  1. Spanish

    MyST IzoEM-1. Russian closed full-range planar-magnetic IEM

    First of all - sorry formy bad english :) IzoEM-1 from MyST brand. As i know - first closed planar magnetic IEM (Izodynamic iEM - IzoEM). Crates and manufactured in Russia. Good things - it's realy PM sound. Fast, detail, response and etc. But - not enought (quantity, not quality!) bass...
  2. stakatch

    MyST IzoPhones-30 planar magnetic headphones

    Planar magnetic headphones from Russia. Изодинамические наушники из России.  
  3. cleg

    MyST Nails — interesting russian-made IEMs

    Russian company MyST isnt very well-known worldwide, but they made some really interesting products that really worth your attention. Here, on Head-Fi there is a tread, about their portable DAC/amp built on multibit AD1688 chip PortaDAC OCUB, also sold now in Europe under Tento trademark...
  4. Edgar Kaksis

    MyST IzoPhones-60

    MyST IzoPhones-60   Recently I've come down with a remarkable pair of headphones, which were released quite recently, too - in autumn 2014. It is a planar magnetic headphone from Russian manufacturer MyST. Apparently, there's no dedicated thread here. However, they deserve one, so here it...