Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
The Fed
The Fed
Appreciate this review... Especially verifying the Kenzie's synergy with the HD800.
I've been on the fence between the Kenzie, the Berning Micro ZOTL and the SAC Thailand Minute... Can't say this decided it for me but its some information where before there was little to none. Thanks for putting something out on the Kenzie.
I have been remiss in regards to communicating the merits of the Kenzie but once the HD800 entered the picture I felt compelled to say something considering the reputation the HD800 seems to have, The Kenzie blew that stereotype out of the water,  I got the HD800 yesterday at noon and the played to 1:00am, and turned back on at 11am and are on my head as I type, The combination is outstanding
Nice review.  I am in the market for an new headphone amp.  Was curious. Do you listen to your HD800s in the 32 ohm or 600 ohm jack?
Hello, I have used both, and frankly not much difference between the 2 maybe slightly better bass on the 32 ohm tap (from memory) I now have a different amp of Justins (my 4th)  I have his personal SE84 and use HD700's with it sounds superb. This is likely my final system
Interesting.  Perhaps the 600 ohm tap is more suited for the Beyerdynamic T1s which are actually a 600 ohm headphone.  I have read that it drives the T1s remarkably well.  I may get a pair of T1s.  Have not considered the HD700.  Do you still recommend the Kenzie?  Do not plan on using a smartphone with an amp personally at this point.