Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Great review! Honest and to the point. I own the EX600's and I'm thinking of upgrading. Have you heard EX600? Also what players are you using when you say they sound under powered?
It would be a reasonable upgrade if you use IEMs over full sized cans(or just prefer). These mimic full sized cans more than any other IEMs and you might agree owning the 600,but as i have not used those before i cant say how similar they are to the ex1000's. What i failed to mention was the price, I don't think the price is that reasonable if you only plan on using these on mobile media devices. These things do need power, even more power than my Beyerdynamics 32ohms(at 100mW Max/ 40mW nominal), these are rated at 200mw MAX and 120mw nominal!. I use these with the Nuforce HDP dac/amp, and to achieve a balanced amount of power throughout the high/mids/lows i'm driving them into the distortion area of the amp. I haven't tried using these on my Schiit Asgard, but i feel those would be more power than necessary and would only be able to use about 50% of its power, which is actually reasonable . But as i mentioned i have these sometimes matched with my subwoofers and ran on high-pass, and end this mode they sound absolutely perfect at medium gain on my HDP.
As for players, I use my computers, and sometimes my phone, and that's it. Don't own any other media devices.