Any Paradigm Atom Owners Here? :)
Apr 27, 2008 at 3:03 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 17, 2006
Trying to decide between the new version 5 Atoms & the ELT525's from to use in my computer-as-source setup (MBP > Apogee Duet > Music Hall A25.2 integrated amp). I have ordered an x-sub from AV123, so low freq response on the bookshelfs I buy aren't super important to me. I've read quite a few opinions about the ELT525's over at the av123 forums, so I'm curious what Atom owners think...

I know one thing for sure, just looking at the numbers--I prefer the Atoms' rated sensitivity of 90dB vs. the ELT525's rated of 83dB... Also, damn!! It is IMPOSSIBLE to find Paradigms online anywhere...almost as hard finding brick & mortar dealers as well. Doesn't Paradigm want to sell anything?
Apr 27, 2008 at 3:05 PM Post #3 of 13
I agree, the Atoms are quite nice for the size. I had a pair matched up with my Titans for a home theater system back in the day and it was great.

While I never did try them out as a dedicated 2-channel setup, they should do nicely. If they perform anything like their bigger brother the Titan, you'll not be disappointed!
Apr 27, 2008 at 3:36 PM Post #4 of 13
Folks, the v5 is a totally different speaker from the earlier atoms. Saying you like your earlier atoms is like saying you like your psbs in response to the question, unless you're just saying that you like the company.
Apr 27, 2008 at 6:22 PM Post #6 of 13

Originally Posted by DLeeWebb /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just ordered a pair yesterday. I found this thread very helpful and informative...

Cool..thanks for pointing out that thread... You say you ordered a or local shop? If online, care to PM me a link? I'm having a heck of a time finding these...
Apr 27, 2008 at 6:34 PM Post #7 of 13

Originally Posted by feverfive /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Cool..thanks for pointing out that thread... You say you ordered a or local shop? If online, care to PM me a link? I'm having a heck of a time finding these...

In that thread someone mentions that Paradigm doesn't offer their products for sale online. I ordered mine through a local shop. This is the local shop that I ordered them through...tell them Doug Webb recommended them! Hope this helps...

GNT Audio Video Systems
Apr 28, 2008 at 12:59 PM Post #8 of 13
The new atoms a really nice budget monitor. I have a pair that I recently swapped for a pair of Usher S520 for my office system. The ONLY reason was placement issues. The Atom is rear-ported and made desk placement near a wall an issue. The Usher is front ported and solved that.

For the price, I really don't think you will be disappointed. I listened to a lot of the "top rated" speakers in the $300-400 range and they were up there with the best.

I think they sounded better than the PSB Alpha B1 (my friend has a pair in his office).
Apr 28, 2008 at 2:04 PM Post #9 of 13
I've recently been looking for budget speakers myself. I've been choosing between the Usher s-520, Mordaunt Short 902i, Polk Monitor 30 and the Paradigm Atoms.

I'll be using it with my Macbook pro to my Dared MP-5 amp. So far, I love the sound of the Ushers most, but with the Ushers at 86db sensitivity, my Dared's 13 watts per channel doesn't seem to be able to drive them well enough.

I've tried the Dared with the 902i, and it seems fine, not jaw dropping. I've also heard the Polk, which was ok too even just at 13wpc.

I THEN heard the Atoms just the other day, and they sounded amazing, but that was with the Cayin A50 amp, which is 16watts per channel and all around a superior amp. The Atoms do have 90 db sensitivity though.

I can get the atoms in my country for about 250$, which is not a bad price. The final step is to listen to them with my amp, which is small enough for me to bring anyway. If it can make the Atoms sound even close to how the cayin made them sound, I think I'll go for them.

Any other suggestions? I'm super excited to have a halfway decent speaker set-up.
Apr 28, 2008 at 2:50 PM Post #10 of 13
I have the v5 Atoms for my desktop and they sound fantastic. Some people worry that bookshelf speakers don't perform very well up close at the typical desktop range, but I found that with the right positioning (angled to point a bit behind you, placed fairly close to either side of the monitor, and some space between the rear and the wall) the Atoms offer an engaging, detailed, and clear sound, with great soundstage. And the fact that you already have the sub means that these puppies can just own the mids and highs.

I've listened to 2-channel speakers from PSB, Boston Acoustics, and some other Paradigms like the Minis and Titans, but I ultimately settled on the Atoms as I found them to strike the best balance between budget, sound, and efficiency (desk space, driver specs). I was lucky because the Atoms are actually made in Toronto, so I was able to pick them up at a retail store; they might be little tricky to track down and order online.

Best of luck with your decision!
Apr 28, 2008 at 3:01 PM Post #11 of 13

Originally Posted by spyderx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The new atoms a really nice budget monitor. I have a pair that I recently swapped for a pair of Usher S520 for my office system. The ONLY reason was placement issues. The Atom is rear-ported and made desk placement near a wall an issue. The Usher is front ported and solved that.

For the price, I really don't think you will be disappointed. I listened to a lot of the "top rated" speakers in the $300-400 range and they were up there with the best.

I think they sounded better than the PSB Alpha B1 (my friend has a pair in his office).

I was looking at the Usher S520 as well, but the nearest dealer is over 100 mi form me, and I can't find them online--at least from anywhere I would trust to buy from. I'm gonna go listen to the Atoms today or tomorrow, assuming my local shop has them in stock. Just found out that there is also a B&W dealer here in town, so I'll go listen to some B&W 686's as well. I think I need to tighten up my budget range...currently I'm willing to spend $200 - $750, that leaves way too many options...

EDIT: I ended up ordering a pair of Epos ELS-3's... Pretty good reviews out there, & I have heard these before (just forgot I had)... Have seen negative comments about low end on these, but I'll be using a powered sub anyway. Now, I just need to figure out if I can connect everything so that my Epos receive only freq signal above xHz; i.e, I suppose that means it comes down to whether the x-sub has an active x-over when using speaker level inputs....
Aug 24, 2008 at 9:11 PM Post #12 of 13
Finally got my Paradigm Atoms installed. I am impressed. I'm using them for television sound and music in an office area opposite from my home theater set-up. I needed some sound in the office so that I could watch and listen to the TV when I'm not in that room, and so that I don't have to play the home theater system as loud. The Atoms have a beautiful natural, open sound. I really like them.

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