akg k340
  1. craiglester

    Advice requested. AKG K340 thinking of going balanced...

    So, This is the situation currently. I'm running the following as a bedside system, as I'm mostly housebound these days, and do a lot of listening in bed. Currently my source is a Squeezebox Touch, running the RCA out to a THX 789 from Drop, passed through to a Darkvoice 336. This gives a...
  2. nnordstr

    New Adventures in Vintage Hi-fi (headphones)

    Sorry for what surely is a previously used forum tag, but it was the only thing I could come up with. I was doing some Craigslist scanning the other day and saw a pair of AKG K340's for sale for a reasonable price locally. I had heard of them before and did a quick search and became interested...
  3. S

    Just bought AKG K340 Headphones - have no idea what amp?

    Hi, I am a newbie and a headphone virgin to boot, so please, any help on this would be great. I have just bought a second hand pair of AKG K340s, all seem in good order (have red drivers) so not bass heavy and it shows. I tested them out using Audirvana running from an iMac via 3.5mm to SPDIF...