Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
I love Slee over the SL :) 
Thanks for your sharing
Not a problem! 
Jeff Y
Jeff Y
I'm trying to decide whether or not I should upgrade my Graham Slee Solo SRG2 to the Ultra-Linear. I use the HD650 most of the time with it.
Haven't compared the two slee's side by side unfortunately. The HD650's paired remarkably well with the ultra-linear diamond. Very well, believe me!
Great review , she's surely in the short list of my next purchase coming soon
Jeff Y
Jeff Y
What do you think of the Slee's bass, it confused me a little since you talked so much about its highs. (my ultra-linear diamonds on the way from britain) also, where did you get your slees?
Trying to find a good amplifier to pair with Ultrasone Signature DJ... Is burson the way to go?
If you want more bass with the sig DJ's, then I reckon the burson will satisfy! 
About the Slee's bass - it'll depend on which headphones you use.
better srgII for hd650, the best is with the psu1
the ultra linear de is to smooth for the hd650
better the soloist for audeze 
i owned all the 3s and i m enjoying with a Conductor right now 
Jeff Y
Jeff Y
I thought the ultra linear was supposed to be superior to the srg2 in everyway :p
Jeff Y
Jeff Y
could you elaborate on the HD650 usage with the amps?
it is
but not so much if you use the srgII with the psu1
anyway: the ultralinear is pretty warm, and i prefer the srgII for the hd650 cause it take out from the cans a bit more treble etc..
hd650 with ulde sounds very good, but the amp take out even more laid back for my taste 
i used it both with gs1000 and audeze and ulde is far superior to the SRGII
both the amps doesn t provide enough power to drive audeze 2.2 properly
but sonically speaking i like the ulde very much
maybe, when/if i will go for audeze X i will come back to the ulde..
Jeff Y
Jeff Y
well what im wondering the most about is the ultra-linear. Ive seen a lot of people say it sound more "three dimensional" compared to the srg2. Not sure if this is just because of the sound signiture or wut