
100+ Head-Fier
the Classic Refresh
Pros: +Technicalities
Cons: -Sibilance
-Too Much Treble
1DD + 1BA

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Before I begin this review let me say thanks to KZ for directly providing me the ZSN PRO 2 for this
Rest assured, my review is 100% my own personal opinion.
Just in case you're intereseted on getting one of this, you can get it on the KZ Website below :


Build Quality
The shell is made out of plastic while the faceplate is from a shiny polished metal that are very easy to get smudged on and scratched.
While the cable is just like meh, typical KZ "Bihun Cable"

The ZSN PRO 2 is very comfortable to wear despite its annoying cable, I can wear it for long listening
session without any hot spots on my ears.

Tested using Hidizs SD2, Stock Cable, Stock Eartips, Music from Apple Music (J-POP, J-Rock, EDM,
Rap, Metal, Jazz)
Tonality in General : Harman Target-ish but BRIGHT

Bass : ZSN PRO 2 has a new “super linear” dynamic driver and it sounds very good actually, the bass
punch is much more pronounced and full compared to ZSN PRO X, and even when listening to unhealthy
loud listening level I can't seem to hear any distortion on the bass at all.

The bass speed is quite fast too, you can use it for metal genre no problem, and the bass quantity is very
allrounder, it just like a harman target tuned bass with a slight midbass bump, so you can pretty much use
it on every genre to be honest, including EDM and metal.

Midrange : on the ZSN PRO 2 seems to be pretty neutral, except for some sibilance on vocals because of
the boosted treble.
The ZSN PRO 2, again, tuned just like a harman target tuned IEM on the midrange.
There is good note weight on vocals and instrument, There is a noticeable improvement compared to OG
ZSN PRO and ZSN PRO X on note weight, now its much more organic than before.

Treble : is where the ZSN PRO 2 differs from harman target tuned.
The ZSN PRO 2 has a quite big mid treble boost and it makes the overall sound tilted to be bright
The treble to be honest a bit sharp, not as bad as ZSN PRO and ZSN PRO X sharp, but the sharpness is
still there.
This tuning make me listen to the ZSN PRO 2 at lower volume level to reduce the treble peaks.
The good point about the treble is that it has a very good extension and details.

Good for $19USD

Stage : Medium Sized
It has a decent sized stage, quite large for its price to be honest, and it has decent stage layering.

Imaging : Good
The ZSN PRO 2 definitely not holographic sounding but its not 2D sounding either, for me I'd like to
describe it as a 2.5D sounding.

Separation and Positioning : Good
The ZSN PRO 2 performs quite good on this aspect, I can easily disect what and which sound is currently
playing on the background, though it is not the sharpest pinpoint separation and positioning I've heard on
this price range.

Detail Retrieval : Very Good
Probably thanks to its treble boost, overall treble detail is pushed forward making it sounds like it has
many details, though it definitely missing the overal decay layering.
Bass and mids details are also present, though not as resolving as the treble.


Moondrop CHU 2

Probably the hardest competition for all IEM on this budget categories.
The CHU 2 has more “natural and organic” tuning compared to the treble heavy ZSN PRO 2.

Build Wise, the CHU 2 is also made fully out of metal, though look wise the ZSN PRO 2 looks more cool

Technicality wise, the CHU 2 is a bit better compared to the ZSN PRO 2 except for the treble details.
CHU 2 has more pinpoint separation and positioning, large stage size for its price, and very good imaging
with more information though still not holographic for sure.


is the KZ ZSN PRO 2 recommended?

Well it depends, if you like harman target but want more treble then yeah why not.
Personally the tuning of the ZSN PRO 2 is not my cup of tea, since it is a bit too bright for my taste, BUT I'm 100% sure the tuning of ZSN PRO 2 will satisfy individual who are treble heads or love forward treble tuning.

As for build, looks and technicality wise, yeah the ZSN PRO 2 is definitely worth the asking price.

TLDR: If you're a treble heads or want a harman target tuned with extra treble up top, yeah the ZSN PRO
2 is recommended for you.

Thanks for reaching this far.

Just in case you're Indonesian or understand Bahasa Indonesia, you can watch this review here

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Great review, like you I enjoyed the bass and midrange, great for the price, but to my ears and preference, the highs were too bright, just a little too bright for me, but as you say, I can see some folks loving them. For there price, they’re good.

Muhamad Aditya

New Head-Fier
Pros: + V-Shape Fun
+ Good Treble Execution
+ Good Technical
Cons: - Thin Vocal
- Standard Packaging


1 . INTRO :

Before reviewing, I would like to once again say thank you to Yuwan Tara for the unit loan. Disclaimer: This review is also subjective based on my personal opinion using sources & my personal playlist. For the source, I used a Tempotec Sonata BHD DAC & all the accessories used also used the default IEM. Finally, for this review, I will also focus on discussing sound. As for fitting, build & completeness, it's really similar to the previous ZSN series which is very famous & what is certain is that the majority have already tried it, so there's no difference in terms of skipping Hehehe...

2 . SOUND :

- Bass :

+ The bass has medium quantity.
+ The portion is more inclined towards the subbass.
+ The bass has pretty good extension, feels deep & has pretty good rumbling.
+ For impact, the bass is also okay, it feels punchy.
+ Texturally it's also quite good.
+ The bass controls are also executed well.
+ In terms of speed, it's also good for speeding, it feels great without getting stuck.
+ Overall, for the price of 200 thousand, the bass is executed well. (8/10)

- MID :

+ For the mids, the presentation is set back compared to the lows & highs.
+ The mid has a thin weight.
+ The vocals have a slightly thin weight, making them more suitable for female vocals than male vocals. Plus there is also a boost in the uppermid area which makes the female vocals more advanced.
+ For the execution itself, the vocals feel clear, quite clear, feel open, the emotions are also good & feel sweet. For minimal peak & sibilance indications here, it's quite safe, which is very different from the old ZSN series.
+ As for the timbre itself, it still feels less natural.
+ Yes, overall the execution in the mid is quite good, even though it's not the best for the price, but it's much improved compared to the previous ZSN series. (7/10)


+ The treble is executed well, much improved from the old ZSN series.
+ The presentation is a little smoother than its famous predecessor haha, but it still feels open, detailed, extended & airy.
+ The body of the cymbal is a little thin.
+ On the other hand, there are no sharps or piercings like the previous ZSN which was famous for sharp piercings & ear therapy tools. Yes, the treble is quite enjoyable to enjoy for a long time.
+ Overall the treble is quite satisfying for me. (8.5/10)


+ Technically, you could say it's quite good for the price of 200 thousand.
+ The stage is wide, dominant in the wide area. The depth & height are quite good.
+ For imaging & layering, it feels pinpoint & quite accurate.
+ The separation is also good, it feels separate & doesn't bunch up.
+ For clarity, detail & micro detail, you could say it's good, so it's the best at a price of 200 thousand for me.
+ Overall the technical is quite good for the price. (8.5/10)


• VS Ziigaat Nuo :


+ ZSN PRO 2 feels more V-Shape than ziigaat nuo .
+ The bass extension is still good on the ZSN Pro 2, in terms of weight, both have similar quantities, the ZSN Pro 2 has a slightly better impact & is overall neater than the Nuo.
+ For vocals, it's the same as "Dominant on female vocals, only the execution of the ZSN Pro 2 is neater. It's clearer, clearer, sweeter & has fewer peaks or sibilance than the Nuo.
+ The treble on the ZSN Pro 2 feels a bit smoother, the extension is better on the ZSN Pro 2, more detailed & more open.
+ Technically, you could say that ZSN Pro's overall execution is better, perhaps because of the hybrid driver effect.



+ Obviously dfi is basically more neutral than zsn pro 2.
+ ZSN Pro 2 bass feels more fun while DFI feels flatter. In terms of quantity, the ZSN is slightly heavier than the thin DFI. In terms of bass extension, the ZSN Pro's bass texture & impact is better & wins over the DFI.
+ For the mid itself, DFI's execution is neater. It feels clearer, clearer, more natural & slightly heavier than the ZSN Pro 2.
+ The treble of the ZSN Pro 2 is better than the DFI, it feels more extended, more detailed, more open & more airy.
+ For technical matters, the ZSN Pro 2 can be said to be absolutely superior to the DFI, which is only slightly better in the clarity of the mid area.



+ Zsn pro 2 feels more V-Shape.
+ Make the bass thinner in zsn pro 2. Make the bass extension of the ZSN Pro 2 a little better. But the cra pro bass feels more fun, more balanced, the texture & impact is also better.
+ The mids clearly feel like the cra pro has a little more body, the vocals are also a little more balanced, the cra pro vocals also feel more advanced, more natural & sweeter. For ZSN the vocals feel clearer & clearer. For the vocals, both have minimal peaks or sibilance.
+ for the treble, the treble body on the ZSN Pro 2 feels thinner, but from the treble extension it feels better, more detailed & airy too. The treble is better on the ZSN Pro 2. But for long listening it's better on cra pro.
+ for technical reasons, ZSN Pro is better overall. Yes, it could be the hybrid driver effect.


KZ ZSN PRO 2 can be said to be a good item & is classified as underrated for its price, because perhaps many people are skeptical about the previous ZSN series which was known to be trash. You could say that the tuning is also more refined & a very significant improvement from the previous ZSN series. From neater tonal & better technical than the previous ZSN series. Yes, for me, this is a really good item for its current price. This iem is also one of my choices for iems under 300 thousand. Overall score (8/10).


Hey, that's all. I want to remind you once again that this review is subjective, everyone returns to their own opinion & always trust their own ears. This review only helps to give a rough idea of the sound. The final determining factor is individual taste. Thanks ...
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Asta GunaReview

New Head-Fier
Review: KZ ZSN Pro 2 : Not The Zsn series We Know!!
Pros: °160π Diffence from the OG zsn pro.
°Treble extended without hurting my ears.
°Natural Timbre and Vocal
Cons: Cons:
°Despite its improvements over the original ZSN Pro, the ZSN Pro 2 is not without its flaws. The earpieces' fit may not be ideal for all users, with some experiencing discomfort during extended wear due to their bulkier design. Additionally, while the overall sound signature is enjoyable, it may lack the refinement and nuance found in higher-priced alternatives.
°Same as another KZ.. eartips and cable.. soo bad.

Recently, I had the pleasure of trying out the KZ ZSN Pro 2, also known as its Gen2 iteration. Given my past experience with the original ZSN Pro, I approached this new version with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

Build Quality and Design:
The ZSN Pro 2 maintains KZ's ZSN signature design language with its sleek and modern appearance. While the earpieces feel sturdy and well-constructed, the detachable cable could be more durable, as it feels slightly prone to tangling and wear over time.. so meh..

Sound Quality:

(Bass): The bass response of the ZSN Pro 2 is adequate but lacks the depth and impact found in higher-end models. While suitable for casual listening, it may leave bass enthusiasts wanting more punch and resonance.

(Mids): The midrange reproduction is where the ZSN Pro 2 shines, delivering clear and detailed vocals with good separation. However, at times, the midrange can feel slightly recessed, impacting the overall warmth and richness of the sound.

(Treble): The treble performance of the ZSN Pro 2 is commendable, with improved clarity and extension compared to its predecessor. However, the treble can occasionally exhibit a hint of sibilance, particularly with poorly mastered tracks or at higher volumes.

From a technical standpoint, the ZSN Pro 2 offers decent soundstage width and instrument separation, providing an immersive listening experience. However, its imaging capabilities fall short of more premium offerings, resulting in a slightly congested presentation in complex passages.


In conclusion, the KZ ZSN Pro 2 offers a compelling package at its price point, with notable improvements over its predecessor. While it may not excel in every aspect, it provides a respectable entry point into the world of audiophile-grade sound without breaking the bank. If you're willing to overlook its shortcomings and prioritize value for money, the ZSN Pro 2 is worth considering for budget-conscious listeners seeking an upgrade from entry-level offerings.

- Low: ★★★★☆
- Mid: ★★★★☆
- High: ★★★★✮
- Technical: ★★★★☆ (4.6,5 /5) {☆ 0.5 point, ✮ 1 point, ★ 1 point}
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Nice review, I enjoyed the bass and midrange in particular, but found the Highs too bright. But a great sound for the price.
Asta GunaReview
Asta GunaReview
Thankyou.. yes the highs seems too bright for some people.. maybe me using some warm dac so its calmer the high little bit.. yap it is for the price bucket i think zsn pro 2 worth to consider..

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
New take on a classic
Pros: Fun V-shaped signature with more mature tunning
Cons: The accessories are basic, cable is meh

Product Information
Product model
Plug type
Pin type
Cable type
Silver-plated cable
Cable length

The box of the KZ ZSN PRO-2 is as expected simple and efficient, inside the IEM, a cable and small, medium and large tips this time they are a translucent white starline tips. The Build of the ZSN Pro-2 is actually better than the original with a robust faceplate that reminds me of the classic ZS10 pro. It comes in three color options, Blue with silver, silver and gold. comfort is as always good with nothing to complain about, that classic guitar pick shape is always a good choice. Isolation is good with just the stock tips I found it worked well for me. The tips are fine and a tried-and-true staple in the industry, years ago I'd always keep a set of original starline around. The cable is a good choice for KZ, its simple and it works for most applications and while it is not my favorite from them it works fine.

Sound impressions:
Starting at the Bottom the Bass of the New ZSN-PRO-2 is impactful and deep. Sub-Bass presents with good weight and texture and a nice well controlled rumble that has a decent speed and decay. Mid-Bass has an excellent punch and speed to it. While the Bass in general is powerful it is by no means overpowering and Bass head levels, maybe just a little under Bass head. Just a well-controlled and powerful performance overall and without fatigue like some V-shaped IEM.

Midrange: While not a Mid centered IEM the Midrange particularly lower Midrange has some warmth but not a lot and vocals and instruments present with good clarity and separation. Upper mids and female vocals are not overly stressed and therefore no shouty or spiciness is heard just nice, pleasant mids, vocals are forward just a little and midrange can be a little recessed depending on the music and source.

Treble: The Highs present with an open and airy brilliance, they are bright and have a good extension. I found the sparkle of the highs to be very pleasant without any over emphasis. There is details and brightness but for the most part the Treble is well controlled.

Soundstage: The Stage is well done with aa nice expansive width and great depth; imaging is precise, and I do think this one is great for games and movies on the go.

The new KZ ZSN pro-2 is definitely an improvement of the original in many ways. A fun Vshaped IEM with great Bass, good midrange and treble and wide soundstage. combined with a quality build and cool retro looks this one is a winner.

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i have same iem - like it