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  1. mrcircle

    Comparisons between USB cables - what have you tried and in what systems?

    I'll play. My desktop audio chain is a 2012 iMac > Audioengine D1 DAC  > Wireworld Equinox III ICs > Audioengine A2 powered speakers, with 3' of Anti-Cable speaker wire connecting the powered speaker to its passive mate. To me, cables are important components in the overall synergy of a system...
  2. mrcircle

    head-direct? Other sites?

    I've been very happy with Head-Direct. My PK3s arrived about 3-4 days after I ordered them. I haven't needed customer service myself but many have reported good experiences. And you're unlikely to find better prices anywhere else.
  3. mrcircle

    Etys vs Shures... you decide for me

    Just to throw in my $.02 worth, I've also owned both the Shure E3c and Ety 4p (with conversion cable), listening primarily to my minidisc player through the new Total Airhead amp. To my ears, the Ety's are far superior and more musically engaging. The Shures are very rolled off in the high...
  4. mrcircle

    iRiver iMP-350 vs. 550

    Thanks, Oddball. I'd forgotten about Xin's recommendation. I found a refurbished DFJ401 for $81.90 including shipping: I think this is just right for my needs. Thanks for steering me in a better direction.
  5. mrcircle

    iRiver iMP-350 vs. 550

    Thanks for clarifying, bangraman. So is there a currently available PCDP with a "good" line out? I know everyone keeps touting the vintage ones, but there must be something around that's decent (and portable, unlike the old tanks), maybe the Sony D-JE2000?
  6. mrcircle

    iRiver iMP-350 vs. 550

    Yikes! This is more complicated than I thought it would be... I was basing my decision on recommendations at the Headamp website (the iRiver is the only new PCDP they recommend, though not a specific model) and an apparently naive belief that a line out is just that. So how is the iRiver's...
  7. mrcircle

    iRiver iMP-350 vs. 550

    Is there a difference in sound quality between the two? This is for use with a portable amp, so I'm mostly just concerned with the line out. I don't need the extra features (or expense) of the 550, but would like to get the best sound. Anyone have an opinion? Thanks, Michael