May 16, 2023 at 5:24 PM Post #16 of 2,366
Maybe, but I feel like it’s going to be an even more open headphone than a HiFiman (and the T1), but aesthetically I see what you mean. Closer to the T1 gen 1 and 2 than the new gen 3 though.
How do you get more open than Hifiman? The HEK series, Ananda, Arya, and Edition X series are so open they don’t attenuate sound at all when wearing them. Anything more open than that is no longer a headphone. It’s a speaker.
May 16, 2023 at 5:33 PM Post #17 of 2,366
When I had a HiFiman HE 400, I used to play with how far away my hands could be before they changed the sound a little 😂 Not a bad thing, but different, and educational. It was sort of like the audio equivalent of riding in a car with your hand out floating in the wind 😂

Have you seen the Sony MDR-MA900? Cool headphone, unique sound… part of that was due to an actual gap between the pads and the rear edge of the driver enclosure!

Personally, I play videogames with headphones, and over time heat builds up! I like an open headphone for the IMO more natural sound, but also it lets the heat escape better 😉
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May 16, 2023 at 5:49 PM Post #18 of 2,366
How do you get more open than Hifiman? The HEK series, Ananda, Arya, and Edition X series are so open they don’t attenuate sound at all when wearing them. Anything more open than that is no longer a headphone. It’s a speaker.
That is what we need. Speaker like soundstage in headphones lol (preferably even bigger hahah)
Jul 9, 2023 at 12:31 AM Post #20 of 2,366
Any recent news on the development proceedings for this prototype headphone ? Anyone ?


This will take some time to complete 😎


Jul 9, 2023 at 11:19 AM Post #23 of 2,366
Jul 9, 2023 at 1:12 PM Post #25 of 2,366
Thank you NOMAX. One more question : I’m 68, what are my chances of seeing the finished product, taking into account that I make it to the average longevity age ? :smile:
I mean, that depends on your health, but it could come out sometime next year… if the stars align, possibly earlier, but there’s work and negotiations to be done. If I know Axel, he’ll keep tinkering on the design right up until the supplies and production is all negotiated and set in stone 😁
Aug 6, 2023 at 1:24 PM Post #27 of 2,366
Haha I didn’t know that this song was such a love song. Just remembered the title and thought it was about video games. 😅
Nonetheless her voice is amazing, especially on brighter headphones.
For awhile, I thought it was about her playing video games and doing all the things her “he” likes, “it’s all for you,” just to stay close to him while he ignores her, buuuut after reading the lyrics (what’s “In and out of Old Paul’s?” A bar, or something church related?), I think she just actually has a lot of fun doing the things he likes too.

I really liked female vocals on my HD 650, but sometimes (like with Doja Cat) the vocals specifically were a bit much. Hopefully Lana Del Ray sounds excellent on the OAE1, meanwhile I feel curious and inspired to check out which headphone in my collection is my favorite with female vocals!
Aug 6, 2023 at 3:14 PM Post #28 of 2,366
I tried these at can jam NYC 2023. I understand they were a prototype but they did leave a lot to be desired in terms of sound. That being said, I mean Axel Grell is legendary and he did provide a lot of compelling justifications for his design decisions, so hopefully he's able to refine this design with his team and deliver this headphone so that it really meets the design intent, namely, better frontal presentation and more realistic impulse response.
Sep 25, 2023 at 1:50 PM Post #29 of 2,366
Sep 25, 2023 at 2:13 PM Post #30 of 2,366

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