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  1. realityclouded

    Portable phones needed - ear/noise protection

    Oh, I also forgot to mention that I don't like shoving things into my ears.
  2. realityclouded

    Portable phones needed - ear/noise protection

    Hello all. I'm spending about an hour each way to/from work on the subway daily for about four months now. A couple of weeks ago I realized my hearing has been affected from all the noise. So now I'm looking for headphones that will block out as much noise as possible. I'm willing to trade...
  3. realityclouded

    High end laptop audio

    Hello all. I'm looking to replace my desktop with a laptop. I currently have an M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 card in the desktop. It would be nice to have something similar or better in quality with coax digital out. Optical out would be nice too, but not required. Any suggestions?
  4. realityclouded

    USB jitter free, non-resampling dac.. anyone tried this?

    Yeah, that $3500 price tag is what made me post this topic instead of buying one to check it out myself. The description of the Headroom Bithead doesn't say anything more than this: "At the heart of every AirHead is a quad op-amp that does the buffering, cross-feed delay, mixing, and output...
  5. realityclouded

    What can Grado improve for their next line of headphones??

    Take the RS-1 speakers and put them into an HD650 frame. I can go 8-12 hours with my HD650, but after about two hours with my RS-1, my ears are on fire from those bowls. So basically, my first two hours of listening is with my RS-1, then I switch to my HD650 for the rest of the day/night...
  6. realityclouded

    USB jitter free, non-resampling dac.. anyone tried this? ...or anything like this?
  7. realityclouded

    Headphones for daily subway use

    Hmm. I'd rather not stick stuff into my ears.
  8. realityclouded

    Grado Build Quality?

    Regarding everyone's commenting on the tight crimping of the Y split.. If you squeeze the thinner cables going to the earcups, you'll notice that the wires inside are very, very thin. The tight crimp may actually serve to keep those thin wires from getting pulled too hard from the Y splitter, or...
  9. realityclouded

    Headphones for daily subway use

    To get paid. Normally the train ride would be about an hour each way to/from work, but sometimes (often enough) there are delays so it can be up to 1.5 hours each way. Needless to say, I will always have an extra set of batteries on me.
  10. realityclouded

    Headphones for daily subway use

    Hey all. I'll be riding the train for about 3 hours 5 days a week soon. I could use some advice, surprise surprise. Basically, I'm looking for isolation and sound characteristics close to the RS-1. It would be nice if the phones matched well with a Total Airhead or RA-1. I currently own...
  11. realityclouded

    Grado Build Quality?

    I like the Grado sound too much to avoid them simply because of a little extra glue and some handwritten numbers that normally go unseen. I figure if they last the warranty period without auditory problems, they'll last forever as long as they're not abused.
  12. realityclouded

    Grado Build Quality?

    So far, I've been pretty disappointed with Grado's build quality. My first RS-1 was very sloppily assembled - extra glue around the earcups, handwritten numbers on the earcups, the little wooden discs on the outside of the earcups were not properly centered, and the leather band was scratched...
  13. realityclouded

    The CHAIR: The final frontier. The ultimate audio "tweak"?

    I sit on a $20 folding wooden chair from Bed Bath & Beyond. I even got a $10 chair pad for it about a month ago. After that upgrade, I now know comfort. This chair takes up about 3" when folded, and is a key "feature" when you're roughing it in a studio apartment.
  14. realityclouded

    Upgrades ought to make your crap CDs sound worse!

    Quote: Originally posted by markl I don't think you've understood my post or I'm not understanding yours. The original poster from the thread you've taken my quote came to the Source forum with the following question: Here is this poster's current system that he seems to feel is giving...
  15. realityclouded

    Earmax Pro tube replacement

    After some more research, based on your replies, I've decided that a B&K 747B is what I want. Low maintenance, ease of use & calibration, smaller size, etc due to it's solid state design. Thanks guys.
  16. realityclouded

    Earmax Pro tube replacement

    Hello all. After enjoying my Earmax Pro for the past couple of weeks, I decided to do a little more research on the tubes. My EMP came with a Ruby 12AT7 and two unmarked 6DJ8 tubes. I'm assuming they came with cheap tubes because the manufacturer expects most buyers to replace them. After...
  17. realityclouded

    Making a bad source sound good

    Currently I'm using an Earmax pro and hd650/rs1, depending on my mood. The earmax is plugged into an m-audio audiophile 24/96. I guess my next step should be an external dac, yes? Oh, well. That won't be for at least another six months, wallet permitting. Thanks all for your input!
  18. realityclouded

    what do you encode in

    I'm ripping all my CDs to flac, ogg, and mp3. Flac for home listening, mp3 for portable listening, and Ogg for whenver the hell iRiver puts out a flash upgrade for the 550 supporting ogg. Even after that, I'll probably save my mp3s to write mp3 cds for the car if I ever buy another.
  19. realityclouded

    Making a bad source sound good

    Hey all. I know this may be a step backwards, but I'll ask anyways. "CD quality" doesn't always mean "audiophile quality". It's all about how the audio was recorded/mixed/whatever. So what happens when a few of your favorite CDs no longer sound good after all your upgrading? Your new super...
  20. realityclouded

    Post your computer source setup/specs here

    Quote: Originally posted by asdfeproiu9 Anyway, my sound card is at the top of the line - an RME HDSP-9652 Hammerfall, connected to an external, custom, non-oversampling DAC using a glass optical cable. I also have a word clock output on the DAC to connect back to the RME, to achieve...
  21. realityclouded

    Post your computer source setup/specs here

    Quote: Originally posted by lan You have UPS and adaquete cooling? Ahh yes, forgot about that. APC 1400 UPS Linux temps: 50-55C Windows temps: 50-56C "Mobile racks" for one side of each mirror on the Linux box. None for the Windows box. Temps vary depending on load. Not...
  22. realityclouded

    Post your computer source setup/specs here

    Well, after ugprades (the M-Audio card).. What I have: File server / router: Antec 1000AMG case Antec TRU550 PSU Epox 8KHA+ Athlon XP1700+ 1G memory Linux 2.4 600G RAID1 storage (not RAID0) All Vantec Stealth 80mm fans Thermalright SK7 heatsink Matrox G550 No audio cards, yet...
  23. realityclouded

    Post your computer source setup/specs here

    Quote: Originally posted by lan Next time use the computer's calculator 18000 minutes = 300 hours = 12.5 days Oops. Still recovering from last night. Quote: Originally posted by lan I can't write what I have yet. I'm reconfiguring as we speak. I just brought...
  24. realityclouded

    Computer digital out & external dac choices

    Quote: Originally posted by asdfeproiu9 I've talked to Scott before, and he will build you a TuebDac with an optical input for twenty dollars more. Did Scott happen to mention whether there'd be a hit to quality or not by the addition of an optical input? Quote: Also, you...
  25. realityclouded

    Post your computer source setup/specs here

    Please describe your current computer audio setup, what you think of it, and plans for improvement. I'm sure everyone's curious. 1. What is your current setup. 2. What do you think about it? 3. What plans do you have for improvement? Let's please not turn this into a "how can I improve...