Best Crossfeed Plugin For Foobar??
Dec 10, 2015 at 8:41 PM Post #62 of 65
I've tried 3 crossfeed components thus far. 
I agree with the comments Tilpo posted in his thread opener here .   He doesn't list the Meier but I find it identical to the Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP aka bs2b when set to Meier mode.
I like the ability to adjust the ITD setting (mine is at 283 us), volume, and low (bass) shelf.  It seems to provide more flexibility and ultimately a better headphone experience than the other two.  Oh there are apparently several croosfeeds out there with the same *.dll name.  The one I am refering to as my preference is to be found here:  and downloadable from here:
Dec 11, 2015 at 10:01 AM Post #63 of 65
They don't sound the same tonally IMO. The bs2b sounds a little veiled (even at meier setting) while the meier plugin sounds a little thin. Simple sounds like testing out hard pans on speech may be similar but on music, the difference is clearly audible to me.
Jan 11, 2016 at 8:49 AM Post #64 of 65
  I'll stick with this one for now then

Could you please please explain a bit how the three parameters affect the sound, etc? I am trying to figure it out but I suppose I have to test it with a lot of different music to fully understand all the nuances. Some help would make the learning curve faster.
try a better player?

Do you know if in ulilith there is something like the AMAZING "Real Bass Exciter" to be found for Foobar?
I cannot live without that kind of bass.
Jun 17, 2016 at 12:31 PM Post #65 of 65
I did a lot of comparisons over the last couple of years, and kept coming back to the Meier Crossfeed component. I like its simplicity, and it sounds the best to me. I asked Case (the developer) over at the FBK2 forum on Hydrogen Audio if he'd make a new version with greater control, and the possibility of a VST plugin version, and lo and behold, last week they both appeared. :)
The old Meier Crossfeed had settings from 1 to 10, and I found anything over 2 or 3 too much. The more I used it and A/Bed with the dry signal, the more careful I was with the settings, until I finally settled on 1 for modern electronic music, where a bit of extra width was nice, and 2 for everything else, acoustic, Jazz, Rock, Classical etc., where I preferred the more natural presentation. But I was always wishing to be able to try a position between 1 and 2. And with the new version, we now have it, with 100 divisions, instead of just 10. I find myself using settings from around 15-18 a lot now.
Definitely worth grabbing the new version if you haven't tried it yet!
The VST version also seems to be working great. More info here:,108412.0.html

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