Buffalo II dac with switchable 6h6p valve output and ivy 3
Apr 23, 2010 at 6:54 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


1000+ Head-Fier
Dec 17, 2007
Hi guys, over the past few months i have been working on a project with a friend to build a valve output for my buffalo II dac. It has been a joint effort (although the brains behind this build was my mate Nick) to build a dac that i can use as my main dac with a switchable output using a custom valve output stage and the ivy 3.

After being one of the lucky few to bag one of the new dacs on the first round i was keen to see what we could do with the output stage (not that there is anything wrong with the ivy 3). I am a lover of valves and none of my dacs use valve outputs. Anyway we managed to create this dac pictured below (sorry about the crappy pics). It uses some nice Sowter output transformers and custom Canterbury designed transformer to power the valves. We went for a set of 6h6p russian valves and made custom switch relay boards to control the output selection to use either the valves or ivy 3. I also added in the spdif mux board for multiple inputs and Nick came up with a nice little switch board that remembers the state in which the dac was last used (i.e. if i used the coax or usb or whatever). I also use the placid and placid bi polar boards to power the buffalo and ivy 3.





I really love the sound of the dac both with the valve output and ivy3, i have to say the valves sound nicer to me.

I just need to tidy up wiring and get it boxed up nicely with some nice panels. This is the fun part
Apr 23, 2010 at 7:04 PM Post #3 of 19
Cheers, im really pleased with the sound of this dac. I have a few dacs now from modded beresfords, x-dacs, zero dac and an older buffalo and the new buffalo is brilliant! The guys at Twisted Pear really know there ****! We just added a personal touch to the sound. Like I said, Nick is fantastic with valves and building amps in general. I acted like a project manager on the build
Although I will be tidying the wiring and building the panels, thats the part I feel im best at. Plus im picky with looks.

This is well worth looking at for any buffalo users who fancy trying a nice output stage. It wasn't cheapest build though, most of the cash went in them sowter transformers and the canterbury tranny.
Apr 23, 2010 at 7:08 PM Post #4 of 19

Originally Posted by fault151 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Cheers, im really pleased with the sound of this dac. I have a few dacs now from modded beresfords, x-dacs, zero dac and an older buffalo and the new buffalo is brilliant! The guys at Twisted Pear really know there ****! We just added a personal touch to the sound. Like I said, Nick is fantastic with valves and building amps in general. I acted like a project manager on the build
Although I will be tidying the wiring and building the panels, thats the part I feel im best at. Plus im picky with looks.

This is well worth looking at for any buffalo users who fancy trying a nice output stage. It wasn't cheapest build though, most of the cash went in them sowter transformers and the canterbury tranny.

I just hate the fact they run out of boards soon as they announce a run. I know a Buffalo 2 is in my future. SO make sure you put down all your notes on a webpage someplace, you'll get a lot of traffic.

The sowters are worth the money but am thinking you must have considered the Lundahl's at their price point as well. What made you go for the sowters?

IS that switchboard PCB using a PIC uC that I see?
Apr 23, 2010 at 7:17 PM Post #5 of 19
Yeh ill try get a more detailed review for any one that wants to attempt the build including a schematic.

Yeh i know what you mean about the boards, was lucky. I did set my alarm to go off at 2am in the UK. I would have been so annoyed if i hadn't have got one.

Yeh Nick built the switch board. Nice little addition for the dac.

We went for the Sowters mainly as I was after using the best parts I could get hold of to build a dac I will use as my main dac.
Apr 23, 2010 at 8:23 PM Post #9 of 19

Originally Posted by fault151 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi no unfortunately it won't be at canjam, would love to go sometime, but im here in the UK and it would be an expensive trip.

Thats what I get for typing before I check that sort of stuff. ooh well.
Apr 23, 2010 at 8:54 PM Post #10 of 19

Originally Posted by Jon L /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Now that's a BUILD!
For those less inclined, what do you about Diyhifisupply's "Universal Stereo Tube output stage" to pair with Sabre32?
Universal Stereo Tube Output Stage | Diy HiFi Supply

That stage is single ended. The Sabre is differential. So, you either need to convert to SE or use two. I think the K&K active output stage is a lot more elegant and better engineered if you need a kit.
Apr 23, 2010 at 9:18 PM Post #11 of 19

Originally Posted by dsavitsk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That stage is single ended. The Sabre is differential. So, you either need to convert to SE or use two. I think the K&K active output stage is a lot more elegant and better engineered if you need a kit.

That looks like a nice output stage, would be cool as a kit. Bit pricey though.
Apr 23, 2010 at 10:01 PM Post #12 of 19
With the Balanced β22, you truly have a world class system there. That is a spectacular build!

Naaman is finishing my Buffalo II ATM, though I'm a solid state guy, so no tube output.

Since I also have a balanced β22, I'd love to hear some quick impressions of the DAC and amp synergy, though I can imagine it to be first class.
Apr 24, 2010 at 5:42 AM Post #13 of 19
Very impressive, I've always wanted to build a buffalo with a tube output stage and perhaps tube rectifcation stage.

IV transformers as well!

I was thinking maybe I'd butcher my audionote 2.1 kit dac to have the buffalo board be interchangeable with the current digital board, hmmmm, hmmmm, you have me excited
Apr 24, 2010 at 8:59 AM Post #14 of 19

Originally Posted by Henerenry /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Very impressive, I've always wanted to build a buffalo with a tube output stage and perhaps tube rectifcation stage.

IV transformers as well!

I was thinking maybe I'd butcher my audionote 2.1 kit dac to have the buffalo board be interchangeable with the current digital board, hmmmm, hmmmm, you have me excited

ha ha, good i'm glad it inspires. I really can't take the credit for the build though, i just wanted to be able to share it with the hope others may want to try a valve output with the buffalo.

Yeh i bet it would sound really nice on an audionote kit. I have always been tempted to build one of their kits.
Apr 24, 2010 at 9:14 AM Post #15 of 19

Originally Posted by swt61 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Since I also have a balanced β22, I'd love to hear some quick impressions of the DAC and amp synergy, though I can imagine it to be first class.

I have so far managed to hear it with my b22, modded x-can v3, graham slee solo, aikido valve amp, millet max and a modded jaycar amp. It sounded nice with all of them, but for me my favourite was the aikido and the buffalo with valve output. It just sounded so open, it was incredible.

I have to say, the b22 does always sound great. Its a nice combination being able to have the solidstate with the valve output.

I find the sound of the buffalo with the valve output really helps to add more 'weight' and a 'thickness' to the sound. I find this especially good when paired with a slee solo as that amp is very detailed. It's nice to be able to swap between a valve and the ivy 3 output. I find it makes the ivy seem a little sterile in comparison, however the ivy does have great sense of separation within the instruments. I really can't fault it, i just prefer the slightly richer valve sound.

Nick was lucky enough to be able to compare this dac to a modified 'modwrite transporter'. This is a modified version of logitechs transporter dac (see pic below). In Nicks words 'one of the best dacs he has heard'.


At this time of writing Nick was comparing this to my old buffalo board with the first generation ivy, this was before my new buffalo II and ivy 3 was shipped to me. Anyway here is what he had to say...

"Back from comparing the DAC to the fully modified Modwrite transporter (with flash Japanese valves in the output stage). It was interesting, and matches what I thought at home. Bear in mind this is only my view, you may think differently, though Ian thought much the same. The system was digital dource, Modwrite transporter, DAC, either yours (Valve and Ivy) or the transporter, Amp belCanto 845 SET, Quad 989 speakers.

The valve output stage is vastly better than the Ivy, simple and obvious.

The Modwrite is equally as good as the Valve output stage, but slightly different, I think I prefer the Valve output stage, but the differences are small and subtle and I would be happy with either, Ian liked the valve output stage, but not enough to worry about replacing the transporter.

The valve output stage does detail, is tight, has great bass control and detail, is very dynamic, and has great space between instruments. The Modwrite is not as tight, not as revealing, but is a bit more spacious.

Thinking about it as I write this, there is no question, I prefer the valve output stage over the Modwrite. I may have to build one for myself.

I am prepared to believe the new ivy is better than the one I have, but I doubt it, if it was they would have to describe the one I have as broken by comparison.

Again, all IMHO, but I am certain of what I think (as it may be obvious from what I have written).

I look forward to hearing what you think when you get it back."

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