  1. Deviltooth

    Torque's Kickstarter - t096z, t402v, t103z

    Torque just officially released a teaser trailer for their upcoming IEM.  See it here:   I'm expecting something special as the t103z has been an overlooked talent (here) since it's release.   EDIT - New kickstarter link...
  2. Deviltooth

    Torque t103z: 6 Sonic Flavours Review & Appreciation

    Thanks to Torque for supplying the review sample.   It's a safe generalization to state:  On Head Fi people are interested in great sound, great gear and maximizing sonic enjoyment.  Torque's t103z is an earphone that should resonate with the community.  This is a prosumer device with an...
  3. Torque Audio t103z

    Torque Audio t103z

    Torque premium in-ear-headphones