
Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Gorgeous big sound stage and imaging due to a bunch of drivers
Such GK20 with 3BA-2DD-2PZT arrives at a seven driver IEM inside a compact solid 3D printed shell
Three channel, four frequency division internal design
A Titanium coated DD and one LCP DD
Perfect semi custom 3D printed form factor on the medium small size
Included branded GEEK WOLD 4.4mm cable
Slightly more vocal centric, both in detail and positioning than the nine driver $200.00 GK100
Cons: May be one the edge of bright for some depending who you are
Redcarmoose Labs January 1st, 2024

While I have the latest GEEK WOLD GK10s in route to me, they haven't made it in time for comparisons. Yet I really am curious to hear them, as somehow GEEK WOLD has started to make their lesser priced IEMs sound pretty good? While I have only heard 2 GEEK WOLD examples, both the GK100 and GK20 sound both a little the same and a little different. So to let you understand the history of GEEK WOLD…..

Sold today:
1BA + 2 Piezoelectric + 1 Dynamic Driver $46.90
GEEK WOLD GK10s 1BA + 2 Piezoelectric + 2 Dynamic Driver $49.90
GEEK WOLD GK20 3BA + 2 Piezoelectric + 2 Dynamic Driver $99.00
GEEK WOLD GK100 2BA + 4 Piezoelectric + 3DD $200.00
GEEK WOLD GK200 6BA + 2 Piezoelectric + 2DD $350.00

This takes us to the original GEEK WOLD GK10. Priced at $45.00 USD, the GK10 came out in early July of 2021. There was also a GEEK WOLD GK3 that was released in 2018, yet pretty much overlooked by the Head-Fi community. Yet the original GK10 was a success and really is the single earphone which brought GEEK WOLD to Head-Fi. For the most part (at the time) the GK10 provided a sound that for the money was untouchable……I hear.

The original GK10:
1) 8mm titanium dome dynamic bass
2) 7mm graphene dynamic for midrange
3) A BA for treble

4) And two piezoelectric for treble extension…..just to top things off.

Such an invention would compete with many IEMs in 2021 even up to $200 so I'm told?

I mean sure the GK10 is legendary, and most likely the GK10s will be a subtle improvement, I can guess?


But to take this GK20 seriously, I probably like the bass better than the double the money GK100? And even though I have only heard two GEEK WOLD products, I do understand where they are coming from…….GEEK WOLD is attempting to give the budget world a taste of high-end treble. Really that is my generalization of what their goals are…… such I can only guess their start here at Head-Fi (with the GK10) was based on that same premise? GEEK WOLD is putting a lot of parts under the hood.

GEEK WOLD GK80 4 drivers $46.90
GEEK WOLD GK10s 5 drivers $49.90
GEEK WOLD GK20 7 drivers $99.00
GEEK WOLD GK100 9 drivers $200.00
GEEK WOLD GK200 10 drivers $350.00

Now to level with you, I really think the GK100 is on the larger side of big. I have seen pictures and laughably the (huge) GK200 dwarfs it…… Sure you want the GK200 10 drivers and are willing to put-up with that specific size, fine then, also that size difference looks to be mostly the added thickness over what the GK100 example is, as seen side-by-side in photos. Yet as little as I know about GEEK WOLD’s line up, this GK20 is a whole new deal, a whole new way of making an IEM. Notice when you see both the GK100 and GK20 (side-by-side) in my photographs, you can start to realize that GEEK WOLD took a whole new approach to making the GK20. Yep, it is solid 3D printed resin, where the GK100 is a hollow shell. And while the GK20 is 5 grams and the GK100 6 grams, the GK20 is see-through and the GK100 a totally opaque hollow shell. But more than that, the GK20 has way more curves to help it sit inside your ear farther. And finally the GK20 is truly a medium-small size………and for some that is going to be a big deal. So custom universal 3D designed and smaller (for me) better fitting than the GK100 form-factor.


How do the GK100 and GK20 compare sound wise?
First off the GK100 takes slightly more juice to get it going. And bass is actually more substantial with how the GK100 portrays a song. With that said (and if you read my GK100 review) the mids are a tad dry, or not as fully worked-out to portray vocal life in general, even compared to the GK20. What I’m trying to say is the vocals are forward and holding placement, it is just that the actual tone is on the dry side. Now I hope you understand this is not as big of a deal as it seems. Why? Well this giant groovy bass action and size of stage, makes the GK100 incredibly fun anyways. The fact that it is the ultimate Hybrid being built with no less than 9 drivers, using Piezoelectric, BA and DD to function. Where the GK20 goes ahead and adds a pure flavor of moving more upfront imaging and the vocals follow along to become showcased ever so slightly better. Just ever so slightly cleaner and more natural. :)

Heck, I can see the owner of GEEK WOLD sitting in the boardroom and having a discussion with the sound engineers. He is saying make me a new IEM and make it smaller, make it have more upfront and personal vocals……you don’t have to make these changes too different in the vocal department except maybe 20% or 28% of naturalness will make a world of difference to our consumers. This change is adding slight note-weight to the GK20 vocals and somehow that adds reverberation comprehension? Heck……what am I talking about? The vocals are simply clearer……that’s all. Now keep in mind that if you already owned the GK100 and primarily listened to instrumentals…..stay with your GK100. The GK100 increased separation and itemization is a real thing, over the slightly more together (forward) stage and item placement found in the GK20.

The truth is the GEEK WOLD GK100 has a smoother and more sophisticated instrument generation, especially up-top. Stuff is found into better detail and of more resolution, more lifelike even, falling into a better arranged and more realistic placement. So yes, you can tell it is the more expensive IEM, only the GK20 has better vocals……..more lifelike vocals!

The trebles GK100 v GK20:
I’m not one to concentrate on treble, I’m more into midrange and bass, yet I know trebles are super important to many, and maybe more so if a person is curious about a possible GEEK WOLD product? I’m partially guessing that this brand is trying to bring an expensive and sophisticated treble response to the value market, I mean there is room for such focus out there. And sure enough that is what is going on, all this complete itemization and structuring of separated treble components. The shakers, the hi-hats, the cymbals…..and those sounds that are indistinguishable as to what they truly are, but reside way up there in the treble response regions. To level with you, the GK100 does those better, and not just the sounding clearer, but even the reverberations of the treble items…….the GK100 room response is found to be more complete, clearer and better separated. Yet, if you truly wanted better vocals played, all of that maneuvering may matter less.

Conclusion of GK100 v GK20:
All this talk of one being better at this or that could lead someone into thinking that one IEM is faulty or off. When the truth of the matter is both IEMs lend themselves to very balanced and thoroughly entertaining replay…… if you were strictly into instrumentals and listen to vocal music secondary…then the GK100 would be the way to go. If you wanted airy and forward vocals which contain an element of a breathy human character…..then the GK20 would be your choice.

The GK20 v the MEAOES Eagle:
I reviewed the MEAOES Eagle almost exactly a year ago on January 5th, 2022. Coming in at $149.90 the MEAOES Eagle fits right in with our side-by-sides. I mean just look at how the shell seems to be made at the same factory as GEEK WOLD………..but more than that the Eagle is also going ahead to offer more treble details and definition same as our IEMs above. Those who have been around maybe remember HIFIBOY, well this is that brand. We are gifted here with 2BAs and 2DDs. One DD is 7.5mm and the other is 8mm.


Here I would call the Eagles personality as the hard-trier. Where there is this ultimate treble definition, yet it isn’t of the best way blended nor of correct timbre. There is this synthetic aura to the top-end yet to someone trying out $150.00 IEMs in a shop this brightness and in a way technicality could come off exciting……….at first. And even a year later I have always been pulling the MEAOES Eagle out to see how different cables may help align the sonic response into a more cohesive and toned down approach. And sure enough a few weeks ago I really hit pay dirt. Which is one of the values of cable rolling, that every once in a while you have this magic cable that can truly change things for the better. Now the other extreme here is the bass! Yep, the bass is actually quite good for what it is. But to truly put things into perspective…….the Eagle makes the GK20 look surprisingly good…….almost perfect in comparison, it’s just a fact of life that the treble with the GK20 is just way better done. Also surprisingly the vocals with the Eagle regardless of the treble were actually quite clear and forward, really very good. Still the fitment and feel of the GK20 is better as well as the outside noise occlusion which gets an increase due to fit. Though to summarize this battle, it’s the midrange and top-end timbre that the GK20 ends up doing so much better…..that and better vocals……for less money, too! It’s just that the GK20 comes off as the more cohesive and mature player…….smaller and better fitting too, sorry to say.

2 Piezoelectric ultra treble high frequency drivers
2 Treble BA drivers
1 Midrange “BIG” BA
2 Dynamic Drivers

A 3 channel, 4 frequency internal design. There is a titanium DD for the super lows, and a LCP DD on top responsible for the lows. Such 3BA-2DD-2PZT arrives at a 7 driver IEM inside a compact 3D printed shell.


Right before I started the below music tests I went and prequalified the included cable. What that means is (the included cable) could be less than optimal to do complete listening tests if it had sound quality issues. And I was suspicious as I had spent an entire evening using the included cable on a (different) IEM. And when I switched cables to a different aftermarket cable I found the stage opened up a little. Now you may wonder as to the reason why I chose the GEEK WOLD included cable for this other new IEM? Reason being is it is 4.4mm……and a great way to access the 4.4mm amplifier in some (now maybe most) DAPs. So in the end I actually prequalified the included once more and while not the very best cable I kind know why they included it with this package. 1st off the cable has a look and feel that is spectacular. The included cable looks like money with the gorgeous trademark named 4.4mm plug. The way the ergonomics work out in daily use. The way the chin cinch works, and finally the color coded 2Pin plugs and ear-hooks. Also who knows why it wasn’t the very best with a random IEM but I came to a definitive understanding as to how the cable performs. It must have a touch of silver over the use of copper because what this cable does is accentuates the forward positioning of imaging. Meaning trying other warmer cables the effect was less contrast and while slightly smoother, did not bring out the wanted vibrancy and even vocals inherent in the character of the GK20. So in my mind I went back to the boardroom ideas of GEEK WOLD and I could hear the GEEK WOLD President saying……I want vocals with this one. Being the last GK100 had meh vocals, do me and the listening community a favor and add vocals, we don’t want the reputation of so-so vocals, especially since this is China the epicenter of vocal music. And sure enough they added a cable which helped push the vibrancy………so much that after understanding what GEEK WOLD is up to with the personality of this cable, and the fact that it came with the IEM, and the fact that it’s beautiful……..well you get the message. Besides the GK20 is so well rounded that it goes with phones and DAPs and desktops. Yet I bet GEEK WOLD included a 4.4mm plug standard as they found out the GK20 craves a good source to become its best? I mean sure you can get the GK20 a regular 3.5mm plug and hook it to your phone and the sound is full and not thin………….except there is a profound difference in regards to stage and imaging, and even a more authoritative nature arriving at your favorite DAP or desktop. So to summarize this rambling……..the cable is fine and actually has many redeeming factors in daily use, you don’t need to change, except there are other places in tone that can be found by using some GUCCI cable you have laying around…..the GK20 has the ability to go there.


Music tests:
This section is by far the easiest to do…..simply listen and describe what is going on.

Oh My Goth
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

This song is one of my all time favorites and it contains vocals so going with the program here. But more than that, I’m more into instrumental music except I do appreciate good vocals from time to time and understand the concept of how they are done by an IEM character. Here are female vocals, yet I tested many other examples of male vocals to learn about the vocal abilities presented here. Probably the message to this song is that the GK20 doesn’t just to vocals…..but performs in such a balance that it does it all………I mean right off….right off the bat this is what I’m hearing! At 00:16 there are forward and punchy bass actions……..where it may be a layering of both synth bass and regular bass? Or maybe it’s all synth bass…..whatever it is there is a quality to where if it cuts through, and I’m content with this demeanor. If we rewind there is a wolf-howl at the start……at only 00:12 we hear the reverberations contained in this sound effect, bringing the realization that this isn’t your parents $99.00 IEM. And while going to the very start of the song there are thunder-clap sounds…………but to generate an idea of truly the resolution here there is a faint sound at 00:12…… may be some movement in the studio, maybe it’s supposed to represent a lightning strike here? Whatever it is…..this is what an expanded top-end is about……the small stuff…in great detail and heard. I can look over at my collection of IEMs and many don’t have the ability to pull-up this faint sound…….then when you add the GK20 price point here………amazing!

At 00:22 the electric guitar arrives. I’m a guitar player so I always key-in on the timbre and judge it. The thing is all this sonic story telling is a lead-up to the vocals at exactly 00:30. Lucia Cifarelli has done vocals here since 2002 and I find her totally captivating, as maybe I like feisty females? But to fall back to my regularly understood sonic character of the GK20……here we are met with more of the same, as this $99.00 IEM really just goes about it’s day once again portraying the exact same vocal character as it has always done with my weeks of testing. There are no surprises here, and that is a good thing. What this means is not only are we awarded with vocals, but are also introduced with the effects layered about the vocals, yep as at times (especially with a song like this) we become smitten with just how artistic the vocal effects can turn-out. There is a separated off-to-the-right (00:43) as an example of a highlighted vocal delay, and the GK20 shows such subtle fireworks. I mean sure other IEMs go forward and don’t leave this out, except here it is our gift and showcased along with clear and vibrant instrumentation. Is this vocal replay better than the GK100……I think it is? Yet I say this except the GK100 is no slouch, not at all, allowing even more items and details to be found in this song, just the vocals and really everything else for that matter, are not so forward, leaving room for elements to position themselves back to come forward with more resolution into the GK100 stage display.

The cymbal strikes…..that is what GEEK WOLD is about… show the world that you too can have such replay. Why? Because it’s a hybrid and because the GEEK WOLD have an ability to promote a sophisticated Piezoelectric top-end. And there is complete naturalness to timbre here…..I mean that’s what is special, as we found out with the Eagle, anyone can throw in a forward and bright cymbal sound, except the art form…..the IEM art form is to make it have correct timbre and make it sit right into the pocket, where you hear it with the best of IEMs.

Excuse my verbose………because I can get side-tracked with this song and write about it endlessly. The point here is that this playback is separated, involved, correct and emotional, in fact this is one single example of total success, success that maybe happens due to GEEK WOLD concentrating on the fundamentals of replay. Meaning it’s all here, all you would want, especially at this particular price point. I mean I randomly chose this song because it is fun to listen to, but also because it is well-recorded and puts-up a set of challenges. Challenges that I know and understand…..because that is what test songs are about. Here my satisfaction results from completeness, size, thoroughness and technicalities as well as tone being just right.

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Kaveh Cohen, Michael Nielsen
Forza Motorsport OST
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Here is another of my favorites, and not because it is the most thrilling song I have ever heard, but because this song is a tool to understand timbre, and a few other clues which I will get into. Even at the start 00:08 this drum metronome starts up. This is in fact the rhythm the whole song is based around. As this song is part of a gaming soundtrack to which the generated pace here seems to enhance gaming activity. There is a mood which takes place with humans when they partake of a driving game……and we want an element of relaxation, along with the thrills of taking part in a racing adventure. Maybe this metronome is connected to almost our heartbeat, maybe it’s only an added pace that simply lets us know we are in fact getting somewhere as far as progress in the game? Whatever its mission this drum beat can be found played back wrong. In fact there are subtle different intensities to it, yet with-in those intensities the actual tone needs to be represented as a drum, not a slap of a drum. The drum must hold note-weight and be fully formed into a believable representation of a drum…..and gloriously we have that. That may sound like a given, except here we are dealing with an IEM mechanism which (due to tuning) is always in danger of highlighting BA timbre issues. Where here is the use of a single BA given the midrange duties, but wait that is only one driver? With two BA responsible for the high frequencies and two Piezoelectric drivers for the extended highs. Then two DDs for the lows. But this single BA for the midrange has extra importance, at least that is how I hear the GK20? Also for whatever reason this particular BA is called by GEEK WOLD “large-size” lol. I mean it actually sounds like the midrange is what they were focusing on when they designed the GK20, because really the vocals and any other instrumentation are fully represented here. And the character of this middle toned drum is executed super well. The next timbre test comes from the piano in this song……as maybe the song originated as a piano piece and as such these keys are also from the start to the finish. Even at 00:09 we are greeted with the piano introduction, and as such it slowly makes its way front and center. It’s important to realize that while often a repeating sound can be put into the backseat while listening, due to the piano timbre being crucial, it still becomes a center of questions, and yes this is piano super well done. It’s the metallic sheen of the BA which will offer this double edged sword here, being both bright but offering a realness that often we are prejudiced to only accept from Knowles or Sonion. Yet I have to say times are a changing……as don’t you think GEEK WOLD went to a ton of effort to get the correct BA into place? And they really did as far as this piano timbre is concerned. It’s naked and out-front, not hiding in the background here. But to take this song to the next level…….there is introduction of new dynamics right at yep……at 00:43 seconds the creators added a multitude of instruments, a bass beat drum to show they mean business and a wash of midrange synthesizers. Seemingly arriving in a new place into the stage is a thrill as we didn’t expect it. And even though I have heard this song numerous times……the break here is still an honest and rewarding thrill for IEMs to be simply a part of. You see it is all coming together and the sound results are big and emotional. In fact, right at 00:43 seconds the two bass DDs kick-in, the midrange washes take place and even the introduction of way outside stage rhythm additions start their jobs. It’s this satisfying start of the song even before one minute! Yet this can be also a sink or swim moment, as not every IEM has the Hybrid abilities to separate and add warm luster to each and every aspect of this winning display……..except the GK20 does, it does very, very well here and better than the price-point would have you guess.

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Lorne Balfe and Andrew Kawczynski
Grand Turismo OST
Academy Race
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Here is an addition of more real (recorded) instruments. Meaning the last song was a game soundtrack, yet now we are moving to the big leagues….a full-on blockbuster movie OST. So now more dollars are spent trying to add emotional response to a film experience. And sure enough there is a pay-off………..right from the start. At just 00:11 seconds in the bass cellos are creating a Head-Fi trigger here at Redcarmoose Labs……the rest is history as this tune is creating quite a stir. In fact at the start of this review I said that the low end was maybe better than the GK100? Now to tell you the truth the GK100 has an ounce or two of more bass, it is $200.00 dollars and a lot of instrumental action, sure this OST is slightly bigger and offers maybe slightly more GK100 fireworks. We already learned that the GK100 is going ahead and providing an extra dose of tip-top realism and pizzaz. Yet the GK20 is no slouch and even though the vocal in choir form will show-up in this song later..........right at this point I’m simply getting off on the quality bass action. Its action into the bass response is both deep and yet still careful. I say careful as right at the 00:12 - 00:13 mark, right after the big bass drop there is another accent……………… is a subtle extra bass additive that just goes to show how complete the GK20 is. Though to be critical here there are violin string accents that will often show-up more vivid with a number of other IEM replays……..and as always I’m listening for them, trying to hear them appear? Sure this audio glitch in the matrix is real, yet as I sit back and chomping banana cookies, I’m simply reporting on it. Sure they are there, just not as heard and not as clear being they're actual string friction bow accents which can often come off more vivid and clear? Yet as my first review of 2024, it doesn’t bother me as much, and especially not as much as reading about it would have you guess. LOL Plus I need to find something missing right? Something that is out of place……And I’m as always trying to figure out why this is……are the strings overshadowed by other more vivid instrumentation? Sure I can hear them, they are just not as separate from the background as regularly heard other times? So I go through and play this beginning over and over…….about nine times so far…..and it doesn’t get any better. In fact it is these violins are the very first things you hear to clue you in on the fact the stereo is on and functioning as correct, making music. I mean there is a dramatic boost of low-end energy which creates the cello and stand-up bass you fully hear……it is just a slight over emphasis which occludes the violins…..not that much of a big deal. Actually things like this are welcomed as there is no such thing as a perfect IEM, and as such issues like this keep it real.



Stand-up bass:


Apocalypse & Chill
Chemical Redemption
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Really cool that I’m ending with this song. And while other IEMs may do those violins better in the last song, they don’t always get this syncopated bass as forward or as vibrant as it is heard here. Right out of the gate at 00:00 you get such a pace maker……..and it is pushed way forward to what could only be described and vibrant and exquisite. Now this song is a toughie and part of my testing regime. I’m actually trying to cause trouble here. The guitar at 00:08 is a defining feature of Symphonic Metal. No where else would they even try to place this buzz-saw of a tone. This is actually a very careful test of BA timbre, and it is an overly busy song with 100 things going off at once. So what we are looking for is first a listenable and true to life guitar tone, then we are exploring just how well the GK20 is able to take the song apart and provide a credible reproduction. There is another reason I chose this guitar tone, because many may be sitting back in their easy chair and laughing with a GEEK WOLD product due to the treble accents ...that it would be better to leave this song for other IEMs to do better with. And there is some truth to that statement, yet there is not a yes, no type of answer here. As with tone there are maybe 10 different levels of perception, meaning most of the time few IEMs get it right anyway. Yet here there is no denying that nothing is left out, nothing is missing, maybe due to the middle “giant” BA, but what makes this whole thing really work out is Charlotte Wessels vibrant vocal imaging. Yep, who cares about those guitars as we now realize there is a method to this madness. That in fact Charlotte Wessels vocals get placed farther out front and make use of contrasts to somehow make it all sound correct and balanced. There are also faint extra accents to the ssssss sound she makes that sounds like an overdub, yet smooth and natural here with GK20 playback. Now I won't gussy up anything, sure I’ve heard this played back less trebly and less bright, which makes me realize that while correct here, it is on the brighter edge of correct. With that said, that doesn’t mean any bass was left out, it is just there is a tilt to the GK20 that maybe will be loved by some with this number, and while maybe showing the song actually for what it is, some would choose a different route.

Music conclusions:
First off, that Chemical Redemption song is an odd-ball and has very little weight in showing what the GK20 is about. Luckily I have switched back to more regular programming to finish this conclusion. Yet I can’t help but notice this slight slant of brighter than regular replay. There are 5 midrange and treble providers doing all this brightness. Yet the two DDs also add the service of grounding everything. The GK20 is balanced but is also offering a window into a more detailed and clear idea of under $100.00 replay. Is some of this treble energy synthetic or over used……..I’m not sure…..but at this price point the GK20 is totally listenable and unique. You have to remember I’m using the most treble centric wide-bore ear-tips to increase the stage size. In fact............a switch over to regular bore can reduce much of this treble energy and bring about a possibly more balanced tone? Still note the picture below……….yep, take note of the maximum treble and maximum soundstage wide-bore silicone ear-tips the GEEK WOLD have included in your package! They want you to experience this ultimate stage playback.






Depending who you are, the GEEK WOLD may have your name on it. The brand somehow has kept-up with the times to provide an always improving sound per dollar ratio. And while the GK100 came out in May of 2022, and is $200.00, you can tell that GEEK WOLD didn’t let up. In their imagination they thought they may introduce an IEM which was $101.00 dollars less expensive, yet did these airy forward and real sounding vocals……they of course had to also remove 2 drivers and an insanely nice 3 in 1 Hukugei cable to do so. We don’t have that incredible cable like the GK100 has, yet still we have 7 complete drivers for under 100.00. And it sounds like 7 drivers……it really does. Oh, and as far as instrumental music goes, the GK100 does that way better all day long, yet that doesn’t mean the GK20 does it bad, just not as good. Yet those reverberations into how the vocals are presented may make the GK20 the ultimate choice anyway…....that and build and fitment……..I mean common just look at the GK20…’s the cat’s meow! You're probably going to expect me to talk about which one would be better for certain genres….....and I’m not. Why? Besides vocals being best with the GK20, both IEMs are super balanced and super efficient at everything, they really are. There is just enough bass with the GK20 to pull-off EDM, just enough shimmer to do violins in Classical, and enough midrange and lower midrange to make that groove happen in Rock. So you see if you add vocals to the GK20 line of features it really does it all…..and that is saying a lot for an IEM priced at $99.00!

And while it’s not everything, phone playback is fine and will suffice during those times when out and about, but I would seriously recommend a dongle or audiophile DAP to feed the GK20 the style of food it’s accustomed to. When roaming out in the city the GK20 seems to be made for this style of elements, offering a deep custom fit and really good noise occlusion, being it is fully solid. Yet on the medium smaller side, and being only 5 grams per IEM, there are reasons for this style of fitment. And to think they squeezed in all 7 drivers? Yep, each driver does something to bring the sound frequencies to life. Separation, tone sculpturing, vocal and instrument realism....all into a sumptuous stage display…….....…need I say more?



I want to thank Penon Audio for the GEEK WOLD GK20 review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP in 4.4mm balanced
Samsung Phone 3.5mm output
Last edited:
"Redcarmooae lab" - that as far as I could read it :frowning2:


New Head-Fier
GeekWold GK20 : Turquoise Tribrid Surprise
Pros: High-quality shell
Nice comfort and fit
Good packaging
Removable cable
Hybrid drivers
Good tips (could be better)
Good and natural Bass (slightly warm)
Good details and no harshness
Warm slightly bright signature for a Hybrid
Price/quality ratio
Easy to drive (you don’t need anything expensive)
Cons: Treble It could be hot for someone
Tips quality
Sub-bass could be more
Fingerprints on shell
Not for bass-heads



I am grateful to Siyuan from GeekWold for sending me the GeekWold GK20 review sample!

This is my first IEM from this brand; they focus a lot on multi-driver IEMs with very aggressive prices compared to the market, so there was a lot of curiosity coming from me.

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In this review, I will try to compare them with the Kinera Phoenixcall, as they are similar.

Nonetheless, the review will remain impartial and entirely truthful.

I’m not an audiophile; I’m just a guy that likes to test out different IEMs and DACs and spends a lot of time listening to music.

So I’m not going to use super-technical words to review it, but I will do my best to describe it.

Tech Specs:​


  • 3BA + 2DD + 2 Piezoelectric Hybrid Technology
  • 4-Way Crossover Technology
  • 3D Printing Processed Shells
  • Impedance: 10Ω
  • Sensitivity: 105DB
  • Frequency response: 20HZ-40KHZ
  • Headphone cable specification: 1.2m, 4.4 plug, 4 strands, 112*0.06, oxygen-free copper silver plated + single crystal copper mixed


The GeekWold GK20 package has compact dimensions, is well made, and has sufficient attention to detail. Inside, we find accessories such as:


  • Hard case
  • 4.4mm balanced cable
  • 6 pairs of tips
  • Manual

I must say that the accessories do not stand out for their quality. The case is more than excellent; only the logo is missing on it, but to keep the cost down, it’s fine as is. The tips are numerous, but they don’t do the IEM justice.


The darker ones, having a very narrow hole, compress the sound, while the others are slightly better but still not good enough. I would have seen a nice set of Nicehck 07 tips included.

The cable is simple, just the right thickness to be light, and has good overall quality; personally, I wouldn’t replace it.

Design/Build quality:​

The GeekWold GK20 has a very finished look; the construction seems solid, and the 3D printing is good. The faceplate looks like a crystalline sea that varies from the ambient light; its beauty reflects the light in different shades (it makes more sense in photos with artificial light). The shape of its shell is strongly contoured but does not cause any positioning problems (more on that later). Unfortunately, without a design with a transparent shell, you cannot peek inside unless you open it like a walnut.

I took photos in artificial and natural light conditions; where I live, there is often fog and very little sun in the cold months. Since the colors change a lot based on the light I decided to keep all the photos and divide them into a couple of galleries. I hope you enjoy them!


They managed to put many drivers inside:

  • High-Resolution Composite 2BA (High frequency)
  • High-resolution Large size Full frequency BA (Medium frequency)
  • Composite 2-unit 8mm piezoelectric ceramic unit (extremely high frequency)
  • 8mm coaxial dual-cavity DD, LCP diaphragm DD + Composite titanium diaphragm DD (low frequency)

Externally, we can see a classic-type nozzle. I would have thought of a nozzle where the tubing could be clearly seen. On the shell, we see at least two holes for internal ventilation. There are no driver flex or internal pressure issues.

As you can see from the photos, they retain fingerprints a lot. I tried to clean them before taking the photos but as soon as I touched them, they went back to how they were before.



The dimensions of the Geekwold GK20 are quite important in terms of thickness; in fact, they protrude from the ear, and if you plan to use them while you are lying on your side in bed, they are obviously not suitable. In terms of shape, however, I find them shaped very well. Since they can be a little tiring due to the bright highs, positioning is essential. The included tips didn’t excite me, but I recommend tips that help the low frequencies emerge (I’ll deal with the topic later). I did sessions for up to 3 hours in a row, and I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort.

Initial sound impression:​


From the first listen, I was positively surprised by the level of detail and brilliance. But the low end was very attenuated and covered, so I decided to do some burn-in. There are those who believe it is of absolutely no use, but I believe that if the headphones have never been used, the driver is stiffer than it should be, especially if they are cold.

In any case, a surprising first listen.

Tips rolling:​

During the 11/11 period, I took advantage of the opportunity to get several discounted tips on both Aliexpress and Hifigo. I chose both “expensive” and “cheap” models.

For the GK20, you need a tip that improves the low range, as they are already bright enough.


Dunu S&S: I didn’t find them particularly suitable for the set, as they don’t particularly help the low range. I personally won’t use them, but I would need them in size L.

Divinus Velvet: These fit universally on every IEM! They are 100% suitable for perfect positioning and very good sealing. They help the bass stand out, but they are not too noticeable.

Kbear / Nicehck 07: Among the cheapest, they remain my favorites. They are not suitable for all IEMs on the market but the GK20 should definitely include them in the package. The bass improves and isolation is very good.

Tri Clarion: Honestly, they are made to emphasize the high frequencies; avoid them for this set.


Whizzer SS20: Holy crap! Bingo! Wide-bored tips do the magic! The most comfortable ever. You struggle to hear them, but they are the only ones that maintain the low frequencies by slightly opening the stage.

Final sound impression:​

Equipment used for testing above


  • iMac
  • Redmi Note 7 Snapdragon


  • Foobar2000 24bit 192kHz (iMac)
  • Amazon music UHD 24bit 96kHz (Both)


After waiting about 30–40 hours of burn-in, I don’t know if it actually helped or if it’s just my brain, but the low frequencies are slightly more present.


These impressions that I am about to write were obtained using the Whizzer SS20 tips. In terms of genres, I used a very varied mix. I started with R&B, then jazz, pop, deep house, and dance.

With the GeekWold GK20, an excellent level of detail immediately stands out; the general representation is very good; it has a brilliant signature with a warm base that occasionally leaks through. I must say that the presence of multiple drivers makes itself felt, as it behaves very well. On some tracks, the high range gets a little hot at high volumes, but I think it’s perfect for treble-heads. I would have liked a tighter bass.

It’s not a harsh set, but some might definitely not like it. If you are sensitive, the upper mid and high frequencies are a bit spicy; be careful! The tuning obtained focuses on detail.


The high frequencies are well pushed by the balanced armatures and piezoelectric drivers. They are quite bright and full of detail, but perhaps a touch more air would have given it that extra touch; however, the bass region should also have been revised to counterbalance. High-pitched voices and musical instruments such as cymbals have the necessary sparkles without being offensive.


The midrange is certainly not too far behind the rest. In reality, I think they come immediately after the high frequencies, so they are practically in the foreground. The tonality of the voices is only slightly colder; the same goes for the instruments. Perhaps the brightness of the highs tends to make it seem colder than it should, but overall, the bass counterbalances the situation. Only a little depth is missing in the male voices. The female voices are definitely better, as they are lively and sinuous. Excellent representation.


The low frequencies are hidden behind the rest. Personally, I would have given an extra push, especially on the sub-bass, which is a little too delicate. Overall, the bass has excellent quality, and if the track requires it, you can appreciate its qualities. In songs where the bass (understood as a string instrument) is present, the representation of the sound is good, but the perception of the vibrating string is light. It is definitely not suitable for bass-heads. However, it will certainly be me gradually getting used to it but the bass improves over time and if you connect some dual Cirrus logic or DAC with a warm signature, you will find the correct balance.


The GeekWold GK20 has a very clear image, and in my opinion, it is even superior to more famous brands. The separation is very good, so I think the internal structure is well made, as it is difficult to hear overlapping sounds. The soundstage is not excessively wide; I would say average. Only some instruments can be heard a little beyond the ear. I think you can define it as a naturally shaped soundstage. In terms of representation, I would say better than Phoenixcall.


vs Hidizs MS3

Hidizs MS3

The Hidizs MS3 has a slightly higher price (actually on sale at 99 USD) and higher overall build quality. The high range is much more pushed and further suitable for treble-heads. In comparison, the GeekWold GK20 is a very quiet set! The bass, on the other hand, has a slightly greater impact; the same goes for the sub-bass. On the image and soundstage sides, perhaps the MS3 stands out slightly.

The GK20 would certainly come out on top after a long listening session. Compared to the MS3, it’s a decidedly warm set!

vs Hidizs MS5


I absolutely realize that this is an over-budget comparison but I still decided to see if the difference in the final result was audible. Putting tuning aside momentarily, imaging seems to be more accurate on the GeekWold GK20, at least as long as you don’t keep the volume low. The MS5 is sometimes overloaded with micro-details and when the volume is turned up, the highs become too hot (depending on the track). The basses have a completely different body; their presence is much more marked and the quality is excellent. On the MS5, I notice greater depth in the voices and instruments and a wider and more defined soundstage. They are two different products, and the difference is noticeable even if it is not that exaggerated.

vs Kinera Celest Phoenixcall


The Kinera Celest Phoenixcall is loved and hated but from my point of view, even if the graphics seen online are not the best, the result is excellent. Among the other sets, it is the most relaxed, the one that would certainly cause less trouble for the most sensitive.

They are even less punchy on the high frequencies; however, the tuning and tonality seem slightly more coherent on the GK20. The Phoenixcall bass is more present and closer to my personal taste. All in all, they are two very relaxed sets compared to the Hidizs sets.


I thank Siyuan of GeekWold again for the opportunity to test one of their models. As my first experience with this brand, I can say that there are people with experience behind it.

My opinion at the end of the review is that this company is truly aiming for high quality at low prices. I find the tuning extremely pleasant, although I would have hoped for something more on the low frequencies, which, however, seem to improve as the hours of listening go by (it’s probably my brain).

The included accessories could be improved, especially from the point of view of the tips, which are extremely important. I stopped on the Whizzer SS20 tips, which help the soundstage and also the low frequencies a little.

The GeekWold GK20 sounds good, with an overall very defined but warm representation compared to other hybrids in my possession.

The ones they vaguely resemble the most are the Phoenixcall but in terms of detail and tuning, in my opinion, we have something more. I think it’s an excellent result to be proud of.

Now I’m extremely curious to try the GK10S, which, in the 50 USD budget, seems really interesting.

Geekwold is raising the bar and I’m sure it will become more and more famous in the IEM field.

Where to buy:​

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New Head-Fier
Geek Wold GK20 Review
Pros: 1. A very technical iem, beats iem twice its price in terms of technicalities

2. The bass is really crisp

3. The female vocals are really good

4. Very comfortable to wear

5. The included case is really good
Cons: 1. Could get shouty for some

2. The included tips are very very bad

3. More tips should have been given inside the box

4. Personally would have like a bit more bass here.


Hello Guys, today I am going to review the GeekWold GK20. You might not have heard of the name of GeekWold. Their previous IEM the GK10 was highly regarded as being one of the best IEM under $200 in terms of technicalities. The GK10 costs around $99. There were very few people who had reviewed it. Also recently there was a GK100 which launched at around $200 after that there were two more launches one is the elder sibling of the GK100 the GK200 which is $350 and another one the elder sibling and updated version of the GK10 the GK20. Which is what we have here.

I just wanted to give a brief info as many might not have heard of GeekWold.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

Thanks to Geek Wold for sharing this review unit. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

You can buy one for yourself here (Unaffiliated Links) :-

Build Quality, Comfort and Accessories:-

1. The packaging of the box is quite nice and it looks like a smartphone packaging.

2. The iem themselves are very comfortable.

3. I could wear them for 3-4 hours without any issues.

4. Has no driver flex.

5. Although the nozzle of the iem is quite short and you have to tip roll a lot to get a decent fit.

6. The cable is quite supple and is good 4 core cable which terminated to 4.4mm

7. When I first got the gk20 was only available in 4.4 but geekwold told me that they will soon launch a 3.5mm version too.

8. Also I want to say that the cable didn’t fit into the IEM hence I am using the moondrop chu 2 cable with it. Also the IEM had some issues specially with the left iem where in most cable like the $70 7hz thunderbird cable, and quite a few others the pins didn’t fit for the left iem. Only two cable fit it one was a kinera cable and other was chu 2 cable. Now geekwold told me this was a one of production issue and I had that as it was a pre-production unit and customer units wont be having such issues.

9. The case provided is quit big and very good, although a tad bit impractical for carrying it around in your pocket. Although in my unboxing video I did say that the case is the best. I was wrong I still prefer the BGVP P05 case which is perfect in size and great for pocketing it daily.

10. About the tips provided, this is the first time that has happened that a stock tip didn’t fit me at all. Also the tips quality is not really that good, they feel a bit cheap. I had to tip roll and i settled on a pair of foam tips from and the double flange tips form Truthear. In my testing the foam tips were the best.

11. The GK20 has 3BA + 2DD + 2PZT

- The 8mm DD is responsible for the low frequencies

- Another DD is resposnsible for the medium frequencies

- The 3BA are responsible for high frequencies

- The 2 PZT are responsible for ultra high frequencies


Sound Impressions:-

1. As said above due to the stock cable not working and the stock tips not fitting me at all. I had to use a third party cable and foam tips.

2. So talking about the sound I would say it overall a V signature but with emphasis on the mid to high frequencies.

3. The vocals are absolutely fantastic over here and so is the treble.

4. The overall sound is very clean.

5. The timbre of the iem is a bit off and a bit metalicy sometimes.

Bass -

- The bass although not the main star of the show here is very tactile and very clean

- The bass may not have the same rumble as many other iems, but it is a very detailed bass

- Mid bass is pronounced than the sub-bass.

- Listening to Waltz By sunny fruit although wasn't that dynamic bass wise, it felt really good to listen to it here. The bass presentation was really nicely laid and there was no muddyness here.

- I personally would have liked a bit more bass, that would have made it really go well in tandem with fantastic treble.

Mids -

- The vocals are really good

- When listening to male vocals I was really happy with this, but there wasnt that oomph I generally want from the male vocals.

- Chris Cornell & Bill withers Voice although sounded quite good the richness and warmness of their voice didn’t really come across that well.

- Now I wouldn’t say that it bad, but rather I would say it is slight above average.

- Male vocals certainly do take the back seat when compared to the female vocals.

- The female vocals is this where it shines!

- The female vocals are lush, smooth and detailed. As someone who listens to quite a few female vocals this is awesome.

- Listening to ikkimonogakari or Naoko Isamu was really rewarding and I hit repeat a lot of times.

- This fantastic female vocals could be a bit to much for many as at higher volumes or even at medium volumes many might find it too much to handle and shrilly.

- The instruments sounds really good here, although the timbre is a bit off sometimes.

- During busy tracks it got a bit claustrophobic, this is a nitpick for this price point.

Treble -

- The treble is really awesome over here! If you are a treblehead this is an iem for you.

- The treble is very clean and well controlled.

- For me personally it never got too much and stayed very pleasing to me.

- The extension is where it suffers a bit, a bit more of it would have helped it a lot.

- This very forward treble might be bit too much for some as it is quite into your face in certain situations on some songs.

Technicalities :-

It is very good at that, it doesn’t muddy up when it comes to that. I would say it competes or even bests iem twice that price. If you want a really good technical sounding iem this is it!

Soundstage :-

It is very good and quite wide. There is very good width and the height of the soundstage is a bit average. While listening to “Galactic Funk” 1985 Live edition it was very good at it but the sense of height was a bit average.

Imaging :-

The imaging is fantastic! It was really good in imaging transition too. Watching media was really good on this.

Gaming Test :-

- I had a good sense of awareness of surrounding when playing games.

- The imaging in the game was really good when gaming

- During parts of the game when there was too much happening the treble was too much to handle and it got too piercy.


Recommendation :-

- Overall I would recommend this IEMS, but the sound signature not for everyone

- It is bit heavy on the upper mids and treble and people sensitive might be a bit turned off by it.

- Treblehead will love this iem. Although a bit more treble extension would have been nice.

- I personally would have loved a bit more bass as that would make it even more palatable to my sound signature, the bass here is really clean a bit more would have really helped it.

- The overall timbre of the iem is a bit metallic sometimes, this is a bit of nitpick for the price.

- In terms of technicalities this beats iems twice the price if you want a technical iem with great female vocals this is the iem to go for.

- Please do keep in mind of the shortcomings I have mentioned about IEM in terms of sound

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Geek Wold for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead :)
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I don't listen to much of metal, but from the few i listen to i would suggest against it as some metal could sound a bit piercy at higher volumes and the bass doesnt complement it well enough. Hope this helps :)
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