Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
More love for a great IEM AND a great team... At CJ Singapore I noticed the big jump in comparison between a portable DAP and the desktop setup Dita used. Do you have any comparison notes when switching to your RS8?

Comfort-wise I found them fantastic, initially, but noticed they very slowly made their way to the exit. As in, slowly sliding out of my ears, and I wonder whether that was the weight, the rounded shape, or the tips. Has this happened to you more than a few times?

Insanely, crazily overpriced. And i’m not even gonna start on the cable.
That’s almost budget as far as flagships go? You mean the extra Celeste cable? That is pricey, still price is a subjective affair.
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I bought Celesta cable and i can tell that is really fantastic,better than my First Tome with Traillii,more natural on mid high and more aire,bass is similar
Budget, you say? How much better than the IE 900 are these? (I know objectively it's impossible to answer so i'll take an subjective answer, as well). What's the price difference between the two? Good. Now, can you tell me that these are twice as good as the IE 900? I know, i know - the realm of diminishing returns but still, what returns might one see for a more than 1500$ price increase? (And all this is accepting that these are better than the IE 900, although i'm quite sure opinions will be at least split 50/50).
Indeed, price is subjective but as far as i'm educated, paying close to 3k$ for a cable that's less than 2m long and it's not used on a live concert scene defies subjectivity and slips into the land of "lack of common sense".