  1. Brooko

    REVIEW : Fidue A81 - Warm, Smooth, Dynamic, Fun !

    Before I start, I'll just explain the reason for this thread.   I was given an opportunity a little over a week ago to try the Fidue A81, and after posting a review in the product section - I've continued using the Fidue A81 (alongside my A83).  Each time I pick up the A81, I'm continually...
  2. FIDUE A81 In-Ear Noise Isolating Earphones Heaphones with High-End Super Dynamic Driver

    FIDUE A81 In-Ear Noise Isolating Earphones Heaphones with High-End Super Dynamic Driver

    FIDUE A81 High Quality noise isolation eartips are built by the 10 mm High End Super Dynamic Driver with Titanium Composites. Because of High-eng Dynamic and Balanced Driver they provide not only high end clarity and rich bass performance. In the package you can see two detachable cables which...