Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Very nice review! Thank you.
Lucas Meyer
Lucas Meyer
Thanks man!
Amazing I've been looking everywhere for a comparison of both. Could you please tell me which one has more forward and thicker vocals please?
Lucas Meyer
Lucas Meyer
@Nabillion_786 Glad i could help someone. The fh1 feels that it has a slight boost in some of the higher frequencies and that gives me an impression that some of these stuff are closer or warmer. This isn't a flaw, it is just what comes to mind when comparing both with the same songs. The Tk12 feels flatter in these areas. It doesn't mean it is recessed, just smoother and equilibrated up there.
Lucas Meyer
Lucas Meyer
@Nabillion_786 Despite the FH1 being a bit closer i like the TK12 a little more for vocals, it simply feels so natural and smooth, but thats a personal preference. It is safe to say that neither would make you regret, in fact these picks may make you regret having gone for other expensive iems in the past. I like both of them honestly. But oranges for oranges the FH1 is the one thats closer on vocals i think. Would be a safer bet for you i guess
Akmola Lola
Akmola Lola
used to be my daily driver but the shell somehow is too broad for me and it gets uncomfortable very quick.. was considering an upgrade to Shockwave II but just couldn't pull the trigger because its too expensive..
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Can you please tell me the nozzle diameter of TK12's. I have small ears, while the sound is what I am looking for, want to make sure its not uncomfortable.
Lucas Meyer
Lucas Meyer
@rd5rdm Well, comfort is something that may work well for one and not so for another. The shell measures exact 13mm, which is about as wide as an eartip. To be honest, ever since i received these and wrote this review these have been my daily drivers and i spend the entire day at office with them plugged in. I find them alot more comfortable to wear than the Fh1, i don't really like the whole earhook thing.
Lucas Meyer
Lucas Meyer
@rd5rdm The TK12 has a big body compared to other non-earhook iems out there, it's alot bigger than any smartphone buds i have and i can feel that HOWEVER i can still wear them all day long. im an average sized guy, 1,71m and 65kg. My ears are average. I guess most adult men would do just fine with them unless you are on the small side. I believe it would be a little too much for the typical asian teen, asian girls, people with unusually small ears. Yeah, i think they wouldn't be that suitable.
Lucas Meyer
Lucas Meyer
@rd5rdm P.s: im wearing them as i type this reply, i use them for everything, all day long. Whenever i go out in a roadtrip and leave them on the office i take the FH1's with me but kinda miss the tk12's. Both more natural sounding and overall more comfy.