
New Head-Fier
Indonesian Review Tangzu X Seeaudio Shimin Li Encounter Edition
Pros: - Vokal yang manis
- Bass cukupan tetapi tetap asik
Cons: - Timbre yang aneh
- Suara yang tidak bersaing diharganya
Tangzu X Seeaudio Shimin Li Encounter Edition

Ngetest beberapa lagu berikut:

Derek menggunakan Jcally Jm12, Jcally Ap10, Kabel bawaan, Trn Redchain 4.4, Aet07 bawaan

Vokalnya cukup Sweet, Male & Female Vokalnya agak tipis, Male & Female Vokalnya maju banget berasa ada didepan muka, Vokalnya berasa Shouty, Sibilance dari Vokalnya cukup berasa, Emosi dari Vokalnya kurang dapet
Kalo awal" nyoba pasti merasa Vokalnya aneh banget, tapi kalo udah pake seharian lebih pasti berasa Vokalnya ini enak" aja

Treblenya agak Smooth tapi tetep berasa cring

Bassnya lumayan, Pukulan Bassnya cukup Nendang, Rumblenya cukup berasa

Separasi suaranya bagus
Soundstagenya Luas
3D imaging Highnya cukup tinggi, Depthnya cukup dalam

Timbrenya kurang natural, berasa kayak dengerin IEM dengan karakter Warm dan Bright secara bersamaan

Fittingnya enak dipake tiduran juga nyaman

Build Qualitynya bagus kecuali kabelnya yang berasa kayak karet gimana gitu

Pouchnya cukup bagus sih lembut dan cukup ergonomis tapi berasa ringkih

Box wangy banget sama dapet kartu gacha

Ini IEM Mid Centric banget
Bener" bikin ente bakal fokus sama Vokalnya sedangkan suara instrumen dan bass kayak cuma mengiringi dari belakang
Tapi suara instrumen dan bass nggak ketutupan sama Vokalnya, detail instrumen dan bass tetep kedengeran dengan jelas semuanya
Dan kalo dipake seharian berkali-kali bakal ngesetting kuping ente kalo Vokal itu ada didepan muka, jadi pas kalo ente balik ke IEM yang sebelumnya biasa dipake jadi berasa mundur banget Vokalnya

"Jadi kesimpulannya ini IEM gimana?"
Jujur aja gw awalnya berekspektasi kalo ini IEM bakal kurang lebih sama kayak Tangzu waner karena menggunakan Driver yang mirip katanya
Tapi bener" ini diatas Tangzu Waner dari Segi Resolusi, Separasi, Soundstage, Imaging
Kalo gw rasa Overall ini IEM bagus" aja buat fokus Vokalan, karena disaat lu pake shimin li ini selama 1/2 hari berkali" bakal beradaptasi dengan Vokalnya yang maju
tapi kalo bisa dapet diharga maksimal banget 400 kebawah, kalo diatas itu nggak worth sih

"Loh 400rb kan bisa dapet tanchjim ola buat Vokalan"
Jujur aja ane nggak suka sama Ola karena fittingnya yang alien dan ane rasa Shimin Li Encounter ini lebih enak buat Vokalan dari pada Ola
Vokalnya Ola agak sedikit kasar dibanding Shimin Li yang lebih Sweet, tapi emang Ola lebih dapet Emosi Vokalnya dibanding Shimin li ini yang berasa kayak ketahan dan berasa lebih Shouty

"Kalo dibanding Epz Q1 Pro yang biasa gimana?"
Menurut gw lebih enakan Q1 pro karena lebih balance dan lebih dapet emosi dari Vokalnya

"Kalo dibanding Moondrop Super Shouty Reference yang biasa gimana?"
SSR masih lebih Shouty dibanding Shimin li Encounter
Tapi tentu saja lebih dapet Emosi Vokalnya di SSR

"Kalo dibanding Shimin Li yang biasa gimana?"
wes yang satu ini gendeng sih

Saat ini sedang diobral di Kuping Sensi seharga


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New Head-Fier
Pros: good detail retrieval
excellent build quality
Cons: midrange timbre slightly off
Disclaimer: The unit was sent by TangZu for review purposes but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Build and Fit
It's hard to believe just how robust such affordable earphones have become. how can the brands use such dense metal in the chassis at this price point? i don't know, i also don't care to be honest. excellent build quality at any price point, let alone this. No one should complain regarding the build quality.
The cable however is a bit sticky and rubbery for my liking but i'm not complaining. The carry case seems a bit useless because it's just a bag, offers no kind of protection and its a bit of a fuss to open and close it. the case feels more like form over function to me. but again, you can get a hard case for dirt cheap.



Amp Needs
The shiminli encounter edition needs no dedicated amp to sound its best. it works just fine from a phone or a usb dongle dac just fine.

Sound Quality
The good thing that stands out on first listen is that this earphone is sufficiently detailed sounding. it is not the "in your face" kind of forced detail but natural resolution. the midrange is quite detailed and it captures all kinds of texture there is to capture. can it compare to a higher end planar earphone? no, but you will not be missing much.
layering of instruments and vocals is also done right, and the sound isn't claustrophobic at all. everything is layered well. i would however say that the midrange is slightly forward, and the vocals are slightly pushed forward, but it is not fatiguing at all. because of this you might miss the small tonal changes that happen in real time but you get a good dose of detail. so you get some, you lose some. bass quantity is sufficient and on the neutral side, but it has good amount of detail in this region. treble is more on the smooth side which is not fatiguing. some cons? although there is very good amount of detail, the timbre is just slightly off in the midrange. but it is something one will get used to very quickly. the soundstage is decent for the price range and is similar to many of the earphones out there in the price range but what is better than most of the usual earphones in this price range is image specificity.

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At its price range, the build quality definitely stands out on top. the sound is also quite detailed for the price and the shimin li encounter edition checks most of the boxes.

Half Note

New Head-Fier
A great product you can't get anymore
Pros: - Surprisingly able in its imaging
- Good accessories
- Solves all the issues of its predecessor
Cons: - Weight will become a hindrance after a while
- Not the most coherent tuning
- Relies on EQ to be a valid option in the market

Intro/disclaimer :

- This unit was sent to me for review, I didn't pay for anything
- As always don't rely on a single source of info for purchasing decisions

First Impressions :

- Unboxing : The packaging is much better than the previous Shimin Li, mostly because of the inclusion of a pouch : while not as secure as a case, it's easily usable and carryable. The tip selection is generous as always, and the presentation is better than simply throwing in plastic bags filled with tips. As of now I prefer it with the S&S tips, the Final Type E and the stock white tips that are on the nozzle by default (in that order).
- The shell size is nice, small enough to fit most people and the nozzle grips firmly on the eartips. The only drawback would be its weight, it will get tiresome after some time (i can wear them fine for about 2 hours, any longer and the weight becomes a bother)


Sound :

- Stock tuning is good, although overemphasized in the early high mids (2-4k). from 20 Hz to 1kHz it's really nice, linear and coherent but then you get to the zenith at 2kHz and it's at least 3-4dB too much in this region. There's also a minor peak at 8kHz but that is the only disturbance in an otherwise very well done treble region.

- It's surprising to rediscover what the Shimin Li is capable of when its first launch was flawed by reflection issues : the original version had reverberations inside the shell and you could hear the echo which was highly disturbing. Here, you get a very nice set with surprisingly sharp transient response for a dynamic driver, and the acoustic chamber is clearly doing something because this set sounds bigger than anything in its direct competition.

  • The bass on the Red Li is damn clean for a 50$ set, in my opinion cleaner than the DLC driver based offerings we got used to in this market recently. Although not as sub-bass focused as those are/were, the tactile sensation is present and this set extends deep and in a clean manner. Its midbass is polite, but lacks definition to fully represent acoustic instruments like cello faithfully.

  • The mids are really clean and voices are very well reproduced. Guitars are not as pleasant unfortunately because of the push in the high mids : electric guitars will appear much too shrill and buzzy compared to the original track. No warmth nor clinical approach in the mids, it is neutral in its conception however doesn’t sound the most natural, which I think is due to a lack of details that would render the region more realistic otherwise.

  • It takes some time to adjust to the replay of the treble on this set, but this is because it's one of the rare sets in this segment of the market that actually plays back treble to its end, meaning there's no sharp drop after 15kHz like we commonly see in IEMs under 300$. Having information in the air region is nice but it's not the strong suit of the Red Li : information is present in a faint amount, and this set's impression of height is lessened because of that.


Technicalities :

- The Red Li sounds much wider than tall, and its three-dimensionality impression is warped because of that. You don't get a holographic image like you'd want to, but more so a peanut shaped one : two spheres and a central portion that is narrower. Even so, it's much more able than its competition if you stay within the constraints of this space : replay of small rooms and studio setups is excellent for the price point.
- The detail retrieval is on par with most 80-100$ offerings, the likes of the Aria, Kai and Kima. You trade the sub-bass rumble for more coherent mid-to-bass tuning, and better extension overall.
- Transients are much tighter on the Red Li compared to its predecessor. While not BA levels of attack, it's better than the competition and leads to a more realistic feeling overall when pitted against the other single DD IEMS (the aforementioned Aria comes to mind)


EQ :

Preamp: -4.99 dB
PK 10000 Hz, 2 dB, Q 1
PK 8000 Hz, -2.5 dB, Q 6
PK 6000 Hz, 6 dB, Q 3
PK 4400 Hz, -5.3 dB, Q 2
PK 2200 Hz, -4.4 dB, Q 2
PK 720 Hz, 1.8 dB, Q 0.5
PK 21 Hz, 2.42 dB, Q 0.6


Conclusion :

In my opinion this set's validity to be bought comes from its EQed state, with the stock tuning I don't think it's enjoyable enough to justify the 50$. With EQ however it's another story altogether, and it deserves its place alongside the Hexa, Galileo, S12 in the ranks of the "better than the Aria" category which is unprecedented for the money.


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New Head-Fier
A Better Tangzu Shimin Li
Pros: 1. Pleasing tonality
2. Extensive treble
3. Good separation
Cons: 1. Poor resolution
2. Dull mid range
3. Loos bass

Review Of The TangZu Shimin Li Encounter Edition



After changing its name from Tforce to TangZu, the business unveiled its first item, an IEM dubbed Shimin Li. I was unable to determine the motivation behind the rebrand, but so far they have been very successful in winning over audiophiles. They release excellent IEMs with each new product. TangZu also produced my preferred and most affordable Warner S.G. model. The next iteration of the Shimin Li, known as the Shimin Li Encounter Edition, which I will be reviewing today, was recently released thanks to a collaboration between TangZu and SeeAudio, another company well-known for its electroacoustic products. But before I review the TangZu Shimin Li Encounter Edition, let's clear up a few ambiguities.



*Since this unit tour was organised by the wonderful people at Hifigo, I am grateful to them. And as I've said in all of my evaluations, the same is true for this one: all of the concepts I've expressed below are entirely my own, original ideas that haven't been influenced by anyone else. If interested, go to this link.
*I am not associated with the connection, and I receive no financial assistance from anyone.
*For the remainder of the review, I will refer to these IEMs as "Shimin Li."
*I am using different Ear-tips for convenience and better versatility.
*Finally, I will only evaluate the Shimin Li based on their performance, even though I will explain how it feels and seems physically and aesthetically.
*As a reviewer who prioritises sound over all else, I dare not care about recent conflicts with the real story behind the Shimin Li Encounter driver. Instead, I'll do my best to focus on how they perform rather than the strategies used or the reasons why misunderstandings occurred.


One dynamic driver, a 10mm dual cavity Carbon Nano driver utilising N52 neodymium magnets, is housed inside the Shimin Li Encounter, As discovered recently I believe that is not the full reality of the Driver, Therefore I won't discuss more on that. The metal used to make the shells—an aviation-grade alloy—feels strong and well-built. It appears that one hole has been strategically drilled into a hexagonal pattern that covers half of the faceplate and serves as a pressure release vent. I had no discomfort or exhaustion while wearing these, thus the fit and comfort are excellent. The only difference I saw aesthetically between the Shimin Li Na the Shimin Li Encounter was the colour change which is applied using bake technique.The cable is a very long 5N OFC black cable with 0.78mm 2 pin connections and a 3.5mm straight plug for terminating. The casing is flimsy, but the cable is substantial and reasonably dense. Along with the IEM and cable, the package also contains a variety of eartips in various sizes and colours, a black leather pouch and a beautiful illustration imprinted micro fibre cloth, as seen in the picture below. In terms of the technical specifications, the sensitivity is 111dB, and the impedance is 20 Ohms. The total harmonic distortion is less than 0.5% over the frequency response of 20Hz to 20kHz.


*Photo Credit


Shimin Li Encounter's signature is a well-balanced one that incorporates all interferences into a secure tuning with pronounced bass response. The Shimin Li Enconter's overall response is similar to that of the original Shimin Li, but there are some annoyances that significantly alter the sound. Even though it doesn't change the tuning, the driver's very nature may be the cause because it changes how we perceive them. In contrast to the mid range, which has a centric presentation with a slightly relaxed presentation, the treble is nicely extended and sounds smooth. The mid-bass presence is nice, but the bass is sub-bassy, which to me sounds a little muddied, but that's just how I heard it. Let's discuss the sound in more detail.



I think the treble region is fantastic; it has a lush, smooth sound. However, the energy is lacking in this area because the elements aren't very prominent. The upper treble has a relaxing presentation and sounds nicely extended. Although I find the timbre to be dull, it gives a closure to a safe sound. The vocals and instruments sound non-offensive and try to be as natural as they can. The instruments come in and work to maintain the flow as the vocals stretch really well but lose in a way that could cause it to break and cause the focus to shift. As the details are not perceived as bright or clear and the metallic timbre is absent, the instruments have a soft texture and sound round. Although there is more energy in the vocals and instruments, the lower treble feels the same. However, the tuning gives me the impression that there is a cover or cloak interfering with the response of the vocals and instruments, preventing them from sounding more open and, in my opinion, better. This kind of situation also causes the details to come across as hazy. There are sufficient details to sound unique and recognisable. In conclusion, the vocals and instruments are muffled by the lower treble, which also affects how they are perceived in the upper treble. The treble region is presented as a whole in a lush, smooth, and hazy manner.

Mid Range

The balance between the lower mid range and the upper mid range is a little off, but it still keeps up with the presentation. The mid range has a similar feel to the treble region, but it has quite a bit more energy. There are no offensive characteristics in this region, just like in the treble region. The presentation has musicality because of the vocals and instruments that are led out by the upper mid range's strong energy. Although I continue to feel that the vocals and instruments are being pulled back by the response. The vocals have a delicate quality to them because they sound too velvety and smooth for such a response, which makes it seem a little flat because the details aren't particularly crisp or sharp. The texture doesn't feel right to me, despite the fact that the timbre of the instruments feels more organic. I mean, the details seem incredibly frank and unsatisfactory for an IEM in this price range. The lower mid range is undoubtedly relaxed, and the instruments there sound dull and overpowered. The notes don't seem to make much sense, and the bass line, despite being warm and thick, sounds hazy with the response. The mid range is presented as velvety, warm, and dull overall.


When it comes to the bass response, the bass sounds unresolved and overpowering in the mix, giving the impression of a loose cannon. I'll be honest and say that the bass response really influences the response because of the effects it has on the treble and midrange region, which cause the balance to be off and make them sound too relaxing. The extension is deep enough and has a soft rumble presence, with the sub bass region receiving the most attention. While the slams and boomier response of the mid bass feel messy even though the impact is strong, the punches aren't particularly tacky or prominent. Additionally, it is difficult to accurately perceive the texture and details. If we consider the overall bass response, it has a warm, organic response with a slightly loose presentation, and it sounds good overall. Although the bass's projection isn't quite qualitative, quantitatively it sounds good.

Technical Performance

Regarding the technical performance, I believe the response to be superior to the original Shimin Li due to the improved separation, even though the rest of it sounds very similar. The imaging isn't quite clear, but the stage is wide enough to sound spacious. In cases where the details are not as expressive as I had hoped, the resolution is also not very well achieved. The notes don't move along as quickly as I would have liked. Of course, I'm only speaking after considering the price segment.


Soundstage, Sound Imaging & Separation

The soundstage appears to be sufficiently deep and wide to allow for a roomy presentation. Though the separation between the elements is quite distinct and allows me to identify the direction any sound is coming from, I would have preferred for the layering and imaging of notes to be clearer and better.

Speed & Resolution

Although it is sufficient for all purposes and acceptable with the overall response, the resolution produced by this driver is insufficient for the price. Additionally, the details are also not as expressive as they could be, in my opinion. Although the resolution and specifics are acceptable. Neither the attack nor the decay of notes sound flashingly fast, but they do have a distinctive quality.

Sound Impressions


Tempotec V6 - The Shimin Li Encounter sounds better when paired with the V6 and has better resolution and imaging, but I'm afraid the speed of resolving is the same. The midrange and bass both sound the same, with the treble sounding slightly more clarified but still lacking in details. The sub bass response is more noticeable in the bass. Overall, I think the sound is better, which makes this pairing more appealing to me.


iFI Hipdac - With the lower treble and upper mid range of the hipdac, the Shimin Li Encounter sounds more energising and brings out more vocals and instruments in the mix. However, the upper treble appears less expansive and more rounded. The lower mid range has a similar sensation. With fewer details and qualities than before, the bass is louder and warmer than before. Additionally, the stage sounds small and intimate, and the imaging sounds better. Technicalities feel the same aside from these. It sounds entertaining when paired with the hipdac, but I don't like it.


Tracks Used

Earth, Wind & Fire - September
Earth, Wind & Fire - Let's Groove
Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere(Remastered)
Toto - Africa
The Police - Every Breath You Take
Daft Punk - Tron Legacy (End Titles)
GOJIRA - Amazonia
Fergie - Glamorous
50 Cent - In Da Club
Skrillex - XENA
Skrillex - Torture You
The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather
Luna Haruna - Overfly
Blck Cobrv - Candy Shop
LMYM - 0 (zero)
Indila - Love Story
Marina Hoiuchi - Mizukagami no Sekai
Wayne - Not Enough


The Shimin Li Encounter is not a bad pair of IEM, but I do wish it could be purchased for less money. The technicalities aren't very confident in their response, but practically speaking, tonality is really good. I'll suggest these to anyone who wants to give them a try and who wants an IEM with a warm and bassy presentation.

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Headphoneus Supremus
Shimin Li Encounter Edition: Is This Better Than The OG One??
Pros: Beautiful new look
Matte-red finish
Clean output with a mid-focused sound.
Vocals are upfront and sound great
Immersive listening experience
easy to power
good packaging
good cable
Cons: Vocals sound shouty at loud volumes
need more extensions in sub-bass and ultra-high frequencies for a more balanced approach
Bling looks not for everyone
Tangzu Audio has joined hands with See Audio and developed a newer variant for the famous Shimin Li IEMs, this new IEM is named Tangzu x See Audio Shimin Li Encounter Edition. The pair has been revamped from the inside out with a new color finish, new tuning, and a new driver as well. According to the brand, the Shimin Li Encounter Edition adopts a newly-developed 10mm dual-cavity dynamic driver with a new Nano Carbon Diaphragm. Well, the pair has also attracted some controversies regarding its driver material as well. After spending a good 10-day period with the Shimin Li Encounter and enjoying the pair thoroughly, I am going to share my review and impressions on the new Shimin Li with your guys. Let’s begin but a short disclaimer first.


The Tangzu x See Audio Shimin li Encounter edition was sent to me as a part of a review tour in my country arranged by HiFiGo. All the impressions in this blog are my own based on my own impression of the pair over the past few days. For more information and details, you can check out the Tangzu x See Audio Shimin Li Encounter Edition on the link below(Non-Affiliated).

Unboxing Experience:-

The Shimin Li Encounter Edition has got a colorful slip-on cover on a plain black box. The slip-on has a beautifully designed image featuring a dragon depicting Shimin Li and a beautiful girl depicting Rinko. This same image is also available as a printed designer cloth, which I believe is for cleaning the pair or maybe a simple design element. There’s also a lucky scratch card. The earpieces sit firmly into a foam cutout layer, a metallic Encounter Edition branding plate, a carry pouch, and 10 pairs of ear tips. The package has a designer look to it, and has a vivid vibe to it.


Package Contents:-

>Tangzu x See Audio Shimin Li Encounter Earphones.

>Stock Cable.

>Carry Pouch.

>10 Pairs of Silicone Ear Tips(1 on the pair, 9 right underneath the pair inside the package).

>Designer Cleaning Cloth.

>Lucky Scratch Card Coupon.

Design & Build Quality:-

Shimin Li Encounter Edition has got revamped looks with a new brushed finish. Even though the design is the same as the OG model, the new brushed-Red finish looks really great on completely metallic ear shells. The golden nozzle gives a bling bling vibe. The shells have a vented design with an air vent at the face cover and another near the nozzle inside. With a brushed finish, the pair looks great. The cable has a matte-black sleeve and feels premium in hand as well. All-in-all, the design and build of the pair is quite good. As for fit and isolation, the pair is identical to the OG model in that regard as well. The shells are ergonomic in shape, even though they are a bit on the heavier side, but they provide a comfortable wearing experience and excellent isolation as well. The carry pouch is not as useful as it might seem. It’s more like an accessory, made up of soft leather material, and opens completely from the top side. Not a big fan of the case included here.


Driving the Shimin Li Encounter Edition:-

The Shimin Li Encounter Edition isn’t a demanding set by any means. The pair is driven easily off my WM1A without the requirement of any extra amp’ing. Forget amp’ing, I am usually at just a 45-50 volume level out of 120 available on the WM1A. The synergy with WM1A is also quite good. Also tested the set with direct output from my MacBook and it works perfectly as well. So don’t worry about special gear to drive the Shimin Li Encounter Edition, the set will sound good straight out of most sources.

Sound Impressions:-

Priced at 49$, the Shimin Li Encounter Edition falls in a very competitive price bracket. Since last year, we have got many great-sounding sets in the under 50 -100$ price bracket. Tangzu x See Audio Shimin Li has a warm-ish sound tuning with a little midrange-focused signature. The pair has a slight bit of boost in the upper midrange section. It delivers decent clarity throughout the frequency band presenting a strong lower end, forwarded vocals, and treble response with an early roll-off. It delivers a smooth listening experience with a little warmth to its tone. Vocals despite being forwarded have a lush tone to them. They get a little shouty as well at louder listening volumes but for normal listening levels no such issue with me. Instruments have got decent clarity and above-average imaging & separation for the price bracket. Let’s delve deeper into the sound with different frequency responses.

Lower-End/Bass Response:-

The Shimin Li Encounter Edition has a fast and quick lower-end response. The main focus here is on the mid-bass region, sub-bass rumble is present but not very prominent. Mid-bass has a good impactful presentation and gives the set an added punch. With its pronounced mid-bass, The lower end of the Shimin Li Encounter Edition delivers a good punch to complement the other frequencies well. It is well-controlled within the region so as to not introduce any kind of muddiness or grainy sound in the output. Although, don’t expect a lot of bass, the pair has an adequate quantity to have a decent lower-end response which is complementing to the other frequencies.


Midrange has a clean and forwarded presentation on the set. It has a rich, warm tone for vocals. Although boosted upper mids bring the vocals forward and they actually sound a bit shouty at louder volumes as well. But that doesn’t disappoint me as for my usual listening volume, they sound decently forward and clean. Vocals despite being forwarded maintains their resolution, they don’t sound fatiguing or harsh at all(to me atleast). Vocals actually have all the limelight with the Shimin Li Encounter Edition. They sound the center point of attraction for the pair.


The treble response on the Tangzu x See Audio Shimin Li Encounter Edition has a clean presentation. It has a smoothly done treble with good resolution as well. The pair has enough spacing and separation between the instruments so as to not sound congested or intimate. Violins, Electric Guitars, and Pianos, have a sibilance-free clean response in the high-frequency segment.

Soundstage, Instrument Separation, Imaging, & Layering:-

Soundstage presentation on the Shimin Li Encounter Edition is immersive, it’s decently wide and doesn’t feel like lacking but it isn’t super wide or grande either. It has enough separation to make busy tracks sound clean and a good separation of instruments. Instruments have decent separation, and the pair doesn’t sound congested at all. Imaging and Layering are above average for the price bracket.

Coming towards the title question of this blog, is the Shimin Li Encounter Edition an upgrade over the OG Shimin Li? Well, in terms of looks yes, in terms of sound there are some improvements here and there. Like, the lower-end is punchier, the treble is a little more detailed here on the Encounter Edition. The midrange is also a tad bit more forwarded in comparison to the OG model( I have auditioned the OG model a few weeks back, these are my impressions based on my memory).

Short Comparison with Simgot EA500:-

I also happen to have Simgot EA500 with me which is again a single dynamic driver IEM priced slightly above Shimin Li at 69$. Let’s see how these two compare with each other.

>EA500 has a more natural sound tone with a refined signature, Shimin Li Encounter Edition sounds warmish and slightly softer in comparison.

>EA500 has better extensions and an overall smoother sound.

>Shimin Li Encounter Edition has a bit of richness, and lushness to its tonality.

>Both pairs have identical staging with Shimin Li Encounter Edition having more immersion with a tad bit more depth to the stage. It feels more 3D.

>The Matte-Red finish of the Shimin Li Encounter Edition feels richer and more eye-catchy to me.

Final Words:-

Despite all the controversy that’s going around related to the driver configuration of Tangzu Shimin Li Encounter Edition, I would say that the pair sounds good. Even though the price bracket is crowded with products, the Tangzu Shimin Li with its red-colored shells, and good sound quality stands apart in the crowd. It has a sound that would please some people, including me, with its clean, rich, and smooth presentation!! It’s a great set that I take out for a spin every now and then for casual listening sessions!!
they are very good and beautiful