About the HeadRoom's Total Bithead amp
Apr 18, 2007 at 7:02 PM Post #46 of 61
Well maybe later, maybe I'll be satisfied with the 580 for the metal, I mean I just have an HD 437 for the moment.
Apr 18, 2007 at 7:16 PM Post #47 of 61
Yeah, give the 580 a try. You'll need an amp for it, though. Alternatively, rather than HD580+amp, how about going with HD595+MS2 (these two don't need to be driven by amps to sound good)? Would cost about the same, and you'd have two headphones! And like I said, headphones are more important.
Apr 18, 2007 at 7:25 PM Post #48 of 61
Yeah but as you said sound cards are very bad so if i plug directly the headphones on my computer I fear the sound won't be that good. Maybe I could give the 580 a try then, in 2008, I'll maybe buy the MS2. But I find it stupid that some high priced headphones like that aren't good with every style of music.
Apr 18, 2007 at 8:01 PM Post #49 of 61
Just to add my 2c:
I consider hd650 the Metal/Classical headphone of the Sennheiser line. It is still a good headphone for all the styles as well, but those 2 are its particular strengths to my ear.

If you still did not figure out all the confusion:
Audiocard can do two things - DAC = Digital to Analog Conversion, which is what most cards suck for, or it can just be the audio processor on digital level and then feed with optical or digital output (if your card has one) into an external DAC which can be as good as you want (Headroom Micro DAC highly recommended, so is Corda Aria as mentioned here), or many of these DACs can be just used through USB (both, Micro DAC and Aria can do it). I prefer not dealing with my laptop's audio at all so I use Micro DAC as my audiocard in a way.

You should look at other headphones available, I heard Corda Aria + Beyer DT880 is a sweet combo for example.
Apr 18, 2007 at 8:40 PM Post #50 of 61
Thanks for this post.
Anyway I think I'll take HD580 + Micro Amp + DAC.
Apr 18, 2007 at 10:45 PM Post #51 of 61

Originally Posted by Wiza_Gab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for this post.
Anyway I think I'll take HD580 + Micro Amp + DAC.

Whoa! Hold your horses for a few days. HR is coming out with a completely new line of the Micro this weekend! I would wait till that come out and see where the mood is going. For all you know, used Micro stack might drop in price considerably in just a few weeks ($300 for the stack, anyone?

The price drop is my speculation, of course, but the new Micro lineup from HR will change things around here for sure.

But get the HD580 soon, though, Senn has phased out production of the 580 and new units will be sold out within a few months from now at most.
Apr 18, 2007 at 11:07 PM Post #53 of 61

Originally Posted by Large4mat /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Source on the new Micro lineup please.

A little bird told me... just wait till this weekend, dude.
But I can tell you that the Micro line is splitting in two, there will be a portable version and a home (AC-powered only) version. The home version (of the micro) can accomondate the Max module (confused yet?), so it might just be what the OP needs.
Apr 20, 2007 at 5:05 PM Post #54 of 61
For sure see what Headroom comes out with this weekend (is the Micro DAC that I bought last month obsolete already? Hopefully not...). But I inceasingly believe in getting components that will last, even if it means a short-term compromise in another part of the chain. So if the OP really likes the HD650s, buying those with the Total Airhead, on sale for $99, would make a nice entry into Head-Fi. Then when he's ready to splash big bucks on an amp, he already has his ultimate headphones.

Just another possibility. A lot of assumptions in there, I admit.
Apr 20, 2007 at 5:23 PM Post #55 of 61

Originally Posted by cooperpwc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But I inceasingly believe in getting components that will last, even if it means a short-term compromise in another part of the chain.

Good point, anchoring your system to a component will make the upgrade path easier to thread (indeed that's the strategy I've chosen for myself), but
for the best value in the short term, greatly discounted trickle-down technology is the way to go.
It's a decision that the OP has to make for himself (the 650 is not 2.5X better than the 580).

Be advised, though, that there is a rumor the HD700 is coming out in a few months. So the 650 might drop in price a little when that come out.
Apr 21, 2007 at 3:45 AM Post #56 of 61

Originally Posted by Dept_of_Alchemy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A little bird told me... just wait till this weekend, dude.
But I can tell you that the Micro line is splitting in two, there will be a portable version and a home (AC-powered only) version. The home version (of the micro) can accomondate the Max module (confused yet?), so it might just be what the OP needs.

Listen to the podcast!!! It has the knowledge you Seek!
Apr 21, 2007 at 5:59 AM Post #57 of 61
Apr 21, 2007 at 6:55 AM Post #59 of 61
Im confused too. i guess i replied to the wrong thread. I cant even find the post i replied to anymore.

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