AD700 headband mod?
Jul 4, 2009 at 3:54 AM Post #16 of 23
Wow I heard the Nurforce mobile was supposed to be bright? I'm surprised your getting bass with that setup. But glad your enjoying the phones
Jul 4, 2009 at 4:27 AM Post #17 of 23

Originally Posted by dweaver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow I heard the Nurforce mobile was supposed to be bright? I'm surprised your getting bass with that setup. But glad your enjoying the phones

Oh god the AD700s were bright as light when I first listened to them, it was a huge put off. I hoped it would go away after a burn in but it didn't really, but now that my ears have adjusted to it, it sounds quite nice.
Aug 7, 2009 at 11:05 PM Post #18 of 23

Originally Posted by userlander /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I remember that thread. Those bars were really bent! do a search, you might find it.

I think I got your post right here:

Scan down the page a bit to find the picture. If they work they work I suppose, I couldn't imagine going at my headphones like that but then again the rubber band mod worked perfectly for my phones that I didn't get to the depths of desperation I might have needed to boomerang out my phones.
Aug 9, 2009 at 2:33 AM Post #20 of 23
I didn't think I would ever want to do this to my phones, but seeing the pictures in the thread gave me the courage to try this. AM I GLAD I DID! The phones now do not slide around on my head and it really has helped the over sound as they fit tighter, all without being so tight as to cause clamp pressure. For anyone who is concerned about doing this mod. If you grab the phone bars one at a time with both hands using your thumbs and for fingers right in the middle where you want to make the bend and then using equal force bend upward (your hands should be very close together, my pointing fingers were only a 1/4 to 1/2 inch apart) the bars bend very easily and look like they can be straightened back out if you don't like the fit.
Aug 9, 2009 at 2:46 AM Post #21 of 23
Here's the pic recently posted in the other thread. While this does put the ear cups in better contact with the ears, the ear cups should not be angled in as shown. They instead should be angled out more to get a more flush fit with the ears. As shown in the picture, the bottom of the ear pads will tend to press harder than the top. Audio-Technica should be lambasted for manufacturing such an ignorant design. And all they had to do was make the ear cups swivel up and down.


Originally Posted by marcusgi /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Aug 9, 2009 at 3:39 AM Post #22 of 23

Originally Posted by 1Time /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here's the pic recently posted in the other thread. While this does put the ear cups in better contact with the ears, the ear cups should not be angled in as shown. They instead should be angled out more to get a more flush fit with the ears. As shown in the picture, the bottom of the ear pads will tend to press harder than the top. Audio-Technica should be lambasted for manufacturing such an ignorant design. And all they had to do was make the ear cups swivel up and down.

You know 1Time, I hear what your saying, a swivel would help out. But one thing I find interesting is when I I open the phones like I'm going to wear them the phones look like ther are in the right angle. But when I look in the mirror after putting them on they are more more compressed at my jaw. Having said that I find they are still very comfortable. But I do wish these manufacturers would spend a bit more time to make their phones more ergonomic in design.

One other thing I find interesting is that I don't get as many groans and creaks from the phones since I bent them.
Aug 10, 2009 at 7:10 PM Post #23 of 23

Originally Posted by dweaver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You know 1Time, I hear what your saying, a swivel would help out.

No. What I mean is the design is essentially defective. A vertical swivel would not simply help; it would correct the defect.


Originally Posted by dweaver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But one thing I find interesting is when I I open the phones like I'm going to wear them the phones look like ther are in the right angle. But when I look in the mirror after putting them on they are more more compressed at my jaw.

In stock form the lower part of the ear cups presses harder at the jaw than the top part presses on the head. And, for many the fit of the AD700 is too loose (it was for me). A proper fit is when the ear cups press evenly around / on the ears, and the headphones are not too loose or too tight.

After modding the AD700 with rubber bands or bending, the fit no doubt would be tighter and the sound should be improved. However, modding in this way must increase the inward angle of the ear cups. If the ear cups are brought closer together by either of these mods and without bending the angle of the ear cups outward, the inward angle of the ear cups must increase accordingly. The result: the lower part of the ear cups now must press proportionately harder than the top part of the ear cups. The inward angle of the ear cups is increased, but the angle between one's head and jaw remains constant. That means even though these mods make the fit tighter, they also make the fit more improper. The headphones sound better after the mod because the fit was so screwed up in the first place; the drivers were too far from the ears. Modding just puts the headphones close enough to the ears for it to sound better. However, these mods make the angle of the drivers worse than stock. There is nothing "proper" about the fit of AD700 for practically anyone, stock or modified. You'd have to have a very wide head to very narrow jaw width ratio for it to fit properly. Picture an alien's head shaped like an inverted triangle and you get the idea.


Originally Posted by dweaver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Having said that I find they are still very comfortable.

I don't read many complaints about the comfort of the AD700. In stock form, I found it uncomfortable because the lower part of the ear pads clamped too much on my jaw. I did not bother stretching the ear cups wider apart to make it more comfortable because doing so would have made the top of the ear cups fit even looser.

It only makes sense that a proper fit would result in improved sound and comfort. A proper fit for practically everyone would require the ear cups to be bent outward, and I don't recall ever seeing a picture posted showing this done. And when I owned the AD700, I did not see an option for how this could be done.


Originally Posted by dweaver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But I do wish these manufacturers would spend a bit more time to make their phones more ergonomic in design.

No need to blame other manufacturers. FWIR, the AD700 and the similarly designed Audio-Technicas are an aberration in the world of headphones. They stand alone and apart in regard to the degree to which they do not fit properly for practically everyone, stock or modified. Again, Audio-Technica should be lambasted for this failure.

Now, does that mean I'm saying the AD700 cannot be enjoyed or comfortably worn by some. No. If there were a way to mod the AD700 for a proper fit, I would re-buy, amp it, and post pics with a proper review. I tried pushing it to my ears to see if modding it may be worth a try. But I soon determined the AD700 did not have enough bass for me and then sold it. And so until then, I agree with most in that it does not fit properly and it is bass light.

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