15% Off Select Burson Products ONLY for a Limited Time While Supplies Last
Feb 7, 2013 at 12:42 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1
Feb 1, 2011
15% Off Burson HA-160, Burson HA-160DS, Burson HA160D, Burson DA-160 ONLY!!!
All other Burson Products Excluded
Coupon Code: Burson15 
While Supplies Last
Limited Time So Hurry!
Sale Excludes DEMO Products
Burson HA-160 Headphone Amp
15% off Burson HA-160 With Coupon Code: Burson15
The HA-160 employs an advance discrete power supply and power filtration network, and, for the very first time, the Burson opamp technology has been channeled into a head phone amplifier. True to our design philosophy it is completely free of ICs.
To audiophiles, music is like a religion! Through music we rise above the daily confines of our lives. Music enables us to travel through time and space, to see life through the eyes of others and to fall in love all over again.
Listening to music is a very personal adventure that lasts for a life time.
However in our ever increasingly cramped society with its accelerated lifestyle, this very personal experience is all too often rudely interrupted. From the sporadic mobile ring tones, the neighbor's dog, the Harley Davidson starting up, or the microwave that just keeps on beeping to remind us we have uncollected food waiting for us, all of these things interrupt our fellow audiophile from their pilgrimage of music.
At times like this, we need an uncompromising Head-Fi system.
Uncompromising is the only word worthy of our Head-phone amp - HA-160. The HA-160 employs an advance discrete power supply and power filtration network, and, for the very first time, the Burson opamp technology has been channeled into a head phone amplifier. True to our design philosophy it is completely free of ICs. Well, listening to an IC based machine is like listening to a grand concert through a key-hole! With ICs you are missing out on the micro detail that makes music musical and the macro dynamic that thumbs our hearts with excitement. There is only one reason for an IC to appear in audio gear, and that is cost saving at the expense of music!
IC Opamps are bad for audio!!!
There is a common misconception among audiophiles: That is an Integrated Operational Amplifier (IC Opamp) is equivalent or even superior to a discrete design. Nothing can be further from the truth! Restricted by the fabrication process and technological limitation an IC Opamp is an inferior substitute for a proper discrete design. An IC Opamp is entirely constructed on a single dice of silicon waver, which is smaller than a grain of rice. Limited by its size and heat dispersion, it is impossible to incorporate a top quality audio transistor like the A970, or K170 which feature in the Burson Audio discrete design. During the construction of a discrete transistor a chemical optimization process take place for each pieces of silicon according to there application (NPN or PNP). This optimization process is critical to the performance of the final product. Some of the benefit included:
Optimized for breakdown voltage and performance.
Optimized for near-true complementary.
But this process can not take place on an integrated circuit since all transistors is fabricated on the same piece of silicon. This is one of the major drawn back of an integrated circuit compare to a discrete circuit. All components on the silicone dice are formed by droplet of chemical. This fabrication process can not create quality parts like the 1% tolerant metal film resistor, or the super stable silver mica capacitor. Since they are all connected (hence integrated) they can not be individually tested and matched. In an IC opamp the conductor layer that connects all the parts is formed by a layer of aluminum vapor that is thinner than the water vapor left on foggy windscreen. This poor conductor is the silent killer to musical texture.
The close proximity of components also poses a problem for audio signals, where that delicate signal that music lovers pursue, will be masked by EMI noise. In the end, the consumer is getting an opamp that is built with a bunch of second grade parts that is unable to yield the best results, connected via a thin layer of aluminum foil. An IC opamp is nothing more than a cost cutting substitute in audio application which we hate with a passion! Some say, “You have to match the right head-phone amp to the right head-phone.” We say , “That’s only true if the head-phone amp is not good enough!” Burson Audio never beats around the bush. We believe that if our amp can drive the best then it will drive the rest.
As to-date, the Sennheiser- HD650 is widely regarded as one of the long time references. However, Its open back design and 300ohm load also makes it one of the most difficult to drive headphones on the planet. True to our design methods, the HA-160 is built with a differential input stage. Neutralizing our Burson Opamp technology it has no decoupling capacitor on its signal path. This has removed the fundamental bottleneck that is often associated with lesser designs. Powered by 2 pairs of top quality Toshiba transistors delivering up to 700mW of driving power into 300ohm! (That is more than 2W of driving power to a typical 50ohm headphone.) The entire head amp is configured in Class-A operation to remove any cross over distortion that may otherwise occur. As a result, We’ve ended up with a head phone amp that can drive a small book shelf speaker. Is it over kill? Probably. Is it worthy of the Burson badge? Without a shadow of doubt.
Headphone amps are often criticized for their lack of sense of space. While most manufactures are keen to tell you that this is the norm for headphone amps, the truth of the matter is that it is an unpleasant form of distortion. Once you have listened with the HA-160 you will be taken by the sense of space. In addition, the delicacy and transparency of the high-frequencies are beyond reproach. Teamed with the HD650, one can hear all the vibrations transpired on the recording microphone. The good the bad and the ugly. Listening to Norah Jones’s Come away with me, one can hear the variation in recording quality from track to track. One can also tell that the earlier tracks such as “Don’t know why” and the sensual, plaintive sounds of “Come away with me” were recorded in less than ideal conditions, while the latter tracks were greatly improved. But most importantly one can hear Norah’s un-surpassing love for music and those moments when “the handsome band” was having so much fun. When the last note falls in “The long day is over”, you know that your soul has been cleansed once again.
Burson HA-160DS Headphone Amp w/ DAC
15% Off Burson HA-160DS With Coupon Code: Burson15
Excellent for desktop Head-fiers!  It is essentially a streamlined version of the HA-160D...developed to make music simple and enjoyable at your desktop.
The HA-160D was built as an all in one machine that fits in anywhere from a desktop audio setup to a full sized stereo system. Since its introduction audiophiles and magazine reviewers everywhere, appreciate it as a benchmark 3 in 1 performer, outgunning its competitors whose prices are much more expensive. Renowned reviewers, and recording artists are using it to assist their creative work and are enjoying its sound everyday.
Since its introduction audiophiles and magazine reviewers everywhere, appreciate it as a benchmark 3 in 1 performer, outgunning its competitors whose prices are much more expensive. Renowned reviewers, and recording artists are using it to assist their creative work and are enjoying its sound everyday.
For headphone audiophiles however, the HA-160D has features that some may never use. Features such as its high end preamp, DAC output and multiple analogue inputs. We also understand that some head-fiers would like it to have a smaller footprint on the desk. Bearing this in mind we have introduced the HA-160DS. It is a streamlined version of HA-160D focused for the desktop head-fiers.
Compared to the HA-160D, the HA-160DS is 16% smaller in footprint and 35% lighter in weight. And with fewer features, it is more affordable. But it is in no way an inferior or focused product. It is simply a focused 2 in 1 machine that has all the performance and refinements expected from Burson Audio.
Its DAC is identical to that inside the HA-160D right down to each component used. The headphone is also identical to the HA-160 which we have been refining since 2009. We have also reduced the number of headphone outputs to one and used the best volume potentiometer we could find to ease control while preserving sonic quality. It is housed in a smaller but precision folded 4 mm aluminium casing that is elegant on any desk and works as a singular heat-sink for the entire machine. This case really puts the conventional 1 mm folded steel case to shame.
The function of Opamps at the output stage is as important as the lens on a cinema projector. Regardless of the analytical capability of the audio gear, an inferior opamp will halve a machine's performance, and distort every dB of sonic imagery. Just like our acclaimed HA160, the 160D features our Burson HD audio opamp. It enables the 160D to reproduce music in superior resolution and accuracy.
High Definition Sound
The function of Opamps at the output stage is as important as the lens on a cinema projector. Regardless of the analytical capability of the audio gear, an inferior opamp will halve a machine's performance, and distort every dB of sonic imagery. Just like our acclaimed HA160, the 160DS features our Burson HD audio opamp. It enables the 160DS to reproduce music in superior resolution and accuracy.
Clean Power
Just like an athlete needs clean air to perform at an optimum standard – audio equipment needs clean power to reproduce transparent and natural music.
Utilizing the Burson Audio discrete (IC free) low noise regulator technology we have ensured that only the cleanest power is running through every component of our 160DS.
Burson HA-160D Headphone Amp Dac and Preamp
15% Off Burson HA-160D With Coupon Code: Burson15
At a single hearing, I knew this was my sound...I almost wept." The Stereo Times by David Abramson
The HA-160D headphone amplifier was painstakingly hand built, with each component exhaustingly matched. It was based on a design with only sonic purity in mind and free from the constraints and downfalls of standard production building blocks such as ICs and 3 pin power regulators. The end result has been applauded by many audio critics around the world and more importantly appreciated by fellow headphone audiophiles who share our passion for music.
David Abramson from the Stereo Times recently compared this amp to true music legends such as Bob Dylan and Alan Ginsberg for "its ability to deliver perfection" and we here at Moon Audio absolutely agree.   Call us if you have any questions and we'll be happy to share our knowledge with you.  :)
When something is designed with ideals and custom made the old school way, the end result will always surpass anything that is mass produced and profit driven. This simple rule applies to all things, from carpentry, and masonry to automobiles, and it is certainly the rule for the world of music and audio design. Our HA-160 headphone amplifier was painstakingly hand built, with each component exhaustingly matched. It was based on a design with only sonic purity in mind and free from the constraints and downfalls of standard production building blocks such as ICs and 3 pin power regulators. The end result has been applauded by many audio critics around the world and more importantly appreciated by fellow headphone audiophiles who share our passion for music. Through the HA-160D, we hope to deliver even more of our idealism and understanding through a single machine that is unmistakably Burson.
The HA-160D (DAC / Headphone Amp / Preamp)
The HA-160D took over 18 months to realize. Apart from the DAC chip, the entire machine was meticulously hand assembled with top grade, perfectly matched discrete components. It is powered by 5 sets of custom built low noise power supplies to eliminate noise pollution. We have also employed two custom built transformers to ensure the job was done properly. One transformer is used to power our HD Audio DAC, while the other purely supplies power to the hungry Class-A amplification circuitry. It ensures that the DAC stage and the headphone amp stage are working independently and at an optimum level, while still in complete synergy. The result is a high definition DAC, headphone amp, preamp 3 in 1 machine that is entirely uncompromised. To better serve the growing popularity of PC based audio systems, the HA-160D also features a USB input function which is compatible with both Mac and PCs.
Burson HD Audio DAC
While most of the marketing spin centers on the DAC chip, the I/V stage is in fact one of the critical stage in any audio DAC design. It is not getting the air time that it deserves because a properly designed I/V stage is not simple, and the concept is harder to sell to a customer compared to a DAC chip model number. After the digital signal (0s and 1s) is converted by the DAC chip into stereo analogue signals, it is in the form of a current rather than voltage, and a conversion is needed. Any distortion and signal loss during this conversion stage is irreversible. Unfortunately, due to the lack of customer awareness on the I/V stage, this is where most audio companies cut their costs, and it is common to see an I/V stage designed around a cheap IC opamp. The HA-160D has a fully discrete I/V stage that is independently powered. It has a high slew rate and fast recovery time. Combined with our fully discrete Class A output stage the HD Audio DAC ensures the highest level of signal preservation. The result is higher resolution audio playback, with a completely transparent sonic signature consistent with our ideals. The HD Audio DAC by Burson Audio was custom designed for a single purpose of extracting all the musical detail from any digital format with maximum dynamism and accuracy. The entire design is free from the constraints of standard circuit building blocks such as IC Opamps or low cost 3 pin regulators.
The well known Burr Brown PCM1793 DAC chip sits at the heart of the HD Audio DAC. This classic 24 bit DAC chip is well known in a number of reference class audio designs. While it lacks some of the Wow effects of its counterparts, sonically the PCM1793, struck the right balance between musicality and accuracy and presents music consistent with the preferences of team Burson Audio. It was not easy to realize the full potential of this classic DAC chip and the low noise power supplies were designed to operate in Constant Current Source (CCS) mode, in order to eliminate noise and distortion at each stage of DAC processing. Our trade mark HD opamp is fully utilized from the critical I/V stage to the output stage, to ensure that untainted and completed sonic information is passed down to the headphone amp stage and preamp stage.
Burson DA-160 DAC
15% Off Burson DA-160 With Coupon Code: Burson15
After user feedback and many valuable suggestions from the audiophile community, Burson has developed the DA-160 DAC. It is fully discreet, more refined in sound, with better
 compatibility and connectivity.
6Moons Review
Intro The HA-160D 3 in 1 unit has been warmly received by fellow audiophiles since 2010. Since then, developing a stand alone DAC based on the DAC section of the HA-160D has always been on our minds. After taking into account feedback and many more valuable suggestions from the audiophile community, Burson have developed the DA-160, which is fully discrete, more refined in sound, with better compatibility and Connectivity. The result met all of our expectations.
Fully discrete:
Our dissatisfaction with IC based building blocks such as IC opamps and 3 pin power supply regulators have been well aired. The DA-160 is completely free of such cost focused building blocks. Instead they have built the entire DAC with idealistic circuitry designs and top quality discrete components. The focus of our discrete approach was purely on performance. A more matured and refined sound
Although the DA-160 is based on the DAC section of the HA-160D, being a stand alone DAC they had more freedom to further optimize its performance. They decided to tweak the power supply network into a constant current source power supply and use two power transformers to lower the noise. The result is a more matured sound with even richer micro dynamics and substance.
The new DA-160 is designed to be the heart of an audio system, therefore connectivity is a must. They added two sets of USB inputs to make sharing the DAC between 2 PCs or wireless player easy. Apart from the standard RCA S/PDIF, an additional Optical Toslink was also added. Furthermore there are two sets of RCA outputs running parallel to make sharing the outputs of DA-160 between the two systems possible (eg, headphone amplifier and intergraded amplifier).
Burson HD Audio DAC
While most of the marketing spin centers on the DAC chip, the output stages are in fact the most critical stages in any audio DAC design. They are not getting the air time that they deserve because properly designed output stages are complex and expensive, and the concept is harder to sell to a customer compared to a DAC chip model number.
After the digital signals (0s and 1s) are converted by the DAC chip into stereo signals, A chain of output stages are needed to reconstruct, preserve and amplify the very weak analog signals. Any distortion and signal loss during these stages is irreversible. Unfortunately, due to the lack of customer awareness of the output stages, they are where most audio companies cut their costs, and it is common to see an output stage designed around a $20 IC opamp.
The DA-160 has fully discrete output stages that are independently powered. Operating in Class-A, they ensure the highest level of signal preservation. The result is higher resolution audio playback, with a completely transparent sonic signature consistent with our ideals.
High Density (HD) Construction
Conventional PCB designs are not only big and clumsy, but they often leave audio equipment not optimized. They squeezed components close and stacked one densely populated PCB on top of another. This design process was completely manual and it complicated production. However because the sonic benefits outweighed the pain, they persisted. Burson's HD construction achieves a smaller footprint, while enhancing sonic performance by lowering noise and unwanted capacitance. When they design an audio circuitry, they painstakingly position each component to ensure that they are as close to each other as possible while maintaining symmetry. This often means transistors overshadowing resistors, solder points a millimetre apart and densely populated PCBs stacked in layers.
This process is painstaking because they cannot rely on any computer program to do this. Instead, they do the whole process by hand, one component at a time and one millimeter at a time. The end result also slows production and increases the possibility of error as all solder points are extremely close to one another.
That is why other manufacturers in their “right” minds would not do it.
Burson team did this for the same reason as they do everything at Burson Audio. That is, the sonic benefits from doing so outweighed the pain. With our HD construction they were able to overcome some of the fundamental shortcomings other manufacturers tend to ignore.
Less noise – by minimizing and optimizing the signal path they were able to reduce any EMI noise that may be picked up with a longer and less optimized signal path. Less parasitic capacitance – These are unavoidable and unwanted capacitance that exists between closely spaced conductors, such as those on a PCB track. With our HD construction, such capacitance is minimized, allowing our circuit to operate in a more ideal condition. Smaller footprint – Space is luxury. The HD construction enabled a bigger sound from a relatively smaller package. Our DA-160 for example would be 4 times larger if they were to use a standardized component layout.
Higher Definition
The function of Opamps at the output stage is as important as the lens on a cinema projector. Regardless of the analytical capability of the audio gear, an inferior opamp will halve a machine’s performance, and distort every dB of sonic imagery. Just like our acclaimed HA-160D, the DA-160 features our Burson HD audio opamp. It enables the DA-160 to reproduce music in superior resolution and accuracy. The team at Burson Audio has been developing the HD Audio Opamp project for a number of years now. From the first version to the current production, improvement has been made along the way, as part of the quest for perfection.
The foundation of the HD Audio Opamp is a sophisticated Voltage Differential Amplification network. The entire opamp is constructed from audio graded transistors and resistors. Such a design will ensure minimal colouration and maximum dynamics, but this design feature also posed a great challenge to production; without rigid component matching, it would be easy for sonic imbalance to occur. They only use a 1% tolerant resistor. Before soldering them onto the PCB, they put them through a component burn-in module. After 50 hours of burn-in, each resistor will then be retested and matched before proceeding to our assembly line. The result of such a quality control process, is a further 10% of component rejection. This strict and very expensive BURN and MATCH process ensures the stability of the circuit. It ensures a perfect balance of sonic imagery across the entire frequency spectrum. It also guarantees a stable and realistic sound stage between the speakers. Furthermore they insisted on a top quality lead free solder and temperature controlled soldering process. This was the only solution to reducing heat stress on our components, and minimizing short circuits caused by a soldering bath used in large-scale production. Cost focused manufacturers would never adopt such an approach due to the significant increase in production costs. Burson Audio on the other hand knows that only our level of quality control can produce opamps worthy of our badge. Only our level of quality control can produce the best Opamp in the market.
Perfect Matching
Burson understand how critical it is for a DAC to match well with different down stream equipment (eg. Headphone amplifier, pre amplifier, passive preamp and various solid state or tube designs.) In 2007 Burson introduced the AB-160 audio buffer to resolve this precise issue. In the DA-160 Burson designed a Variable Output Buffer stage to allow better matching with all down stream equipment. It ensured optimal performance of our DA-160 across any platform.




Thank You.
Drew Baird, P.E. 
Moon Audio 
140 Iowa Lane
Suite 204
Cary, NC 27511 

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