Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
This was not a good review. Our ears disagree completely. You obviously didn't like the cable and if you can't figure out yet how to get an IEM to fit with such a basic design as these then I can't take you seriously. The folks at Periodic Audio are the real deal and communicate with transparency. It's unfortunate to see this review. You even spent as much time bagging on their humor style and warranty jibber jabber. Your agenda was not veiled.
Heh...the fit is virtually guaranteed! I did not have to even think about tips! 👍
@3Putter and @warbles
Hi guys, I only just saw these responses, so sorry for my late reply!
Thanks both for reading and for the feedback! :thumbsup:
I genuinely had no agenda in writing this review (or indeed any of my other ones) save to inform, entertain and convey to interested people my experience with the product in question as objectively as possible.

The written word, lacking any facial expressions and body language can sometimes cause misunderstandings.
I try to be light-hearted and humorous in all my reviews, so doing it here wasn't in any way intended disrespectfully.
I actually really like Periodic Audio's website, humour and overall business philosophy; they remind me a bit of Schiit Audio who I'm a big fan of! I enjoy plenty of great products from Chinese companies, so I have nothing against them either, but I'm always happy to see companies dedicated to designing and manufacturing products in their own countries (USA, France, UK, Vietnam, etc) :)

In the areas of the review where I was critical, I was careful to note that this was just my personal opinion and preferences, and also mentioned that there were "several 4 and 5 star reviews of this IEM, so it's obviously doing things right for other people" :)

I haven't found fit issues on most IEMs I've tried, and I'm just as surprised as you that I struggled to do so with these ones! It wasn't down to a lack of effort on my part, and as some top reviewers here have commented, sometimes it's just down to personal ear anatomy.
I know it's never nice when we read a negative review or comments about a product that we personally love.
It's happened to me plenty of times, and I can assure you that I took no pleasure in posting a less-than stellar review.

At the end of the day, it's just one person's review and opinion. I'd be surprised if there aren't others out there who had a similar experience than me, or similar criticisms. Equally, I'd be surprised if there weren't others who felt completely the opposite; that's what happens with such a personal thing as audio, and with everyone's varying ear anatomies on top of that :)
I'm happy for you both that you've found an IEM that you love and that matches your personal preferences, really.
That's a kind of holy grail for us all at any price point!

For my own tastes, I'd still be very happy to review Periodic Audio products again in the future, and sincerely wish them the very best! They do a LOT right, and I'd love to see them prosper :)