heard. It really improves the dynamics of all my headphones, but well damped 'phones such as VC and Expanse really benefit. And they still have the BASS of other CV6/7193 tubes.

One night I was listening to a live recording of Sunn O))), if anyone is familiar with them - their live show is visceral, with loud, ultra-heavy guitars. With these tubes and the Expanse, I was able to be fooled that I was feeling the intense sound. It really was something I've never experienced with headphones.

I know a lot of HA-300 owners are already familiar with 6C8C, so I won't say too much more. Just that, the synergy with Takatsukis is incredible. I think the milder, brighter sound of the Taks is perfect with these tubes.

I also quickly want to mention other tubes that I haven't read too much about on Head-fi, the Ken-Rad 6C5 metal cans and National Union 7193. Both these quads were super cheap WW2 era surplus, in great physical shape.

The K-R are just better versions of the popular VT-231. Treble is more extended but also sweeter - more physical presence and ring rather than tss on cymbals. The mid range! So much more detail and presence than VT-231. So for a smooth, warmer tube, this is the one I'd reach for.

The NU 7193 was another cheap surprise. Like 95% to the 6C8C, but with less impact and more treble. These are great if you're in a mood for detail.

But really, the star is the '53 6C8C. It's like when I put a G73-R black label in my Pendant - my urge to roll other tubes dropped precipitously. I never bought another 12a_7. Like ya, maybe sometimes I'll want more midrange and switch to Brimar 6J5, or more warmth with Ken-Rad 6C5, but those moods won't last long. The 6C8C are gonna spend A LOT of time in my amp.
Nov 12, 2023 at 8:43 AM Post #4,714 of 6,642
Happy to report, I spent all day yesterday at CanJam hearing all the TOTL SS amps (Ferrum stack, Bliss/May stack, DCS Lina Stack), as well as a few TOTL tube amps (Aegis, ZMF Decware OTL, and Feliks Envy), and nothing bested my HA300MK2. Granted my HA300MK2 is not in stock form, but with the tweaks, cables and tubes I am using, I have learned that my system is truly TOTL. Heck, I heard the Envy with WE 300B and NOS Sylvania 6SN7, and that sounded killer but I would still take my HA300MK2 over it any day of the week. I think my HA300MK2 with my tube combo has better mids, immdiacy, and slam compared to the Envy with Lina DAC. Everything just sounds a tad more lifelike with my HA300MK2 compared to the Envy I heard at the show. Just goes to show tubes matter, and the HA300MK2 can most definitely hang.

@jonchard I finally got to hear the Susvara off the Lina stack, and it is an incredible headphone no doubt, and it actually had a bit more punch down low than I was expecting, and the detailed mids and open airy sound were fantastic with the right music. I could never own that headphone as my one and only, but perhaps wouldn't mine owning one for those special tracks that truly let it shine, but for the price of admission I don't see it ever happening for such limited use. The ZMF Caldera is the planar for me, and that one seriously moved me.

Moral to the story, the HA300MK2 is a beast and is my Endgame amp no doubt.

It's so mentally freeing, now that I am not worrying about whether "that amp" or "this amp" is better than what I have, and I am so glad I went to CanJam. Now I can just relax and get lost in the music. :grin:

Long live my HA300MK2!
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Nov 12, 2023 at 9:10 AM Post #4,715 of 6,642
Happy to report, I spent all day yesterday at CanJam hearing all the TOTL SS amps (Ferrum stack, Bliss/May stack, DCS Lina Stack), as well as a few TOTL tube amps (Aegis, ZMF Decware OTL, and Feliks Envy), and nothing bested my HA300MK2. Granted my HA300MK2 is not in stock form, but with the tweaks, cables and tubes I am using, I have learned that my system is truly TOTL. Heck, I heard the Envy with WE 300B and NOS Sylvania 6SN7, and that sounded killer but I would still take my HA300MK2 over it any day of the week. I think my HA300MK2 with my tube combo has better mids, immdiacy, and slam compared to the Envy with Lina DAC. Everything just sounds a tad more lifelike with my HA300MK2 compared to the Envy I heard at the show. Just goes to show tubes matter, and the HA300MK2 can most definitely hang.

@jonchard I finally got to hear the Susvara off the Lina stack, and it is an incredible headphone no doubt, and it actually had a bit more punch down low than I was expecting, and the detailed mids and open airy sound were fantastic with the right music. I could never own that headphone as my one and only, but perhaps wouldn't mine owning one for those special tracks that truly let it shine, but for the price of admission I don't see it ever happening for such limited use. The ZMF Caldera is the planar for me, and that one seriously moved me.

Moral to the story, the HA300MK2 is a beast and is my Endgame amp no doubt.

It's so freeing mentally now that I am not worrying about whether "that amp" or "this amp" is better than what I have, and I am so glad I went to CanJam. :grin:

Long live my HA300MK2!

Interested on know what were your thoughts about the Holo DAC's. Did you had the chance to try it with 300B or any tube amp? For me the Bliss is not impressive after tune the HA300 with tubes, specially the Quad CV6, in love with them. The only reasonI kept Bliss is because is really good for play videogames, is the more holographic thing that you can have and with Caldera or Atrium beats any 3D sound crapy technology like Atmos or DTS hehe.
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Nov 12, 2023 at 9:49 AM Post #4,716 of 6,642
Happy to report, I spent all day yesterday at CanJam hearing all the TOTL SS amps (Ferrum stack, Bliss/May stack, DCS Lina Stack), as well as a few TOTL tube amps (Aegis, ZMF Decware OTL, and Feliks Envy), and nothing bested my HA300MK2. Granted my HA300MK2 is not in stock form, but with the tweaks, cables and tubes I am using, I have learned that my system is truly TOTL. Heck, I heard the Envy with WE 300B and NOS Sylvania 6SN7, and that sounded killer but I would still take my HA300MK2 over it any day of the week. I think my HA300MK2 with my tube combo has better mids, immdiacy, and slam compared to the Envy with Lina DAC. Everything just sounds a tad more lifelike with my HA300MK2 compared to the Envy I heard at the show. Just goes to show tubes matter, and the HA300MK2 can most definitely hang.

@jonchard I finally got to hear the Susvara off the Lina stack, and it is an incredible headphone no doubt, and it actually had a bit more punch down low than I was expecting, and the detailed mids and open airy sound were fantastic with the right music. I could never own that headphone as my one and only, but perhaps wouldn't mine owning one for those special tracks that truly let it shine, but for the price of admission I don't see it ever happening for such limited use. The ZMF Caldera is the planar for me, and that one seriously moved me.

Moral to the story, the HA300MK2 is a beast and is my Endgame amp no doubt.

It's so mentally freeing, now that I am not worrying about whether "that amp" or "this amp" is better than what I have, and I am so glad I went to CanJam. Now I can just relax and get lost in the music. :grin:

Long live my HA300MK2!
I think that the HA300 (&mk2) is much better than the price would lead you to imagine because it has the right basics. It has an excellent power supply, in-house made transformers especially for the amp itself and of course valve rectifiers. It is difficult to find such a SET amp that has all of these factors at anywhere near the money. So you are already off to a great start which fine tuning with specific valves means it can then get even better. Then of course it has balanced outputs for headphones which albeit is not unique it is very unusual and it even powers speakers in a medium sized room!
Nov 12, 2023 at 9:56 AM Post #4,717 of 6,642
But the consensus is that it can’t drive the Susvaras to its fullest ?

I still consider getting the 300mk2 for my elites. Swapping out the moon 430had. Need a dac as well. Just can’t seem to decide.
Nov 12, 2023 at 10:06 AM Post #4,718 of 6,642
But the consensus is that it can’t drive the Susvaras to its fullest ?

I still consider getting the 300mk2 for my elites. Swapping out the moon 430had. Need a dac as well. Just can’t seem to decide.
Some people strictly believe in speaker amps for the Susvara, I am not in that camp.

I think it is just a matter of taste, and not so much of power (e.g. there are people that enjoy Holo Bliss over AHB2), for my personal preference, I do not believe its a power issue, but if someone dislike the pairing, its more likely a tone issue - something that can be improved by tube rolling.

I personally enjoy the mk2 with Elrogs alot :)
Nov 12, 2023 at 10:10 AM Post #4,719 of 6,642
But the consensus is that it can’t drive the Susvaras to its fullest ?

I still consider getting the 300mk2 for my elites. Swapping out the moon 430had. Need a dac as well. Just can’t seem to decide.
It surely drives my Susvaras better than Bliss and A70 Pro. From SS amps I have only Benchmark AHB2 which drives them with such authority as Cayin.

Needless to say Bliss is really dissapointment for driving Susvara and Diana TC and I have it only for gaming / general usage as YT etc. so I don't burn tubes all the time, same as KrauserX91 mentioned.
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Nov 12, 2023 at 10:31 AM Post #4,720 of 6,642
It surely drives my Susvaras better than Bliss and A70 Pro. From SS amps I have only Benchmark AHB2 drives them with such authority as Cayin.

Needless to say Bliss is really dissapointment for driving Susvara and Diana TC and I have it only for gaming / general usage as YT etc. so I don't burn tubes all the time, same as KrauserX91 mentioned.

Yeah, it is supposed the Bliss was made with Susvaras in mind, is a pure A 12W, etc... but the HA300 beats Bliss by far when driving Susvara
Nov 12, 2023 at 2:15 PM Post #4,721 of 6,642
Interested on know what were your thoughts about the Holo DAC's. Did you had the chance to try it with 300B or any tube amp? For me the Bliss is not impressive after tune the HA300 with tubes, specially the Quad CV6, in love with them. The only reasonI kept Bliss is because is really good for play videogames, is the more holographic thing that you can have and with Caldera or Atrium beats any 3D sound crapy technology like Atmos or DTS hehe.
I only heard the May with the Bliss and DSHA-3F SS amps, and it sounded great, but didn't make me love my Sonnet Morpheus any less. I prefer the more denser/euphonic sound I get with my Morpheus. The May sounded a bit too bright with the 3F, but definitely sounded better with the Bliss.
Nov 13, 2023 at 5:53 AM Post #4,722 of 6,642
Happy to report, I spent all day yesterday at CanJam hearing all the TOTL SS amps (Ferrum stack, Bliss/May stack, DCS Lina Stack), as well as a few TOTL tube amps (Aegis, ZMF Decware OTL, and Feliks Envy), and nothing bested my HA300MK2. Granted my HA300MK2 is not in stock form, but with the tweaks, cables and tubes I am using, I have learned that my system is truly TOTL. Heck, I heard the Envy with WE 300B and NOS Sylvania 6SN7, and that sounded killer but I would still take my HA300MK2 over it any day of the week. I think my HA300MK2 with my tube combo has better mids, immdiacy, and slam compared to the Envy with Lina DAC. Everything just sounds a tad more lifelike with my HA300MK2 compared to the Envy I heard at the show. Just goes to show tubes matter, and the HA300MK2 can most definitely hang.

@jonchard I finally got to hear the Susvara off the Lina stack, and it is an incredible headphone no doubt, and it actually had a bit more punch down low than I was expecting, and the detailed mids and open airy sound were fantastic with the right music. I could never own that headphone as my one and only, but perhaps wouldn't mine owning one for those special tracks that truly let it shine, but for the price of admission I don't see it ever happening for such limited use. The ZMF Caldera is the planar for me, and that one seriously moved me.

Moral to the story, the HA300MK2 is a beast and is my Endgame amp no doubt.

It's so mentally freeing, now that I am not worrying about whether "that amp" or "this amp" is better than what I have, and I am so glad I went to CanJam. Now I can just relax and get lost in the music. :grin:

Long live my HA300MK2!
Very well put. Thank you for sharing. I have the same observations. Having access to some other totl amps, HA300MK2 is definitely in the top layer of summit-fi ... and let's not forget it also runs speakers!

On the subject of DACs I really appreciate what May brings to the table, but as I've mentioned before, the fact that I have to have a dedicated totl pre to run with it really makes the value proposition hard. If there was a May KTE with a pre module for 5k EUR it would be a killer value product, as things stand my stack new would set me back around 8k EUR at the moment ... and at this price the competion starts to bite as well.

I am planning to get the Ferrum Wandla in for testing soon to see how it stacks up, if you pardon the pun :)
Nov 13, 2023 at 9:26 AM Post #4,724 of 6,642
On the subject of DACs I really appreciate what May brings to the table, but as I've mentioned before, the fact that I have to have a dedicated totl pre to run with it really makes the value proposition hard.
Curious why you feel you need a preamp to pair May with the Cayin - does your dac need to run active speakers or a speaker amp?
Nov 13, 2023 at 10:53 AM Post #4,725 of 6,642
The Cayin HA300Mk2 amp is rated at 6,000mw power output at its high impedance setting.

Does that power output figure depend on the headphones impedance - and that the power output will be the same if a 60ohm headphone and a 300ohm headphone are used with the switch set for "high impedance"?


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