Best classical recordings...ever!
Sep 13, 2015 at 9:13 AM Post #5,882 of 9,368
The opportunity was never missed, every record label on the planet would kill for the opportunity to record a complete Beethoven cycle with Kleiber (or a Brahms, or a Schubert or a you-name-it-cycle). But Kleiber didn't have these works in his repertory. In fact his repertory, consisted of no more than 10-15 works, which he played to perfection, no doubt. But that was it, I believe he never even conducted Beethoven's 9th or Eroica.

Kleiber was very elusive and shy. He hated recording in the studio, and avoided the public spotlight. His few recs of Beethoven (and Schubert) were mostly done live, and they really are gems. He even turned down the offer to be head of the BPO.
Sep 13, 2015 at 9:28 AM Post #5,883 of 9,368
Thanks a heap! Small country, great venues and people!

Yes, a small country. You have to be very careful not overspeeding when driving a car. Just a little bit over-speeding south would bring you sooner than you thought to Milan's la Scala, driving north to the Bayerische Staatsoper Munich, driving to the east to the Mozarteum Salzburg and to the west to Paris' orchestras and operas. So I always watch carefully my driving speed when I got out of home  
Sep 13, 2015 at 9:35 AM Post #5,885 of 9,368
Has anybody here listened to Andre Cluytens' set of Beeth symphs, Berlin Phil?  It gets some mixed revs, either love it or not.....somehow a Frenchman conducting Germans in Beethoven seems like an odd combo, to put it politely.
Sep 13, 2015 at 9:55 AM Post #5,886 of 9,368
  Anyone loves Bartok's string quartets? No pasta here, just gulash.
 This is a superb recording:

Jumping a bit back in time: yes, absolutely adore them. Don't have this recording, only Takács. Any comparison?
  Had a number of Holliger's records at home when I was young. I'm therefore biased in that I most associate him with baroque music. I haven't listened to much of his Mozart or his own compositions for that matter. 

I was grown up on Pierre Pierlot's more sensuous recordings. It was not easy for me to adjust to more direct and less vibrant Holliger's sound. But he is a great musician.
  ^ Yes, I have not warmed either to much of
contemp music.
But I have recently discovered Shostakovich's symphonies 5 and 9. Not bad.
And the box of Jansons' complete symphs arrived today.


For Shostakovich, very difficult for me to hear any new version after old, grey and yet full of character version of Mravinsky with Leningrad Phil. Remembering getting goosebumps while listening to this old scratched Melodiya records in wintertime, making me awake for very long after.
Sep 13, 2015 at 10:20 AM Post #5,889 of 9,368

I just love the whole sound of this on k701s. Can listen to it any time. Is it Classical? I'm not a total expert?
Sep 13, 2015 at 10:33 AM Post #5,890 of 9,368
Jumping a bit back in time: yes, absolutely adore them. Don't have this recording, only Takács. Any comparison?

Takacs recordings are superb. I own them and listen to them maybe even more frequently than to Veghs. They play in the same tradition, with similar passion. I think though that the Takacs' are served by the better recorded sound and technicality. I consider though the Veghs being somewhat closer the the source and to the composers intentions. Keller quartet has also done fantastic recordings of Bartok in the mid 90s. And I also love Hagen on DG. 
This is the music I really appreciate and return to very often. 
Sep 13, 2015 at 11:10 AM Post #5,891 of 9,368
No doubt! I have some of Biber's oteher albums and I think a few tracks from this one. The brass ornamentation and musicality are tremendous. Haydn and Hummel wrote trumpet concertos that will also entertain and play well for yrs.
I know, he's a master. Just that the SQ can be very spotty on his older recordings from the 1940s and 50s. I wished they could all be cleaned up and remastered. Makes a big difference to me. I was listening to Flac files ripped from the set of Schubert's sonatas by Schiff last night, given to me by a friend. Those were recorded much more recently, but somehow, his Bosendorfer sounded distant and thin to my ears, compared to the deep sonorities of Brendel and Pollini's recordings of the same pieces. So, I guess the miking may be at fault. Goes to show, that even more modern digital recs of solo piano aren't flawlessly rich in sound.
Also: i like Chopin's nocturnes the best; Cortot avoided these, whereas Ruby did them a few times over.

ref. Cortot:
I was going through some old bookmarks yesterday and listened to samples :
For recordings from '35 and '39 these sound amazing.
Sep 13, 2015 at 11:20 AM Post #5,892 of 9,368

I just love the whole sound of this on k701s. Can listen to it any time. Is it Classical? I'm not a total expert?

Inspired by classical - Holst's The Planets. Listen to the Holst; there are shades of the Imperial March and other tones from Star Wars.
I have the Star Wars soundtrack on double LP, black jacket, Lond Symph, John Williams cond., and it is still a terrific recording.

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