sennheiser hd 569 closed back mobile
  1. MrAhmet

    Headphone recommendation? HD569?

    I've been searching for a long time. My budget is limited and I don't have a chance to try earphone models. I would be glad if you help. I had a chance to test the SHP9500. Stock audio was average. But with PEQ, the bass is nice and the treble is soft. Sounds great with PEQ. Still, the...
  2. Sigmaaa

    Sennheiser HD 569

    I haven't found a thread for this model, so I created one. First of all, a few impressions. The sound is decent. They have a somewhat accentuated bass below 80Hz compared to others in the HD5xx series, probably because of the closed back design. But it doesn't keep up for long below 80Hz, at...