Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Makiah S
Makiah S
Dude, I'm with you man. I hear AWESOME stuff about the Stax Lamdba... and man isn't it a sexy can... looks sexy sounds sexy and the NAME... now I want one my self :O Wondering if I should go Dt 880 600 ohm combo OR hunt for one of these!
The Staxes sure are sexy... ahem... but the sound!
I'd hunt for one of these, actuelly I did hit something similar this week :)
Thanks for the comments, guys. I just felt that I owed it to myself and others to get this semi-review off my chest for those who may be thinking of trying some 'stats.
@Mshenay, I owned some DT880 600s and I think that they are one of the better and least flawed headphones that Beyer has made. That said, the Lambdas are a definite step up (less bright, no recessed midrange, more detailed and transparent, even more air), even if more expensive. If money is a top concern, the Beyers are great.