Audio-Gd Master 7 - Discrete Fully Balanced DAC (PCM1704)
Jan 20, 2014 at 10:36 AM Post #1,187 of 4,463
The drivers in the CPU.
You need to test other inputs before going crazy
On just one input. USB is a good start
It could be something in the CPU stoping it.
Now if you have a CD player with a spidif output
Try using that. No CPU just direct. Let us know if it worlks
Jan 20, 2014 at 10:53 AM Post #1,189 of 4,463
Dear Al, I have tested with two different CPUs (W2K12 vs W7) with different drivers each, different transports and different cables. Same behaviour. SPDIF in my master7 works well with 16/44.1...24/96....the only problem is 24/192. I do have a cd with spdif but it will be 16/44.1 so it will work.
The only thing I haven´t tested is USB diect to Master7..... 
Jan 20, 2014 at 11:12 AM Post #1,192 of 4,463
No no. It plays everything I have tested excepting 24/192... 

Jan 20, 2014 at 11:14 AM Post #1,193 of 4,463
Well now email kingwa.
Now that is odd. For now though just down sample to 96
And at least it will work.
Jan 20, 2014 at 4:41 PM Post #1,197 of 4,463
I used to get pops with the U3 which went away with a slightly better computer, but it looks like you've tried that route already.
My opinion of the U3 is not high; but am interested to know whether you prefer it to M7's onboard usb?
Jan 22, 2014 at 8:34 AM Post #1,198 of 4,463
It is very strange but I have been reported by other M7 owner that also with DDC stom package suffers these noises using spdif (I3-RCA). Have you guys had any similar experience??? Thank you everybody!
Jan 22, 2014 at 10:18 AM Post #1,200 of 4,463
Last night Kingwa sent me newer prototype USB firmware from VIA to fix the 192kHz playback in the Master 7.  It works OK in my Win 7 64 system and currently evaluating sound quality and operational performance.   I gave Kingwa a preliminary thumbs up.   So a new firmware load with the same Windows 2014 driver is more than likely the solution.  I'm sure Kingwa will release in a few days if all goes well with his tests.
But I was very impressed with the first 2014 firmware sound quality.  I hope it carries over to the new version and first hints seem to think it has.   

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