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“If you are a masochist, you will prefer the 6xx”.
“Hard on the ears, grungy, grainy”

Then this:

“6xx sounds much more neutral and transparent with vocals...they sound more accurate...piano notes also sound more pleasing”

How can it be ‘accurate’ with one type of music but you condemn it for being ‘harsh and grungy’ with another? Is it not doing it’s job by telling the truth.

Given that, this CAL must be compressing everything that is slightly aggressive into one laid back safe muddy mess then. Who wants that?
@Beagle I respect and understand your point of view.

As always, my approach to writing is always the same: report and write only what my ears hear. "Geneva" is an instrumental album, and CAL.1H sounded more pleasing to my ears when listening to that album (which has a lot of aggressiveness), while the 6XX sounded more 'accurate' to my ears when listening to vocals. It's not exactly about the type of music, but rather about the type of sound.
Given that, this CAL must be compressing everything that is slightly aggressive into one laid back safe muddy mess then. Who wants that?
I absolutely see why you would assume so. However, I tried to explicitly point out in my review that this is not the case. I dislike 'warm' headphones for the same reasons you stated above. However, the CAL.1H doesn't do that. It is warm, but it doesn't take away life from music, it doesn't make everything sound blunt and boring.
Regarding the cables......how affordable are 3rd-party replacement miniXLR cables? Would I be able to buy some that come closer to your idea of an "ideal cable" that should have come with the Cal.1H?

Also, do you have pictures of your pair with your fit modification? Mind sharing photos of before and after the bending and tweaking?
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@Results45 It's hard to say how expensive a cable like that would be from a 3rd party manufacturer. Cables tend to be quite expensive in the audiophile industry, but if you are willing to go DIY and make one yourself, it shouldn't run you much more than ±50 euros. I don't know whether Aumkar would be willing to make make a special cable (the same one that comes with the RR1 Conquest) for your CAL.1H. Try sending him an email and asking.

I can make some "After" photos and send them to you via private messaging.
These were given to you free by manufacturer?
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@Philimon correct, as disclosed in the disclaimer. No secrets from me, I am always open about that.
Thanks @voja . I was unsure if you meant it was loaned to you (without strings attached), or if you meant gifted to you (without strings attached).

The CAL1.H looks good. Im wondering if Aumkar would be interested in a loaner tour.
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@Philimon I can ask him, or you yourself could send him an email. I don't know if he ever had a loaner tour in the past, but if not, he probably needs some help with the organizing and everything. I stand with you, it would be very interesting to do!
Not so fat head
How is this a "fantastic" bargain at $450.00, but the Airpod Max's were WAY overpriced at $549.00. Just check out a teardown video of the Airpod Max. These do seem like nice headphones thought. Maybe the headphones you're comparing it to, are just WAY overpriced.
@Not so fat head Upon further inspection and watching Airpods Max teardown videos and images, respectfully, I have to say that the two headphones are nothing alike. Airpods Max features an aluminum shell (like some other headphones). The CAL.1H features a true solid one-piece aluminum-machined ear-cups. It's a mouthful, and perhaps I haven't worded it in a way that translates what it truly is, so take a look at these pictures, they should do a much better job:



When I say this is a bargain, I am saying that considering the whole industry of headphones. I am taking into consideration 'all' current models of headphones. For me to call something a bargain takes a lot, I never say that lightly.
Thanks for the review :)
Do you think they could accept a bit of EQ to the high frequencies?
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Nice review, I will check them out as I'm looking for a signature (and open back) headphone like this...I assume that the cable will have to be replaced, no major dealbreaker. Will most have "fitment" issues like you or is this just an anomaly? Thanks again.

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@LostnAmerica No, most & the majority will never have the fitting/comfort issues that I had. That's what I discovered, I am the anomaly.
@Nick24JJ Great question!
I myself never use EQ, so I wouldn't be able to give you an accurate answer. Then there's the other thing, people report that not all EQ's are the same. For example, some rate iBasso's EQ on their DAPs better/worse than other DAP manufacturer's EQ's. If that's true, then you have the debate which EQ to choose... What can I say, the usual audiophile rabbit hole(s) :wink:
Memorial and Bloodmoon are amazing albums too. Love Russian Circles.
@escapeism I find something in their music that I don't find anywhere else. I am looking forward to listening to their whole discography soon.
I was also considering the difference housing material options and how they might have an affect on the sound you are describing with your unit. But that would require reviewing the others.
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You were listening to the 6XX on that DAP thing too?
@Empyah To make the comparison fair, yes.
Can you please elaborate a little bit more about how they compare to the iBasso SR2s? They are one of my favorite headphones along with the AQ birds. In fact I ended up purchasing the SR2 because someone mentioned them as being a level up to the Nighthawk/NightOwls. In your opinion…..sound-wise, how do the Altiat Cal. compare to the ones I mentioned? I am looking something with their sound signature that can be considered a higher level without the ZMF and Audeze’s price tag. Your opinion and advise is greatly appreciated.
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