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  1. james3shin

    E4s, and what the fuss is all about!

    just got some e4's yesterday and they are great! I agree that they are very balanced, and smooth. Now to get a line out for my mini and a portable amp.
  2. james3shin

    Shure E4C - Reviews, Opinions & Ramblings Thread

    could anyone post a pic of the E4's in their ear? Also has anyone listened to the E4's through the line out of a ipod via pocketdock and so on?
  3. james3shin

    Holy Crap - advice please!

    The idea behind a "source" is...sub-par source = sub-par sound, good source = good sound. So basically you can have the greatest headphones in the world, but when paired up with a sub-par source, the sound quality is just not going to be at its full potential. While you don't have to go blowing...
  4. james3shin

    Holy Crap - advice please!

    Sorry to hear about your grandmother...As for your headphone choice, the 580's are indeed a great choice, and I have owned this pair for about 2 years now. They are terrific especially to the high ends...very spacious sounding as well to me. I primarily listen to Hip-Hop/Rap, Classical, and...
  5. james3shin

    E5C or UM2 or wait for E4C and UE 5Pro?

    I don't see the harm in waiting, seeing as how the future is sounding very nice according to Jude's review of the E4C's...the new Ultimate Ears should be good contenders as well. I see no reason to take the plunge yet. Just wait, a little bit longer. *EDIT* Oh, I forgot to welcome you to the...
  6. james3shin

    What happened to the Shure E4 group buy thread?

    indeed! The cans are not even released at this moment so no need to hurry, its not like they are going to run out
  7. james3shin

    What happened to the Shure E4 group buy thread?

    All in all, I support Jude's concerns and reasoning for this upcoming draft. As someone above stated, one of these days, if a group buy were to go awry, there would be alot of fingers being pointed at Head-fi and so on. Better safe then sorry. I've been burned by trolls and it is not a pleasant...
  8. james3shin

    canal/earbuds for school and Portable player

    from looking at pics of a person wearing the e2c's, i think they look like hearing aids when inserted if you look at a profile shot. A bit bigger then I thought. As for recommendations, how about the Sony ex71's?
  9. james3shin

    Got my Shure E2c's

    I think the size of the e2c's are a bit daunting to me. They look a bit awkward compared to say the e3c's, which don't seem that much smaller as well, or the EX71's. After reading this review I am more inclined towards the E3c's then before. Good review, once again.
  10. james3shin

    Got my Shure E2c's

    After reading the original post and looking at the pics, the e2c's are definately not for me...thanks for the info, this was like a review, and a good one at that. Many thanks.
  11. james3shin

    SWEET!!! My HD580's have returned from RMA!!

    Just received them from RMA, I think they sent me a whole new set of cans, and will have to burn them in, but they sound great right out of the box on my ipod mini compared to the stocks...Miles hasn't sounded this good in a long while to me
  12. james3shin

    anyone run with earbuds in here? Need to know which won't fall out.

    those clip things for earbuds, do they have some universal clips that can go with any bud? Im considering the e2cs, but they looks rather large for me ears!
  13. james3shin

    anyone run with earbuds in here? Need to know which won't fall out.

    I like to go run and am looking at some earbuds specifically the shure e2c, Sony EX71's, Sharp MD33's and Sony EX81's. If anyone goes out running and have any of these earbuds it would be appreciated how well they fair. My source while running will by my Ipod mini by the way. Thanks in advance.
  14. james3shin

    Yahba Opus anyone?

    I was on ipodlounge just surfing around and found a review of some can from Yahba called the Opus as stated in the title, and apparently for the money they give the EX71's a good run if not surpassing them. Yahba Opus Review from
  15. james3shin

    HE90 Orpheus and Other Nice Things (WARNING 56Kers)...

    you got alot of $$$ on them ears man...lots of $$$
  16. james3shin

    can anyone ID the song playing in this vid?

    Awesome, thanks for the if anyone knows the 2nd song it would be greatly appreciated.
  17. james3shin

    Shure: New Earphones? (Shure E4c)

    very nice appearance, hope they sound as good as they look
  18. james3shin

    can anyone ID the song playing in this vid?

  19. james3shin

    Besides audiocubes, who else sell MD33's?

    Im looking around for some MD33's once again after a sale fell through, and audoicubes has them for 49.99 shipped which is a bit more then i'd like, the $10 shipping hurt...
  20. james3shin

    hmmm the EX7's or MD33's???

    indeed oink, ill definately take the mod into consideration
  21. james3shin

    hmmm the EX7's or MD33's???

    yeah i read that mod, i don't know how proficient i am with soldering, i wonder if i could just clip off the 4 pole and reterminate with the standard 3 pole. then the md33 would be perfect for me
  22. james3shin

    hmmm the EX7's or MD33's???

    ooh..commando you may have just swayed me back towards the MD33's with that cord but im still gonna search around a bit...thanks for the FYI!!
  23. james3shin

    hmmm the EX7's or MD33's???

    yeah its bothering me, i got like 8 windows up with various MD33 reviews and EX7/EX8 reviews
  24. james3shin

    hmmm the EX7's or MD33's???

    I've been reading over past threads and for my mini ipod, i've come down to these two...At first the MD33's were going to be my clear choice with its great balance, control and versitility...but then i read about its 4 pole plug and its long cumbersome cord/adaptor which i wouldn't mind so much...